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ANTARCTICA (2015-16)
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences /Climate Change
Geophysical Studies in Polar Regions
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences /Climate
Maitri and Bharati
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism -Navi Mumbai
S Gurubaran : [email protected]
A K Sinha: [email protected]
To determine the substorm onset and location
from Antarctic observations.
2. Finding the time delay in substorm onset at
Maitri and Bharati.
3. Finding the extent of the substorm and the
possible responsible parameters.
4. Examine the auroral westward electrojet at
Maitri and Bharati using Magnetometer data.
5. To examine the consequence of interplanetary
conditions on the Auroral Substorm
Absorption (ASA) events over sub-auroral
6. Study of substorm associated dayside CNA and
simultaneous pc5 pulsations in geomagnetic
field variations.
7. To identify the global signatures in
atmospheric electrical parameters and
distinguish atmospheric, ionospheric and
magnetospheric signatures in the surface
electrical parameters with the goal of
evaluating the electrical response of the
atmosphere to magnetospheric influences.
8. To monitor the declining strength of the total
magnetic Field ‘F’ observed over the last few
decades in the Southern Hemisphere,
especially over the Antarctic continent and
responsible for this feature.
9. To study the dynamics of the Earth’s crust in
the Queen Maud Land area of Schirmarcher
Oasis and Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.
10. To study the mass balance and ice dynamics of
the Nivlisen ice shelf in Antarctica
 Project Name/Number
Response of Sub-Auroral Ionosphere to the
Space-Weather Events-I
 Discipline
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences /Climate
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri
National Physical Laboratory 1, New Delhi
 Principal Investigator
& ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research2, Goa
Rupesh M. Das1- [email protected]
Sachchidanand Singh1 - [email protected] &
Shailendra Saini2 - [email protected]
1. Study the response of sub-auroral
 Main Activity/ Remarks
ionospheric region to the geomagnetic substorm events.
2. Investigation of solar wind – thermospheric
– magnetospheric – ionospheric coupling
process over sub-auroral region during
adverse space weather conditions.
Aerosol radiation forcing over the Antarctica
 Project Name/Number
region: impact of transported BC and dust
aerosol and its morphology and mineralogical
Meterology & Atmospheric Sciences /Climate
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri Bharati and Voyage
National Physical Laboratory 1, New Delhi
 Principal Investigator
& ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research 2, Goa
Rupesh M. Das1- [email protected]
Sachchidanand Singh1 - [email protected] and
Anoop K. Tiwari2- [email protected]
To characterize the physical and chemical
 Main Activity/ Remarks
properties of atmospheric aerosol particles
from the pristine environment of Antarctica
Estimation of aerosol radiative forcing using
Aerosol Optical Depth, Radiation Flux in the
UV and BroadBand and measurements of
Absorbing aerosol (BC).
Assess the impact of aerosols and its
morphology and mineralogical content on
radiation budget of polar regions.
 Project Name/Number
Observation of Meteorological Parameter,
Solar Radiation and Ozone-I
 Discipline
Meterology & Atmospheric Sciences /Climate
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Bharati
Indian Meteorological Department,
 Principal Investigator
Director General, New Delhi
 Main Activity/ Remarks
1. Further enhancement of Class-I Surface
observatory, installation of automatic snow
2. Installation of new AWS, surface Ozone and
Ozonesonde measurements.
 Project Name/Number
Observation of Meteorological Parameter &
Ozone Observation-II
 Discipline
 Location
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name,
 Principal Investigator
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
Indian Meteorological Department,
Director General, New Delhi
Study of Antarctic weather and climate; study
of Antarctic Ozone and Solar radiation.
Monitoring surface ozone variations and
column Aerosol studies.
Reactive Trace Gases and their linkages to
Marine Biogeochemistry
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
Maitri and Bharati
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune &
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research, Goa
Anoop Mahajan1 [email protected]
and Rahul Mohan2- [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
1) To make measurements of reactive halogen
species (IO, BrO, I2, OIO and OClO) and
determine their impact on:
a) Ozone depletion in the troposphere and
b) The oxidising capacity in the remote
Southern Ocean and Antarctic atmosphere,
including ozone depletion, HOx and NOx ratio
c) Mercury and DMS oxidation and changes to
their lifetime.
d) Formation of new particles through iodine
oxide coagulation
2) Measure the photolysis dependant fluxes of
NOx and HCHO and biological emissions of
halogen species over the snowpack and sea ice.
