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Chapter 6 Section 1 Notes
Essential Questions:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
While the great civilization of Greece was in decline a new city to the west was
growing in power.
Rome grew from a small settlement into a mighty civilization
The Origins of Rome
A. Rome’s Geography
- Chosen for its _______________________ and _____________________
at the mouth of the Tiber River.
B. The First Romans
- ____________, ______________, and ____________________ competed
for control of the region.
- Latins built original settlement of Rome between 1000 and 500 BC and
are ______________________________________________________.
- Etruscans from the north influenced the civilization greatly, especially
writing and architecture
The Early Republic
- Early Rome was ruled by Etruscan kings
- These kings build the first temples and public centers—the
____________________ the heart of political life.
- The last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud- a harsh tyrant
- In 509 BC- Tarquin was driven from power, Rome became a Republic—
- ____________________________________________________________
A. Patricians and Plebeians
- Different groups struggled for power in early Roman Republic
- Patricians—_________________________________________________
Plebeians allowed to form Tribunes- _____________________________
B. Twelve Tables
C. Government Under the Republic
- Consuls-
D. The Roman Army
Rome Spreads Its Powers
- ___________________________________________________________________
A. Rome Conquers Italy
- Romans defeated the Etruscans in the north and Greek city-states in south
- By 265 BC
B. Rome’s Commercial Network
C. War with Carthage
- Carthage was a rival city across the Mediterranean on the coast of
Northern Africa
- between 264-146 BC- Rome and Carthage fight
___________________________________—three wars
1. 1st Punic War2. 218 BC- 2nd Punic War—
Carthage has an army of 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry, and 60 ______________
For more than a decade Hannibal marched up and down the Italian peninsula
The strategy forced Hannibal back home to protect Carthage
3. 149-146 BC- 3rd Punic War
Chapter 6 Section 2 Notes
The Republic Collapses
- Increasing wealth and expanding boundaries brought many problems
- Major problems were:
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
These problems led to the break up of the republic.
A. The Republic Collapses
- ___________________________________________________________
- Farmers, former soldiers lose their farmers to larger estates, and become
- Two brothers and members of the Tribune, _____________________ and
________________ Gracchus, try to help the poor and make numerous
enemies in the senate and are eventually murdered. Their reforms
i. ______________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
B. Military Upheaval
C. Julius Caesar Takes Control
- ____________________________________________________________
- Caesar elected consul and forms a triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey_____________________________________
- Following tradition, Caesar served as consul for _____________________
- He then led his army north to conquer all of ___________ (present day
- Caesar gains his army’s loyalty and devotion and is very popular in Rome.
- Pompey is skeptical of Caesar. Pompey urges the senate ______________
- Caesar ignores the orders and returns to Rome with his army,
- Caesar’s army eventually catches up with Pompey and is defeats them
- Caesar then returns to Rome and is appointed _______________________
D. Caesar’s Reforms
- ____________________________________________________________
- Reforms:
i. ______________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________
iii. ____________________________ for the poor with construction
of new public buildings
iv. Started colonies where people without land could own property
v. _____________________________________________________
Other political leaders nervous about Caesar’s popularity
Brutus and Cassius plot his assassination on ________________________
E. Beginning of the Empire
A Vast and Powerful Empire
A. A Sound Government
- Augustus, Rome’s best ruler, ruled during the Pax Romana and created a
- Glorifies Rome with beautiful public buildings
- Sets up a ______________________________ to administer the empire:
he hired people to manage the things such as the grain supply, collect
taxes, and the postal system
- ____________________________________________________________
B. Agriculture and Trade
- Agriculture was the most important industry in the empire, about 90
percent of the people were involved in farming
- ___________________________________________________________:
Corinth in Greece, Ephesus in Anatolia, and Antioch on the Eastern coast
of the Mediterranean. Also traded with China and India
The Roman World
A. Slaves and Captivity
- Slavery was a significant part of Roman life in both cities and farms
- Slaves were _________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________
- Some slaves were forced to be gladiators, _________________________,
and forced to fight to the death for the entertainment of the crowd
- Occasionally slaves would rebel, but none were successful
B. Gods and Goddesses
- Early Romans _______________________________________ called
- Also had the lares—who were the ______________________________
of each family
- Important Roman gods were:
1. Jupiter- ________________________________
2. _____________- Jupiter’s wife, watched over women
3. ______________- goddess of wisdom, arts, and crafts
- Religion and government closely linked in Rome – worship of the
emperor became part of their religion
C. Society and Culture
Chapter 6 Section 3 Notes
I. The Life and Teachings of Jesus
- ____________________________________________________________
- Christianity, a religion born out of ____________________ would stress a
more personal relationship between man and God and would attract many
- Rome had taken control of Judea, home of the Jews in 63 BC
- Jews believed _______________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________
A. Jesus’ Message
- Jesus born about 4 BC in Bethlehem, Judea
- Jesus began public ministry at the age of 30
- ______________________________________________________________
- Also taught the principles of the ____________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________
- Taught God would end wickedness in the world and that people should follow
a _________________________________
- Appealed to the poor because he ignored ____________________________
and taught that God loved all people
- Had 12 special disciples, or students later known as Apostles
- _______________________________________________________________
- As his fame grew, it was thought that he was the long awaited Messiah.
