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The Rise of Rome: Notes
Creation Myth of Rome
Romulus and Remus
 _________ sons of Mars (Roman god of War)
 Abandoned by their Uncle Amulius in the ________________ River to drown.
 Found and raised by a ________________
 Found and raised by the Shepard Faustulus
They kill Amulius
 Both built great __________________
 Romulus _________________ Remus for making fun of his city
 Romulus populates the city of Rome with _________________ and criminals
 Romulus became the first king in 753 BC
 Mars carries him up to the heavens and he becomes the god Quirinius
Geography of Rome
 Italy is a ________________________
 750 miles from north to south
 120 miles from east to west
 Rome is the _______________________ of Italy
A Favorable Location
 More land to ____________________ than Greece
 Did ______________________ divided Rome into many small city states
 Rome was built on ______ _____________
 Easily ____________________________________
 A good central location
Mountains and Rivers of Rome
 Italy’s mountains did not ______________________ Italians like it did the ______________
 Italy had more land to ______________ than Greece
 The Tiber __________________ helped Rome with farming and ______________________
 Rome was built on ________________________ hills and was easy to defend
 Italy sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea which made it a ______________________________
between eastern and western Mediterranean countries
 Rome was far enough inland to be safe from _______________________
The Peoples of Italy
 Moved in around 1500 to 1000 B.C.
 Indo-European people who spoke ______________
 Settled on Latium
 _____________________ and Farmers
 Had settled during Greek colonization 750 B.C. to 550 B.C.
 Were mostly in the __________________
 Occupied _________________
 They influenced agriculture with the introduction of the __________ and olive tree
 They influenced culture with their _______________________, sculpture and literature
 Adopted their ____________________
 The _________________________________ had the greatest influence on the Romans
 They were located North of Rome in Etruria, they expanded into _________________ and
came into control Rome and most of Latium
 They turned the Latin villages into the city of __________________
 Romans adopted their dress, the __________________ and shirt cloak
 Also adopted their ___________________________ organization
The Roman Republic
Main Idea: The Romans were practical and skillful in politics and military matters
Establishment of Roman Republic
 Early Rome was under the control of seven ____________________and several were Etruscans
 Establishment of Roman Republic
 The Romans overthrew the last Etruscan King in _________________ B.C, they established the
Roman ____________________________
 Republic: a form of government in which the ______________________ is ________________ a
monarch and certain citizens have the _____________________ to vote.
War and Conquest
 Rome was surrounded by __________________________ and for the next 200 years they fought
continuous __________________________
 338 B.C. Rome _____________________ the __________________states, and then the Greek states
 Defeated the Greeks in 264 B.C. and virtually conquered all of Italy
Roman Confederation
 Was _______________________ by Italy to rule
 Allowed some people- especially Latin's- to have ______________ Roman
 Most of the communities remained ________________
 Allowed to run their own local affairs _______________________ if they provided soldiers to
 Made it clear that Roman allies could become citizens
Why was Rome Successful?
Ancestors and History:
 To Ancient Romans, they believed that their ancestors were successful because a sense of
duty, ___________________________ and discipline.
Diplomacy: They extended Roman citizenship and allowed states to run their own ______________
 They could be _____________________ when necessary, crushing _____________________ without
Military: They were accomplished and ________________________ soldiers.
 Built fortified towns throughout Italy; also built _________________ that connected the
Brilliant Strategists: Built roads to connect towns that they conquered
 By doing this, Rome could _________________ troops quickly throughout the territory
Practical: Not ideal government, but one that _______________________ to problems that arose
Political Structure
Rome was divided into two groups or orders
 ___________________________ land owners, Rome’s ruling class
 ____________________________ of the roman Republic
 Not a lot of people in this group
 Only ones could be ______________________ into office
 Less wealthy landowners, ______________________farmers, craftspeople, and merchants
 They were the _____________________________
 Made up the majority of the population
 Citizens and could __________________
Consuls: CEOs
 Chief ______________________ officers of the Roman Republic
 ____________________________ office
 Chosen every year _____________ years
 Ran the government
 Led the army into ________________________
 In charge of _____________ __________ that applied to all Roman citizens
 Look over judicial affairs
 Could ____________________ or appoint a judge
 Roman Senate: Select group of about _________ _____________________________ who served for
 Approved laws, controlled __________________________ and made _______________________policy.
 The Roman Republic also had several assemblies
Centuriate assembly
 Most __________________________
 Elected the ___________________ officials and ___________________________laws
 Organized in classes based on ____________________
 ________________________ citizens always held the majority
Council of Plebs
 Council of the __________________
 Came into being as a result of the ________________________ between the two Roman social
The Struggler of Orders
 Caught in the middle of the struggle between patricians and plebeians were
 They were forbidden to _______________________ each other
 Plebeians resented this b/c since they served in the Roman ________________ that protected
the republic they thought they deserved political and social ______________________
 Led to the success of the ____________________________
 In 287 B.C. the council of the plebs received the right to pass laws for all Romans
 All ____________ Roman citizens were now supposedly _____________________ under the law
Roman Law
 Rome’s chief gift to the Mediterranean world was its system of laws
Twelve Tables (450 B.C.)
 First ________________ of ______________ for Rome
 Written on _____________ tablets
 Roman developed a more sophisticated system of laws
 Applied to only Roman _______________
 Problems arose when non-citizens had to be dealt with
Law of Nations
 Natural law or ______________________ law based on reason
 Established standards of justice that applied to all people
Legal Principles of Today
 Many legal ideas that we use now originated in Ancient Rome
 ________________________ until proven __________________________
 People accused of a crime are allowed to ______________________ themselves before a judge
 A judge is expected to _____________________ evidence before reaching a legal