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Ionizing Radiation at Aviation Altitude in
Relation to GCR and Space Weather Events
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
ALCL flight
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research, Goa
Anand K. Singh : [email protected]
& Shailendra Saini: [email protected]
 Monitoring of ionizing radiation at aviation
altitude in Antarctica.
Measurements of Atmospheric Black Carbon
(BC) and GHGs at Antarctica on a Long-Term
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
National Remote Sensing Centre,Hyderabad
Biswadip Gharai: [email protected]
Mahesh Pathakoti- [email protected]
Prijith S.S- [email protected]
& Shivali Verma- [email protected]
1. Estimation of background concentration of CO2
at Bharati, Antarctica on a continuous basis for
a long-term period (5 years).
2. Identifying the changes in seasonal and daily
amplitudes of CO2 against boundary layer
height from high vertical resolution of
COSMIC-Radio Occultation (RO) data.
3. Identification of source processes leading to
black carbon loading over Antarctic region.
4. Measurements of BC concentration on snow to
understand the BC deposition over Antarctica.
5. In-situ measurements on Aerosol Optical
Depth, total columnar ozone & water vapour
and comparative study against satellite
Study of Polar Sea Ice and Ice Shelf Dynamics
 Project Name/Number
Using Satellite Data, In-situ Observations and
Numerical Models.
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri, Bharati and Voyage
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad
 Principal Investigator
Jayaprasad [email protected]
Ram Rajak D - [email protected];
Raj Kumar Kamaljit [email protected]
Maya Suryavanshi, Monika Gupta and
Sandip R. Oza-: [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
[a] Polar Sea Ice studies:
Technique development for near-real time
sea-ice condition assessment to be used for
near real time sea ice advisory to optimum
voyage route selection.
 Estimation and assessment of sea-ice type,
thickness and fraction.
 Measurements of air temperature, wind
speed, SST in high latitude oceans along with
cloud/fog conditions.
[b] Polar ice-sheet/ice-shelf studies:
 Validation of Microwave remote sensing
signatures of land/sea ice features in the
context of RISAT-1, Resource Sat-2 and
SARAL missions.
 Aerial / Field surveys for the identified
locations of areas vulnerable deformation
(Hot Spots)
 Measurement of surface-/air-temperatures
over the ice-shelf and ice sheet area.
 Measuring sub-surface profile using Ground
Penetrating Radar (GPR) for estimation of
snow depth and ice thickness form the icesheet and ice shelf area including Amery Iceshelf.
 Mapping
Surroundings with High resolution satellite
 Crevasse Area Detection for convoy routes
from RISAT-1 fine resolution datasets.
 Project Name/Number
Meteorological Parameters, Energy Fluxes and
study of Ice Sheet Dynamics using Remote
Sensing and In situ Measurements.
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri
Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment ,
 Principal Investigator
H. S. Gusain - [email protected]
Kamal Kant Singh- [email protected]
1. Study of spatial and temporal variation of
 Main Activity/ Remarks
energy fluxes in shelf and continental ice
2. Study of ice sheet velocity using remote
sensing and in situ measurements.
3. Thickness mapping along the grounding
line using GPR and remote sensing
4. Mapping of crevasse vulnerable zones and
probable shelf ice break.
Atmospheric Studies using Moveable
 Project Name/Number
Atmospheric Radar for Antarctica.
 Discipline
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
 Principal Investigator
Research ,Goa & S V University, Tirupati
K Satheesan: [email protected]
T Narayana Rao: [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
Use radar observations of atmospheric
structure and turbulence, in the polar
troposphere and lower stratosphere, to improve
and validate models of air transport, particularly
in relation to vertical transport and mixing, in
different meteorological conditions.
Extend possibilities to utilize radar
measurements of ice-cloud layers in the polar
summer mesosphere to improve understanding
of middle atmosphere dynamics and composition
on a global scale.
Climate Change Research and Space Weather
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Maitri, Bharati and Voyage
Space Physics Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram.
 Principal Investigator
S. Suresh Babu- [email protected],
G. Ramkumar- [email protected],
R.K. Choudhary- [email protected]
1. Study of long term changes in the physical,
 Main Activity/ Remarks
chemical and optical properties of aerosols
in polar atmosphere, quantify the effect of
long range transport, and estimate
radiative impact.
2. Estimate snow scavenging of aerosols and
deposition of soot in ice and to study the
physical, chemical and optical properties of
aerosols in Snow and the corresponding
changes in snow albedo.
