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Name: _________________________
Chapter 21: What is a Plant?
Guided Notes
Section 21.1 Adapting to Life on Land
Origins of Plants
Define Multicellular: _________________________________________________
Define Eukaryote: __________________________________________________
Produce own food through the process of ___________________
-cells have a thick _______ ________ made of ______________
-stems & leaves are covered with a waxy, waterproof coating called a
All plants probably evolved from filamentous __________ __________
Plants appearing the fossil record ________ million years ago
Adaptations in Plants
Preventing Water Loss
-The waxy cuticle helps prevent __________ in plant’s tissues from
Carrying Out Photosynthesis
-The _________ grows from a stem and is where photosynthesis occurs
Putting Down Roots
-Plants depend on _________ as their primary source of __________ &
-a _________ is the organ that absorbs water & minerals
-contain tissues that transport nutrient to the _________
-they ___________ plants in the ground
-some accumulate ___________ & function as organs of ____________
Transporting materials
-Water moves from roots to __________
-Sugars move from leaves to __________
-A _________ is an organ that provides support for ___________ & contains
tissues for transporting _________, __________, & other
-green stems contain ________________ & can carry out photosynthesis
-stems of most plants contain _____________ ____________
-vascular tissues are _____________, ______________ cells through which
_________, _________ & materials are transported
-Plants that contain vascular tissue are called ____________ ___________
-examples include pine, __________ trees, ferns, _______ grasses,
_____________ ivy, & __________________
-________________ ___________ don’t have vascular tissues
-bodies of these plants are not more than a few __________ thick
-water & nutrients move by the processes of ____________ &
-vascular tissues allow plants to survive in many _______________ on land
-because of fibers in the tissues vascular plants can grow __________ than
Reproductive Strategies
-A _________ is a plant organ that contains an ___________, food supply,
& is covered with a protective _________
-the seed protects the embryo from ____________ out & can help
with dispersal
Alternation of Generations
-the ________________ generation results in the development of gametes
-all cells of the gametophyte are ____________
-Sporophyte generation begins with ____________________
-all cells of the sporophyte are ____________ & are produced by
____________ & _________ ______________
-Spores are produced in plant body by ____________ & are __________(n)
Section 21.2 Survey of the Plant Kingdom
Phylogeny of Plants
-As plant species evolved they retained many of their old ________________ &
also developed _________ ones.
-The processes of ______________ & ______________ continue today
-A plant division is similar to a _____________ in other kingdoms
-Highlights of plant evolution include
1. origin of plants from __________ algae
2. production of a waxy _____________
3. development of _____________ tissue & ___________
4. production of ____________
-production of seeds used to separate _______________ into 2 groups
-_______-________ plants & _________ plants
Non-seed Plants
-produce hard-walled reproductive cells called ___________
-includes _____________ & _________________ organisms
-include small plants called ______________
-______________ plants that grown only in _________ environment
-water & nutrients move by ____________ & ______________
-studies suggest that liverworts maybe the ______________ of all ________
-sporophytes of these plants resemble the _________ of animals & gives
them their common name, _________________
-nonvascular plants grow in ________, _________ habitats & rely of
___________ & _______________ to transport ______________
-________________ plants the rely on ____________ & _____________ to
transport materials
-some have ________________ cells that conduct __________ & ________
-mosses are usually less than _______ tall
-known as ________ ferns
-thin, green _________
-unique _____________ plants, have neither ________ nor ____________
-small scales that are ________, _________, ________________ structures
cover each ___________
-club mosses
-have stems, ________, & ___________
-usually less than _________ high
-horsetails, are ____________ plants
-________, ________ stems surrounded by whorls of ____________ leaves
-most well-known & __________ group of non-seed _____________ plants
-leaves are called __________ that vary in length from _______ to _______
Seed Plants
-______________ trees with _________ trunks
-produce ________ & _________ cones on separate trees
-________: scaly structures that support male & female reproductive
-_________ are produced in female cones
-male cones produce clouds of __________
-This division has only ___ living species, _________ __________, tree with
_________________ leaves
-________ & __________ reproductive structures on separate trees
-seeds produced on ___________ trees have an ______________ smell
-cone-bearing trees such as _______, _____, __________, & ___________
-vascular _______ plants that produce seeds in _________
-_______________ pines, the _________ _________ living trees, are
Members of this plant ________________
-commonly called _____________ plants
-largest, _________________ groups of _________ plants on Earth
-approximately _____________ species
-produce ____________ from which _________ develop
-2 classes: ___________________ & ___________________
**Read “Connection to Health” on p. 572. List the 6 plants mentioned in the
text & what each treats.