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NAME Answer Key
1. Write your answers on the answer sheet given to you by your teacher.
2. Use the underlined links to help you find web sites about the topics and to answer the
3. If you have a problem opening any of the web sites, ask for help.
Slide 3
What was the Renaissance? (Hint: Use definition #2.) The humanistic revival of classical
art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century
and later spread throughout Europe
Using a French-English dictionary, find out what Renaissance means in French.
Slide 4
Who were the Medicis? (Hint: Search for: Medici, Italian family.) Italian family that directed
the destinies of Florence from the 15th cent. until 1737.
What was a patron? (Hint: Use the first definition.) a person who supports with money,
gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist, writer, museum, cause, charity, institution,
special event, or the like: a patron of the arts; patrons of the annual Democratic
Slide 5
Florence was the model of Renaissance culture. Using the web site “Focus on
Florence,” answer the following questions:
What was the population of Florence in 1425? 60,000
What was the primary source of income for Florence? Textile trades, banking
What was the Florentine currency? Florin
The Renaissance and Humanism
Internet Scavenger Hunt
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Now, take a virtual tour of Florence and find out more about: the Duomo, Campanile, Palazzo
Vecchio, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, the Uffizi and the Palazzo Pitti. Write two facts about each
Duomo Answers will vary
Campanile Answers will vary
Palazzo Vecchio Answers will vary
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi Answers will vary
Uffizi Answers will vary
Palazzo Pitti Answers will vary
Slide 7
Michelangelo was one of the greatest painters of the Renaissance. Using the web sites Medici:
Godfathers of the Renaissance and this biography, locate the following information:
In what year was Michelangelo born? When did he die? 1475/1564
What family raised Michelangelo? Medicis
Name three famous works of art by Michelangelo. David”, the ceiling of the Sistine
Chapel, “Pieta” and the “Last Judgement”.
Using Google Image Search, find and print out a picture of one of them. Hint: In the search
box, type Michelangelo and the name of the work of art.)
The Renaissance and Humanism
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Slide 8
Leonardo da Vinci is probably the most famous artist in the world. Use the “Medici: Godfathers
of the Renaissance” web site and the History Channel web site to find the following
In what year was da Vinci born? When did he die? 1450/1519
What patron did he have in common with Michelangelo? Medicis
What is a Renaissance man? Use to find out. a present-day man who has
acquired profound knowledge or proficiency in more than one field.
Why is da Vinci considered to be a Renaissance man? What subjects did he study? (HINT: Use
the web site listed above.) Painting/sculpture/science
Slide 9
What are four famous works by Leonardo da Vinci? Answers will vary
Use artcyclopedia to print out a painting by da Vinci that hangs in the Louvre. Mona Lisa
(HINT: To search artcyclopedia, go the bottom of the page. Search under artist’s name. Scroll
down the Museums and Art Galleries to find the Louvre.)
The Renaissance and Humanism
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Take a tour of Leonardo’s studio. Describe how artists in the Renaissance made paint. Answers
will vary
Slide 10
Use the BBC web site to answer the following questions:
What is the Italian name for the Mona Lisa? La Gioconda
What are the two theories regarding the identity of the Mona Lisa? Lisa Gherardini, the
wife of a Florentine silk merchant. Or self portrait.
What artistic technique did Leonardo use in painting the Mona Lisa? Leonardo has used a
technique known as Sfumato
What does it mean in English? the blurring of sharp edges by blending colours - to
leave the corners of the eyes and the mouth in shadow. It is this technique that
makes the Mona Lisa's expression ambiguous.
Slide 11
Use the links to find information regarding this woman painter of the Italian Renaissance:
What year was she born? What year did she die? (1532-1625)
How many paintings are credited to her? 50 works
For what Spanish king was she court painter? Phillip II
What artist praised her work? Michelangelo
Find an image of one of her self-portraits and print it out. (Hint: Use the links above or use
Google Image Search.)
The Renaissance and Humanism
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Slide 13
Albrecht Dürer was an important artist of the Northern Renaissance.
What country was he from? Germany
Use the WebMuseum to find out what types of art work he created. Name four types.
altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper
What are the names of his greatest copperplate engravings? (Hint: There are three.) The
Knight and Death (or simply The Knight, as he called it, 1513), Melancolia and St Jerome in his
Study (both 1514).