B. Jesus’ Death
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chief priest of the Jews, worried that Jesus’ popularity threatened their power,
denied that Jesus was the Messiah and labeled his teachings blasphemy,
- Chief priests persuaded Pontius Pilate to have Jesus arrested and crucified
- After his death Jesus’ body was place in a tomb
- _______________________________________________________________
- After this he became known as _________________________. Christos is
Greek meaning “messiah” or “savior”- origin of the word Christianity
- _______________________________________________________________
- Peter, and the other apostles, _______________________________________
throughout Palestine and Syria
II. Christianity Spreads through the Empire
A. Paul’s Mission
- Paul, one of Jesus’ apostles, influenced Christianity’s development
- _______________________________________________________________
- Travel was made easy during the Pax Romana; this allowed for Paul to spread
his message easily
- _______________________________________________________________
- Paul wrote many letters to churches and followers all over the Roman Empirethese letters would eventually be collected and combined with other written
records of Jesus’ life and teachings to make __________________________
of the Bible
- _______________________________________________________________
- Welcomed all converts Jewish or Gentile (which means non-Jew)
- _______________________________________________________________
B. Jewish Rebellion
- Much Roman attention was focused on the land of Jesus’ birth
- 66 AD - _______________________________________________________
- 70 AD _________________________________________________________
- Half a million Jews were killed in the course of this rebellion
- 132 AD- _______________________________________________________
- Religion survived but the political state did not
- DiasporaC. Persecution of the Christians
- _______________________________________________________________
- Used Christians as scapegoats and blamed them for any _______________ or
______________________ troubles in Rome
- Nero blamed Christians for a great fire in Rome (Nero had actually paid to
have the fire started so he could build his castle on the site)
- _______________________________________________________________
- As the Pax Romana began to fall apart, persecution of Christians intensifiedRomans began to __________, imprison, and _________________Christians
- Those executed were seen as martyrs-_______________________________
- _______________________________________________________________
- By the 3rd century AD ____________________________________________
III. A World Religion
A. Appeal of Christianity
B. Early Christian Church
C. Constantine Accepts Christianity
- A critical moment in the spread of Christianity is the conversion of
Constantine, a Roman emperor
D. Discord and Harmony
- As Christianity grew, disagreements about beliefs developed among its
Chapter 6 Section 4 Notes
A Century of Crisis
A. Rome’s Economy Weakens
- During its 3rd century of existence, several factors began to weaken the
Roman economy
1) Pirates and hostile tribes along the borders began to
2) Reached their limit of expansion and lacked new sources of
3) Desperate for money the gov’t _______________________
4) Inflation—
Agriculture –
Serious Food Shortage/disease-
B. Military and Political Turmoil
- soldiers once again __________________________, gave allegiance to
their commanders
- Commanders fought amongst themselves to become emperor
- The government was forced to recruit mercenaries—
- Mercenaries have a little sense of loyalty to the empire
- Citizens also lost a sense of loyalty and pride in their empire____________________________________________________________
Emperors Attempt Reforms
A. Diocletian Reforms the Empire
- Diocletian a strong willed army leader became emperor in 284 AD
- Reforms:
Eastern Empire—__________________, Anatolia, ______________, and
Western Empire—________________, Gaul, Britain, and _____________
Diocletian ruled the East and assigned a co-ruler for the west, he kept
overall control over both halves
_____________________ contained most major cities and was far
wealthier than the west
Diocletian was forced to retire due to ill health in 305 AD—
B. Constantine Moves the Capital
- Constantine gained control of the western part of the empire in 312 AD
- 324 AD –
330 AD-
Name changed to ___________________________, or city of Constantine
After Constantine’s death the empire would again be divided____________________________________________________________
The Western Empire Crumbles
A. Germanic Invasions
- Germanic tribes had been living on the edge of the Empire’s borders
peacefully for hundreds of years.
B. Attila the Hun
- 444- _______________________________________________________
- The Huns terrorized both halves of the empire, defeating many cities in
the east and west
- ____________________________________________________________
- After Attila’s death the Huns were no longer a threat, but the Germanic
invasions continued to weaken the Roman Empire
C. An Empire No More
- The last Roman Emperor, a 14 year old boy named
________________________________________, was ousted by
Germanic forces in 476
Chapter 6 Section 5 Notes
Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
A. The Legacy of Greco-Roman Civilization
- The mixing of elements from ________________, __________________,
and _______________ culture created a new culture called Greco-Roman
or Classical Civilization
- This ___________________________ culture is highly influential in
history and still today
1) Roman Fine Arts
- Roman art was more practical than Greek
- _________________________________________________________
- Romans developed a type of sculpture called bas-relief; images were
___________________________________________. These sculptures
were used to tell stories
- Also created ________________________ which were pictures made by
setting small pieces of stone, glass or tile attached to a flat surface
2) Learning and Literature
- Romans borrowed much of their philosophies from the Greeks
- Stoicism encouraged __________________, _____________, moderation
and ________________________
- Roman poet, Virgil wrote the most famous Latin work called the Aeneid,
modeled after Homer’s epics, this work praised the
___________________________________________ and claimed it was
their most important contribution to civilization
- Livy and Tacitus were ________________________whose work
presented both accurate and inaccurate accounts of Rome’s history
B) Roman Achievements
- The presence of Rome is still felt daily in many languages, institutions and
thought in today’s world
1) Latin, the Language of Rome
- ____________________________________________________________
- Later it was adapted by different people and developed into
________________, Spanish, Portuguese, ___________________ and
Romanian. Also influenced English greatly.
2) Architecture, Engineering, and Technology
- ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Aqueducts- __________________________________________________
- Roman architecture influenced the U.S. capitol and many state capitols
- Roads- _____________________________________________________
3) Roman System of Law
Rome’s Enduring Influence
- by preserving and adding to __________________ civilization, Rome
strengthened the Western cultural tradition
- the world would be a very different place had Rome never existed
- as mighty as the Roman Empire was, it was not the only great civilization
of its time____________________________________________________________