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Mrs. Kay
Chemistry 11 Course Outcomes
Unit One: Introduction
Define and give example of empirical, authoritative, rational, intuitive and
revealed knowledge.
Distinguish between observation and inference
Define scientific model
Distinguish between a chemical property (or change) and a physical property
(or change)
Define: Pure substance, impure material, mixtures, homogeneous and
heterogeneous, atoms, elements, compounds, molecules
State the characteristics of a solution and how they differ from pure
Distinguish purity from their melting point curves
Describe the characteristics of states of matter
Describe the following methods of physical separation: filtering, distillation,
chromatography and sifting
Use instruments in lab to record measurements
Explain the difference between precision and accuracy
Given a measurement determine the number of significant digits present
Use significant digit rules (rounding, adding/subtracting and
multiplying/dividing) to perform calculations
Use scientific notation to express numbers
Unit Two: Atomic Theory and Periodic Table
State the postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory
List which statements of Dalton’s theory we now believe to be incorrect
Give observable evidence to support the idea that there are positive and
negative charges.
Describe force between like charges and opposite charges
Explain how J.J. Thomson changed the view of the atom
Use Rutherford’s gold foil experiment to support the model that protons in
the atom are concentrated in the nucleus and positive.
Give the relative mass of the following: electrons, protons, neutrons
Define mass number and atomic number of an isotope, determine the
number of protons, electrons and neutrons for a given isotope
Calculate average atomic mass, given atomic masses and heir abundance.
Locate in periodic table and state the properties of metals, non metals and
State periodic law
Use formulas of oxides, fluorides, hydrides to organize elements into families
Locate and describe the properties of the noble gases, halogens, transition
metals, alkaline earth metals and alkali metals in the periodic table
Mrs. Kay
Chemistry 11 Course Outcomes
Given some properties for elements in a family, predict the corresponding
properties for a missing element of hypothetical element of the same family.
Distinguish between atoms and ions (cations and anions and their formation)
Unit three: Electron Configuration and Periodic Trends
Give assumptions of Bohr Model
Explain the hydrogen line spectrum in terms of Bohr Model of the atom
State two differences between the Bohr model and the quantum mechanical
model of the atom
Draw an energy level diagram for a given atom
Define valence shell and valence electrons
Label the sublevels on an energy level diagram with s, p, d, f
Describe maximum number of electrons associated with each sublevel
Use the periodic table to predict number of valence electrons
Use the periodic table to predict the electron configuration of an element
Indicate the probable pattern of electrons around the nucleus of any atom
using the electron configuration notation
Distinguish between s and p orbitals
Distinguish between orbit and orbital
State the : Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, and Pauli Exclusion principle
Define: ionization energy, atomic size (radius) and electron affinity
State and explain trends in the periodic table for ionization energy, electron
affinity and atomic size
Define and describe first ionization energy. Write an equation showing first
ionization energy
Use successive ionization energy to determine number of valence electrons
for an unknown atom
Unit Four: Bonding and Nomenclature
Define and explain isoelectronic
Use electron affinity to explain formation of ions and explain how the
formation of ionic compounds occurs
State octet rule
Give an electron dot diagram (Lewis dot diagram) of atoms forming ions and
ionic bonding (3 equations)
Use model for the structure of an ionic compound to explain its properties
Define molecular (covalent bonding) and give structural formula of molecular
State properties of ionic compounds and molecules ( hardness, melting point,
conductivity, odour…)
Describe coordinate covalent bonding and provide example
Mrs. Kay
Chemistry 11 Course Outcomes
Define metallic bonding and distinguish its properties form ionic and
molecular (covalent bonds)
Using VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion) theory predict the shape
of a molecule.
Assign charges (oxidation numbers) to atoms within a compound
Distinguish between molecular and ionic compounds
Use periodic table (ionic table) and polyatomic ionic table to correctly write
chemical formula from a given name.
Apply rules for nomenclature for ionic and molecular compounds if given
chemical formula
Given the name for an ionic or molecular formula, write the formula
Be able to recognize and name acids
Distinguish between subscripts and coefficients
Properly interpret the meaning of a chemical formula (i.e. Number of atoms)
Identify the 5 main types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition,
double displacement, single displacement, and combustion
Given a word equation for a reaction write a complete balanced chemical
Given a unbalanced equation supply the necessary coefficients to balance it
Define: skeleton, balanced and word equations
Unit Five: The Mole!
Define the term “mole”
Define the molar mass of a pure substance as the mass of 6.02 x 1023 atoms,
molecules or formula units.
Find the molar mass of a compound using the periodic table
Understand and apply relationship between moles, atoms and formula units
with the molar mass of a substance.
Define “empirical formula”
Solve for empirical formula if given masses or percentage composition of
each component of the compound.
Solve for molecular formula if given percentage composition and molar mass
of the compound
Identify mole ratios of reactants and products from balanced chemical
Perform mole to mole conversion, mole to mass conversion, mass to mass
Define “percent yield” and how it can be maximized or minimized
Define “theoretical and actual yields” and how they obtain percent yields
through calculations
Given the amounts of two reactants, identify the limiting reagents and solve
the theoretical yield for the problem
Mrs. Kay
Chemistry 11 Course Outcomes
Unit Six: Organic chemistry
Describe organic chemistry and hydrocarbons
Describe, draw/name and identify the following: alkanes, alkenes, cyclic and
alkynes using IUPAC rules
Know general formulas for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and cyclic
Define saturated and unsaturated compounds
Define and give examples of isomers (Be able to draw all isomers for alkanes
for up to 6 C and for alkenes for up to 4 C)
Name all the prefixes from 1 to 10 carbon groups (alkyl groups)
Define “aromatics” and be able to draw/identify them as compounds
containing benzene ring
Define the term “functional group” and identify/name/draw alcohols, esters,
carboxylic acids
Identify and give examples of addition, substitution, esterification,
combustion and addition reactions of hydrocarbons