What amazing technological development occurred during Dürer’s lifetime, allowing wide
distribution of his woodcuts and engravings? printing press and availability of inexpensive
Slide 14
Use the Wikipedia (a free online encyclopedia) to find information on Jan Van Eyck. Answer
the following questions:
What type of paint was he one of the first to use? oil
Who was his older brother and teacher? Hubert van Eyck
What was the Ghent Altarpiece? Where is it located? the Joost Vijdt chapel at Saint Bavo
Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium, but was later moved for security reasons to the chapel of the
What is a polyptych? (Hint: Click the blue link.) generally refers to a painting (usually panel
painting) which is divided into four or more sections, or panels.
Slide 15
Use this web site about Bruegel to answer the following questions:
When did Bruegel live? 1525-69
In what two cities did Bruegel live? Antwerp & Brussels
What type of paintings did Bruegel create? Pick one painting, click on it to make it larger, then
print it. Answers will vary
The Renaissance and Humanism
Internet Scavenger Hunt
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Slide 16
Search Encarta for information about Rubens. Answer the following questions. (Hint: Search
for “Rubens Quick Facts.”)
Where did he do most of his work? Antwerp, Belgium
What four artists influenced Rubens’ work? was influenced by the works of Titian and
Tintoretto while in Venice and the works of Michelangelo and Raphael while in Rome
Name two great paintings by Rubens (other than the one shown. Triptych of the Raising of the
Cross & The Garden of Love
Slide 18
Use the following web sites to answer the questions below
Ananenberg/CPB and PBS: Renaissance Overview:
What did Gutenberg invent? Printing Press
In what year did he invent it? 1445
What class of people became more educated as a result of the invention? Middle Class
What new types of books were published at this time? Almanacs, travel books, chivalry
romances, and poetry
Before Gutenberg’s invention, how were books printed? By hand
Why was the invention so important? Made producing books inexpensive
Slide 19
Use the web sites to answer the questions below
What was humanism? awareness of a new philosophy that emerged when Renaissance
scholars known as humanists returned to the works of ancient writers
According to humanists, should the church rule civic matters? No
What type of literature did humanists study? writings on scientific matters, government,
rhetoric, philosophy, and art.
From what two ancient civilizations were these works? Greek & Roman
Name two of the authors studied. Cicero and Virgil
The Renaissance and Humanism
Internet Scavenger Hunt
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Who was a famous Italian humanist poet? Petrarch
Slide 20
Search Encarta for information about Dante. Answer the following questions. (Hint: Search for
“Dante Quick Facts.”)
Who was the inspiration for many of Dante’s works? Beatrice Portinari
When did Dante meet her? 1274
What was his most famous work? The Divine Comedy.
What is it about? an allegorical narrative of the author's journey through hell, purgatory, and
What is an allegory? (Hint: Use Encarta World Dictionary Online.) a work in which the
characters and events are to be understood as representing other things and
symbolically expressing a deeper, often spiritual, moral, or political meaning
What was the book first called? La commedia (The Comedy).
What word was added to the title in 1555? divine
Slide 21
Using the Hispanos Famosos site and the Literature Network, answer the following questions:
From what country was Cervantes? Spain
What was Cervantes’ most famous book? Don Quixote
What is it about? Describe two of the main character’s adventures.
What famous sayings did Cervantes create? Name three. Every man is as Heaven made
him, and sometimes a great deal worse.", "There were but two families in the
world, Have-much and Have-little."
Slide 22
Search Encarta for information about Shakespeare. Answer the following questions. (Hint:
Search for “Shakespeare Quick Facts.”)
Where was he born?
Why were Shakespeare’s characters considered to be realistic?
The Renaissance and Humanism
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Name three comedic plays.
Name three tragedies.
At what theatre were many of his plays performed?
Slide 23
Search Encarta for information about Machiavelli. Answer the following questions. (Hint: Use
the second article, “Niccolò Machiavelli Quick Facts.)
During what years did Machiavelli live? (1469-1527),
What was the title of Machiavelli’s most famous work? The Prince
What was it about? the method by which a prince can acquire and maintain political
What did critics say about it?
What are two of his other books? Dell'arte della guerra (On the Art of War, 1521),
Istorie Fiorentine (History of Florence, 1525)
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Internet Scavenger Hunt
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