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Assignment: Republic
Click on the link below to read about the Roman Republic.
Roman Republic Reading
Complete some additional research. You will cite at least 2 resources you used at the end using proper
citation style.
Using the material from your reading and some additional research, answer the following
1. Who were the patricians and plebeians?
2. Why did patricians want to prevent plebeians from holding important positions in
Roman society and government?
3. What were the roles and terms of office of the following?
4. How did the office of dictator contribute to the balance and stability of the Roman
Republic? Explain when there would be a dictator and what a dictator was expected to
5. What were at least 2 requirements for Roman citizenship?
6. What were at least 2 "rights" did Roman citizens have?
7. What is a ‘pure’ democracy?
8. How "democratic" was the government of the early Roman Republic?
9. Why was Cincinnatus considered to be the ideal Roman citizen?
10. How did Roman law safeguard the rights of individuals?
11. How did Roman law maintain order and provide security for the entire society?
12. Compare at least two of the Roman laws to laws to those of our society today.
13. Which laws seem unfair or tyrannical? Explain why.
14. Why do you think many praised the Twelve Tables and preferred to live under this
Roman legal code instead of under the laws of their native governments?
15. List at least 2 resources you used to answer your questions. Use proper citation style.