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Name: _____________________________ Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Pretest: Ch 23 & 24: Bacteria and Viruses
1. _____ rod shaped bacteria
2. _____ outermost layer in some (but
not all) bacteria
3. _____ a virus that contains RNA that gets
copied into DNA and becomes part
of the host’s genome
4. _____ clusters of bacteria have this word
as part of their name
5. _____ drug used to treat a bacterial infection
6. _____ spiral shaped bacteria
A. antibiotic
B. antibiotic resistance
C. bacillus
D. bacteriophage
E. binary fission
F. capsule
G. coccus
H. Gram negative
I. Gram positive
J. latent phage
K. plasmid
L. prokaryote
M. retrovirus
N. spirillum
O. staphyloP. streptoQ. vaccine
R. vector
S. virulent phage
7. _____ bacteria that have cell walls that are
simple and dye purple, cause anthrax,
botulism and strep throat
8. _____ has no nuclear membrane and no organelles
with membranes.
9. _____ organism that spreads a viral disease,
sometimes without being affected
10. _____ small extra piece of DNA exchanged by bacteria during sexual reproduction
11. _____ chains of bacteria have this word as part of their name
12. _____ when drugs that kill bacteria no longer work
13. _____ a virus that attacks a bacteria
14. _____ drug used to prevent a viral infection
15. _____ a virus that may remain dormant (inactive) in the body for a long time.
Herpes and HIV are examples.
16. _____ round bacteria
17. _____ bacteria that have cell walls that are complex and dye red
18. _____ asexual reproduction in bacteria
19. _____ viruses that act quickly to destroy host cells
20. – 21. Describe the two ways that bacteria are classified
22. - 23. Name two good things and two bad things that bacteria do for/to us.
Use the following terms to label the bacteria (right) and virus (left). Letters may be
used once, more than once or not at all.
A. Capsid
B. Cell membrane
C. Cell wall
D. Cilia
G. Flagellum
H. Head
I. Pilli
J. Ribosome
K. Tail
Btw…bacteria and viruses come in many shapes…these are just “generic” diagrams
of no one particular virus or bacterium.
27. _____
33. _____
24. _____
28. _____
29. _____
25. _____
30. _____
32. _____
31. _____
26. _____
34. – 35. Are viruses alive? Explain why/why not.
36. – 37. What is the difference between the lytic and lysogenic cycles for viruses?
38. – 39. Name two ways to control viral disease.
Answer Key_
Name: __
Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Pretest: Ch 23 & 24: Bacteria and Viruses
C__ rod shaped bacteria
1. __
F__ outermost layer in some (but
2. __
A. antibiotic
B. antibiotic resistance
not all) bacteria
C. bacillus
D. bacteriophage
copied into DNA and becomes part
of the host’s genome
E. binary fission
F. capsule
G. coccus
as part of their name
H. Gram negative
I. Gram positive
M__ a virus that contains RNA that gets
3. __
O__ clusters of bacteria have this word
4. __
A__ drug used to treat a bacterial infection
5. __
N__ spiral shaped bacteria
6. __
7. __ __ bacteria that have cell walls that are
simple and dye purple, cause anthrax,
botulism and strep throat
L__ has no nuclear membrane and no organelles
8. __
with membranes.
R__ organism that spreads a viral disease,
9. __
J. latent phage
K. plasmid
L. prokaryote
M. retrovirus
N. spirillum
O. staphyloP. streptoQ. vaccine
R. vector
S. virulent phage
sometimes without being affected
K__ small extra piece of DNA exchanged by bacteria during sexual
10. __
P__ chains of bacteria have this word as part of their name
11. __
B__ when drugs that kill bacteria no longer work
12. __
D__ a virus that attacks a bacteria
13. __
Q__ drug used to prevent a viral infection
14. __
J___ a virus that may remain dormant (inactive) in the body for a long time.
15. __
Herpes and HIV are examples.
G__ round bacteria
16. __
H__ bacteria that have cell walls that are complex and dye red
17. __
E__ asexual reproduction in bacteria
18. __
S__ viruses that act quickly to destroy host cells
19. __
20. – 21. Describe the two ways that bacteria are classified
By gram stain…Gram positive have simple
cell walls, Gram negative have complex cell
By shape….round, rod or spiral…and group
cluster or strips
22. - 23. Name two good things and two bad things that bacteria do for/to us.
Make food for us (cheese, yogurt), create
medicines, digest waste
Cause diseases, spoil food
Use the following terms to label the bacteria (right) and virus (left). Letters may be
used once, more than once or not at all.
A. Capsid
B. Cell membrane
C. Cell wall
D. Cilia
G. Flagellum
H. Head
I. Pilli
J. Ribosome
K. Tail
Btw…bacteria and viruses come in many shapes…these are just “generic” diagrams
of no one particular virus or bacterium.
27. __
24. __
29. __B__
33. __
28. __
25. __
30. __
32. __ __
31. __
26. __
34. – 35. Are viruses alive? Explain why/why not.
No…can’t reproduce (on own), can’t
metabolize (make/use energy), can’t grow, can’t
perform homeostasis
36. – 37. What is the difference between the lytic and lysogenic cycles for viruses?
Lytic: nucleic acids enter cell, cell makes
new phages, which burst out and kill the cell
(virulent), fast
Lysenogenic: viral nucleic acids become part
of host genome (genes), enters lytic cycle later
(temperate), slow
38. – 39. Name two ways to control viral disease.
Vaccines…prevent before it spreads by
“priming” body’s immune system
Antiviral drugs…there are a few, but antibiotics
DO NOT WORK against viruses
Control the vector…whatever is spreading it