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Cycles in the Lithosphere pages 54-60
Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase.
1. The belief that the earth’s features were only 5-6 thousand years old, and were
formed by violent, catastrophic events such as earth quakes and volcanoes is
called ______________________________. This belief was popular up until the
late___________________________________. The theory that the earth was
much older, and was formed more gradually is
called______________________________. This theory was originally proposed
by __________________________________ in 1785, and later developed by
_________________________________in 1830. Modern geologist now know
that the earth is roughly _______________years old.
2. Most of the earth’s rocks move continuously through the
_____________________ or rock cycle. When rocks near the earth’s core are
melted, due to the decay of ____________________ material, they form
_____________________ which moves upward through cracks in the earth’s
crust and eventually emerges as _______________ through volcanoes. As lava
cools outside the earth’s crust, it forms extrusive __________________ rocks. If
it cools below the earth’s surface, it forms _________________-igneous rock.
Igneous rock makes up about _________% of the earth’s crust.
3. Igneous rocks become worn down by the process of __________________ into
small particles. They then become deposited in places like _______________
_________ and _______________ _______________, and accumulate.
Gradually, with lots of pressure the layers of sediment become cemented together
into ______________________ rock. This type of rock usually forms layers or
4. Shape-changing or ______________________ rocks are formed when great heat
and pressure are applied to igneous or sedimentary rocks.
5. The earth’s rocks will cycle through the different stages _____________times .
6. In 1910, Alfred Wegener theorized that all the earth’s continents originally
formed a single continent named ____________________. He believed that the
continents gradually drifted apart into the form they have today. This theory is
called ____________________ drift. Canadian Tuzo Wilson, later discovered that
the there was a spatial pattern to the earthquakes and volcanoes, and theorized that
the sea floor is _______________________. We have since discovered that the
crustal plates are not drifting, but are being pushed by the underlying magma.
This theory is called _______________ _____________________.
7. Using the map on page 59 fill out the following chart on the plates.
Moving toward
Separating from Sliding by