3. Quantify the anthropogenic influence in
Antarctic atmosphere to delineate local and
long-range transport.
4. Investigate the Atmospheric boundary
layer characteristics and vertical flux of
energy and momentum.
5. Study of vertical distribution of aerosols,
water vapor and clouds.
6. Vertical distribution of ozone, its temporal
variation and role of chemistry and
dynamics in its variability.
7. To study the dynamical coupling between
troposphere and stratosphere through
planetary and gravity waves.
8. To understand the exchange process across
 Project Name/Number
the polar tropopause by measuring vertical
profiles of ozone.
Study of Long Path Radio Wave Propagation
Characteristics and Theoretical Simulation of
Antarctic Station Bharati.
 Discipline
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Bharati
Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata
 Principal Investigator
Sandip K. Chakrabarti- [email protected]
The objective of the project is to understand
 Main Activity/ Remarks
propagation characteristics of Very Low
Frequency (frequency 3-30kHz) radio signals
over very long path which is almost over the
ocean. The observational time is chosen as
summer period of the southern hemisphere and
the receiving place will be solar illuminated for
24 hours for almost couple of months. In the first
attempt during 2007-2008, Indian Centre for
Space Physics (ICSP) successfully recorded VLF
signals from Indian transmitter VTX (frequency
18.2 kHz, 500KW) in Maitri station for around six
weeks. This was the first attempt from ICSP to
detect the signal from India transmitter VTX from
a distance more than 10000 km. A very stable
diurnal variation of signal amplitude with less
interference among different waveguide modes
was obtained.
 Project Name/Number
Study of snow melt/freeze dynamics in
Antarctica using space based and ground based
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences / Climate
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Bharati and Maitri
National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad
 Principal Investigator
Ms Rajashree V [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 To develop the operational products in
cryosphere for Antarctica under National
Information System for Climate &
Environment Studies (NICES) programme.
To collect field data to identify snow& ice
Biology and Environmental Science
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
Environmental Monitoring and Health of
Indian Antarctic Stations in Pursuit of
Antarctica-Treaty-System and it’s Governance.
Biology and Environmental Science
Bharati and Maitri
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research , Goa & Amity University, New Delhi
Anoop Kumar Tiwari- [email protected]
Tanu Jindal- [email protected]
1. To monitor the environment through various
indicators in and around research stations
(Maitri and Bharati) in Antarctica
2. To improve environmental health of Maitri
station by installing new system and tuning
old systems.
Multi-year measurements of mercury in the
Antarctic environment: assessing trends in
global emissions, fate and transport of
mercury, and bioaccumulation in the
Biology and Environmental Science
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad &
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research, Goa
Asif Qureshi- [email protected]
Anoop Kumar Tiwari- [email protected]
Long-term (multi-year) measurements of
mercury in the Antarctic environment,
including air, water and biota.
Analysis of temporal trends in observations.
Assessing the changes in global emissions,
fate and transport characteristics of mercury,
including possible effects of climate change.
Long-term monitoring of Wildlife and its
Habitats in Antarctic and Southern Indian
 Discipline
Biology and Environmental Science
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
Bharati and Maîtri
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Wildlife Institute of India , Dehradun
K. Sivakumar- [email protected]
and S. Sathyakumar- [email protected]
Monitor indicator species such as penguins
and seabirds in the Indian sector of operation in
Antarctica using satellite telemetry and genetic
To assess habitat use by the tagged
individuals and determine key habitats for the
To monitor any changes in the movement
patterns over years correlated with climate
Mapping of distribution pattern of icebreeding seals at Larsemann Hills and India Bay.
Develop a long-term monitoring for
wildlife in Indian sector of operation in
 Project Name/Number
Studies on Diversity of Bryophytes of
Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica
 Discipline
Biology and Environmental Science
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata
Devendra Singh- [email protected]
1. Survey, collection, identification and study of
species distribution of bryophytes.
2. Bryo-floral documentation with discovery of
new species, new records, endemic elements,
3. Preparation of identification manual/ flora
comprising key to the families, genera and
species, taxonomic descriptions with colour
photographs/line drawing illustrations.
4. Comparison on the existing flora with the flora
of other Antarctic and alpine regions of the
Indian Himalayas.
5. Carry out phytosociological studies to
understand vegetation pattern and structure.
