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“Who Am I”
1. I am any compound that contains carbon and sometimes other elements like hydrogen, oxygen
and nitrogen…
2. I am a long chain of repeated units called monomers…
3. I am the molecule that stores your hereditary information…
4. I am usually a large organic molecule. I am special because I am nonpolar and can not be
dissolved in water…
5. I am one of the four major classes of organic molecules that is referred to as the “sugars”…
6. I am a type of protein and my job is to act as a catalyst in cellular functions…
7. I am the main class of organic molecules which has amino acids as my building blocks…
8. I am a long chain of amino acids and one or more of me can form a protein…
9. I am a characteristic of substances, and I am special because I am water fearing…
10. I am the major component of the cell membrane. I have a hydrophilic head and a
hydrophobic tail…
11. I am a polar compound and the atoms that make me up are covalently bonded. I am also
special because I love to participate in hydrogen bonding with all my friends…
12. I am a very high-energy molecule. My name is long and confusing so most people refer to me
by my three letter nickname…
13. I am another characteristic of substances, and what makes me special is my love of water…
14. I am the building block of the molecule that stores all your genetic information. I consist of
three main parts: a phosphate, a sugar, and a base…
15. I am a group of atoms attached to organic compounds, and I give them their unique
Organic Compounds Review
Name: ________________
1. All organic compounds contain what element?
2. What are the four categories of organic compounds?
3. I had fresh fruit and hashbrowns for breakfast, which type of organic compounds
would be in these foods?
Fresh Fruit:
4. As a polar bear that lives at the north pole, which category of organic compounds
is most important to me?
5. The air is crisp, school has just started, time to make the team. As an athlete
which organic compound am I trying to gain?
6. Genetic information is stored in the form of _________, which fits in which
organic compound category?
7. Your body is continually changing, there are reactions happening all the time.
These reactions only happen with the help of an __________, which fits in the
organic compound category of _________.
8. The monomer for carbohydrates is the _______________, an example is glucose.
When you put two of these together you get a _______________, an example
is lactose. Both of these are commonly called sugars.
When three or more sugars are combined it is no longer called a sugar, we call it
a polysaccharide, or __________.
9. The lipids category is __________________, which means it does not mix with
molecules like water.
10. Proteins are created using this monomer, _________________.