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Spring 2012 Biology
Final Exam Review Guide
Mrs. Hawkins
What do I need to get on the final?
Quarter 3 and 4 = 80%
Final Exam = 20%
(.20)X + (.80)A = B
A= Current Grade
B= Percent You Want for Semester
X= Percent Needed on Final
Ex: If my current grade is a 78%, what do I need to get on the exam to have a final grade of 80%?
A=78 B=80
(0.2)X + (0.8)78 = 80
X= 88%
**********There will be approximately 100 multiple choice questions on the final exam **************
************* Number in (parenthesis) = approximate number of question on topic*************
Central Dogma (5)
 DNA vs. RNA characteristics
 Transcription
 Translation
 Protein Synthesis
 Introns vs. Exons
 3 types of RNA and their functions
 Techniques related to modifying DNA (i.e. Genetic Engineering, Pros/Cons, methods)
 Recombinant DNA
Evolution (14)
 How old is Earth?
 How did life begin?
 Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
 Define adaptation
 How does natural selection drive evolution?
 Why does natural selection need variation?
 Evidence for Evolution?
 What is Speciation
 Vestigial Structures
 Homologous Structures
 “Are We Still Evolving”? –Why is the rate of evolution in developing countries different than the
rate of evolution in the western world? What is the connection between Hemochromatosis and
 What does the “Evolutionary Arms race” refer to?
 Why is this statement a misconception: Evolution gives organisms what they need”
 Problems with inbreeding and species survival
 How is evolution related to antibiotic resistance?
Classification (5)
 Order which the 6 kingdoms appeared
 Largest (most diverse) division
 What are the levels of classification?
 Correct format to write the scientific name for humans
 Read a cladogram
Archaebacteria Kingdom (2)
 What environment can halophiles be found in?
Characteristics of Archaebacteria?
Characteristics of a virus? Examples of well known viruses…
Bacteria Kingdom (8)
 Structure of bacteria (cell wall, membrane, etc)
 Nucleus?
 Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes
Protista Kingdom (9)
 Where can they be found?
 Main characteristics
 Recognize: paramecium, spirogyra, euglena, amoeba, and diatoms.
Fungi Kingdom (11)
 Alexander Flemming (what is he credited for)
 Can they be parasites?
 How are they classified (what characteristics do we use to place them into separate phyla)?
 How to fungi get their energy?
 Hyphae
 Economical importance
 Mycorrihizae and Lichens
 Structures of a mushroom
Plantae Kingdom (13)
 Angiosperms vs Gymnosperms (which came first?)
 Structures of a plant cells (cuticle, xylem, stoma, epidermis, palisade, etc)
 What are flowers used for?
 Monocots and Dicots
 Structure of a flower (anther, pistol, etc)
 Photosynthesis Equation
Animalia Kingdom (9)
 7 Essential Functions of Animals
 Closed vs. Open Circulatory System
 Symmetry
 Ventral, Dorsal, Posterior, Anterior
 Animal Body Systems
 Dissected regions of frog
Ecology (13)
 3 types of selection which act upon the phenotypes of a population?
 Why do smaller populations have a higher extinction rate?
 Be able to read a population pyramid
 Determine changes that will occur in a population pyramid over a series of
 Recognize general pyramid shape of wealth and poor countries
 3 things that must be taken into account when studying populations
 Population density
 Abiotic vs Biotic
 Density Independent Factors vs Density Dependent Factors
 Carrying Capacity
 Differentiate between graphs representing: predators/prey,
k-strategists, and r-strategists
Spring 2012 Biology
MODIFIED: Final Exam Review Guide
Mrs. Hawkins
What do I need to get on the final?
Quarter 3 and 4 = 80%
Final Exam = 20%
(.20)X + (.80)A = B
A= Current Grade
B= Percent You Want for Semester
X= Percent Needed on Final
Ex: If my current grade is a 78%, what do I need to get on the exam to have a final grade of 80%?
A=78 B=80
(0.2)X + (0.8)78 = 80
X= 88%
*************There will be approx. 65 multiple choice questions on the final exam*****************
************* Number in (parenthesis) = approximate number of question on topic*************
Central Dogma (5)
 DNA vs. RNA characteristics
 Transcription
 Translation
 Protein Synthesis
 Introns vs. Exons
 3 types of RNA and their functions
 Techniques related to modifying DNA (i.e. Genetic Engineering, Pros/Cons, methods)
 Recombinant DNA
Evolution (12)
 How old is Earth?
 How does natural selection drive evolution?
 Why does natural selection need variation?
 Vestigial Structures
“Are We Still Evolving”? –Why is the rate of evolution in developing countries different than the
rate of evolution in the western world? What is the connection between Hemochromatosis and
 What does the “Evolutionary Arms race” refer to?
 Why is this statement a misconception: Evolution gives organisms what they need”
 Problems with inbreeding and species survival
Classification (3)
 Largest (most diverse) division
 Correct format to write the scientific name for humans
 Read a cladogram
Archaebacteria Kingdom (1)
 What environment can halophiles be found in?
 Characteristics of Archaebacteria?
 Characteristics of a virus? Examples of well known viruses…
Bacteria Kingdom (1)
 Structure of bacteria (cell wall, membrane, etc)
 Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes
Protista Kingdom (5)
 Where can they be found?
Recognize: paramecium, spirogyra, euglena, amoeba, and diatoms.
Fungi Kingdom (4)
 Alexander Flemming (what is he credited for)
 Hyphae
 Structures of a mushroom
Plantae Kingdom (8)
 Structures of a plant cells (cuticle, xylem, stoma, epidermis, palisade, etc)
 What are flowers used for?
 Monocots and Dicots
 Structure of a flower (anther, pistol, etc)
 Photosynthesis Equation
Animalia Kingdom (6)
 Closed vs. Open Circulatory System
 7 Essential Functions of Animals
 Animal Body Systems
 Symmetry
 Ventral, Dorsal, Posterior, Anterior
 Dissected regions of frog (see study guide from previous exam)
Ecology (10)
 Be able to read a population pyramid
 3 types of selection which act upon the phenotypes of a population?
 Determine changes that will occur in a population pyramid over a series of years
 Recognize general pyramid shape of wealth and poor countries
 3 things that must be taken into account when studying populations
 Abiotic vs Biotic
 Carrying Capacity
 Differentiate between graphs representing: predators/prey, k-strategists, and r-strategists