 Project Name/Number
Measurement of Radiation Level due to Cosmic
Rays and Terrestrial Radiation at and around
Bharati Station, Antarctica
 Discipline
Biology and Environmental Science
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Bhabha Atomics Research Centre, Mumbai
A K Bakshi- [email protected]
Rupali Pal- [email protected]
Measurement of radiation level due to
cosmic rays and terrestrial radiation at and
around Bharati Station, Antarctica using
on-line and passive dosimeters.
Human Phsiology & Medicine
 Project Name/Number
Effect of Yogic practices at Antarctica
 Discipline
Human Phsiology & Medicine
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Introduction of yoga practices to Antarctica
Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences,
New Delhi
M.Saha- [email protected]
K.Halder- [email protected]
A. Pathak - [email protected]
& T. Chospel- [email protected]
Expedition team members in order to improve
their health and efficiency.
 To enhance the emotional wellbeing and coping
skills for facilitating psychophysiological
adaptation in expeditioners through integrated
yoga practice
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Project Name/Number
Permanent Seismological and GPS observatory
at Maitri, Antarctica
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name,
 Principal Investigator
Bharati and Maitri
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Seismological and geodetic studies in the
 Project Name/Number
Hydrodynamics of the Indian Ocean sector of
coastal Antarctica
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute,
Vineet K Gahalaut - [email protected]
& J.K.Catherine- [email protected]
ESSO-National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research, Goa
Alvarinho J Luis- [email protected]
Quantifying changes in thermohaline
structure with reference to frontal meandering,
with special focus on region south of ACC front;
Computation of annual upper-ocean heat
and salt content in the coastal Antarctica by using
expendable probe data and other data;
Water mass distribution and their mixing
Monitoring of geostrophic circulation and
transport and its temporal variation across the
region between Africa and Antarctica;
Summer fresh water thickness resulting
from sea ice melting along the meridional
transect in the coastal Antarctica; and
Construction of empirical models of upperocean temperature and dynamic topography
from satellite altimeter data to infer baroclinic
 Project Name/Number
 Discipline
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
Generation in Central Dronning Maud Land
(cDML) Antarctica.
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
ESSO-National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research, Goa
Yogesh Ray- [email protected]
Glacial and deglacial cycles/history of
Schirmacher Oasis after Last Glacial maximum
Sediment generation processes in the polar
Project I:
Monitoring of Dakshin Gangotri glacier snout
and snow accumulation / ablation on parts of
ice sheet and ice shelf in central Dronning
Maud Land, East Antarctica.
Project II:
Provenance and depositional environment of
lake sediments from Larsemann Hills area and
Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica vis-a-vis
Project III:
Glaciological Studies in the Larsemann Hills,
East Antarctica for assessing the impact of
climate change.
Project IV:
Relationship between the paragneiss and
orthogneiss in the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica.
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name,
Project I-Maitri
Project II-Maitri, Bharati and Voyage
Project III-Bharati and Voyage
Project IV-Maitri and Bharati
 Principal Investigator
Geological Survey of India, Faridabad
Project I
P. K. Shrivastava- [email protected]
Project II
P. K. Shrivastava- [email protected]
Project III
P. K. Shrivastava- [email protected]
Project IV
Dr. Joy Gopal Ghosh- [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Project I- Glaciological studies in parts of the
central Dronning Maud Land (cDML), East
Antarctica for providing inputs towards a better
understanding of climate change.
Project II1. Characterization and quantification of
geochemistry, clay mineralogy and Total Organic
Carbon (TOC) for evaluating their response to
changing climate.
2. Assessment of grain size parameters and heavy
minerals from lake sediments for provenance
Project III1. To study snow accumulation /ablation by
monitoring of established stake network over
Antarctic Ice Sheet.
2. To assess the impact of climate change in long
Project IV1.
To determine the antiquity of
paragneiss vis-à-vis orthogneiss in
Larsemann Hills, Antarctica
To relate and date granite magmatism with
major deformation events
 Project Name/Number
Paleoclimatic Studies from Antarctic Coastal
Areas (Larsemann Hills and Schirmacher
Oasis) based on terrestrial and marine records
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude, Bharati and Maitri
Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany , Lucknow
 Principal Investigator
Sunil Bajpai : [email protected]
Ratan Kar: [email protected]
Pawan Govil: [email protected]
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Study of different geomorphic features,
identification of potential sampling sites
and collection of core sediments.
 Identification
moraines and establishing the chronology
of glacial events in the Schirmacher Oasis
and Larsemann Hills by using TL/OSL
dating technique.
 Paleoclimatic reconstruction of Quaternary
Period from Antarctic coastal lakes and
marine sediment cores.
 To understand the paleoproductivity in the
selected sediment core samples
 Deciphering the paleoclimatic changes on
the basis of palynological studies.
 Ice shelf advancement and retreat during
the Quaternary Period.
Hydrographic Survey – Off Princess Astrid
 Project Name/Number
Coast and Larseman Hills
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
Bharati and Maitri
 Main Activity/ Remarks
National Hydrographic Office, Dehradun
Bathymetric and Physical Oceanographic
Detailed study of propagation of sound
waves at various locations in India Bay and
determine the best fit average sound
velocity for optimum performance of
various sensors to be deployed for
Hydrographic work.
Delineation of coastline adjoining India Bay
and crosscheck with the coast lining
delineated during earlier expeditions and
study changes caused by environmental
Production of INT Chart 9050 and its
subsequent updation.
Produce charts as required for Larsemann
Hills area.
 Project Name/Number
Micrometeorite Collection and Investigations
from Pristine Environments of Antarctica
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
National Institute of Oceanography ,Goa
M. Shyam Prasad: [email protected]
The aim of the project is to investigate,
identify and characterize the cosmic dust that
would be collected from the icy continent of
Antarctica and estimate the flux of
micrometeorites on earth.
Identify the various phases of minerals,
textures and elements present in the
micrometeorites. This would help
understand the earth crossing meteoroid
Since the contribution to the dust is
expected from both cometary and asteroidal
materials, we would have a window to
understand that various mineralogical and
chemical phases that comprise the cometary
investigations would add effectively to the
inventory of solar system materials.
Cosmic dust offers us a wider range of
asteroidal/cometary materials as compared
with the conventional meteorites, therefore the
study of such a large concentration of
micrometeorites would help understand
extraterrestrial material more comprehensively.
Their oxygen isotopic compositions in
conjunction with their major, minor and trace
element compositions would help in understand
mass fractionation of the materials, determine
their thermal histories and more importantly
provide a window to understand primitive,
early solar system processes.
Aqueous alteration of cosmic dust offers
possibilities of understanding the origin of
water in the solar system.
 Project Name/Number
Large scale Topographical Mapping and
Geophysical studies for Neo-tectonics &
Antarctica plate with respect to the Indian
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
Bharati & Maitri
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 Project Name/Number
Survey of India, Dehradun
S. B. Sharma :[email protected]
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical
reference frame for detail mapping and
scientific activities.
 Large scale mapping of Schirmacher Oasis and
Larsemann Hills regions of Antarctica.
 To monitor inter-plate movement of the
continent (in Schirmacher Oasis and Larsemann
Hills) with respect to Indian plate.
 Studies for neo-tectonic activities of the region.
A proposal for Geological investigations south
of Indian Bharati Station to elucidate sub-ice
geology and to establish the affinity of western
Princes Elizabeth Land (PEL) with appropriate
cratonic block
 Discipline
Earth Science, Glaciology and Global Change
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Delhi University
Naresh C. Pant- [email protected]
Study of exposed lithologies around
Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL) during field
Collection of appropriate hard rock
samples from the selected sites.
Detailed petrological approach to comment
upon subice geology in the western margin
of the PEL.
Mineral chemical analysis approach to
achieve characterization of the rock
 Bulk Geochemistry to understand the
geodynamics and genesis.
 Isotopic and Chemical dating to estimate
age constraints.
 To infer the affinity of this region between
the Indian and the Australian cratonic blocks
Student Participation
 Project Name/Number
Optimization of resources for Indian Antarctic
Expeditions through Inventory Management
 Discipline
Student Participation
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi &
ESSO- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean
Research , Goa
Shivaani M.V. (Student)
P.K. Jain (PI)- [email protected]
Mirza Javed Beg (Co-PI)- [email protected]
To study the dynamics of operations in
Antarctica with the objective of realignment of
processes and strategies for Operations
Management to ensure timelines and desired
efficiency. In other words optimisation of
resources for Antarctica Research.
 Project Name/Number
Tracking Motion of Antarctic Plate and Total
Electron content using GPS data.
 Discipline
Student Participation
 Location (Site Name, Latitude,
 Principal Investigator
 Main Activity/ Remarks
 To study the electrical structure beneath the
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Aarti Dwivedi (Student)
Mohammad Israil (PI)- [email protected] &
Larsemann Hills.