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Name ______________________________________________
Science Period ___________
TEST Review Quarter 2 TEST #3
Date ____________
1. Fossils form when living things die and their remains are buried by____________________________________.
2. The _____________________________________________ age of a rock is its age generally; its age compared
to the ages of other rocks.
3. The law of superposition states that, in horizontal layers of sedimentary rock, each layer is
__________________________ than the layer above it and _______________________________ then the layer
below it.
4. The fossils of organisms that were widely distributed but only lived during a short period of time are called
_________________________ fossils.
5. Index fossils useful to geologists because they tell the _____________________ age of the rock in which they
6. Radioactive decay occurs when atoms of an unstable _____________________________ break down to form
atoms of another ____________________________. (same word)
7. Radioactive dating enables geologists to determine the ________________________________ ages of rocks.
8. Radioactive decay works best with ___________________________________ rocks.
9. The ______________________________ ____________________ ______________________is a record of the
life forms and geologic events in Earth’s history.
10. What is the age of an intrusion of igneous rock in relation to the sedimentary rock layers through which it passes?
11. Holes drilled several kilometers into Earth’s crust provide direct evidence about Earth’s interior in the form of
_____________________________ _________________________________
12. Geologists obtain indirect evidence about Earth’s interior by recording and studying ______________________
13. What is the correct order (starting from the surface) of Earth’s layers? __________________________________
14. Earth’s inner core is a dense ball of ______________________ metal.
15. According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift, the continents were once linked together in a single
16. The name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago is ___________________________________.
17. What type of evidence was used by Alfred Wegener to support his continental drift hypothesis?
18. Most geologists rejected Alfred Wegener’s idea of continental drift because Wegener could not identify a
_______________________ that could move the continents.
19. The technology that scientists used in the mid-1900s to map the mid-ocean ridge was
20. In sea-floor spreading, molten material rises from the mantle and erupts along the _______________________
21. The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle is known
22. Most geologists think that the movement of Earth’s plates is caused by ______________________________
________________________________ in the mantle.
23. The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant, slow motion is the theory of
_______________________________ ________________________________.
24. A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions, is known as a
______________________________ boundary.
25. A rift valley forms at a ______________________________________ plate boundary.
26. Using data from __________________________ waves, geologists have learned that Earth’s interior is made up
of several layers.
27. Earth’s mantle is a layer of ____________________________ _________________________.
28. Earth’s magnetic field results from movements in the ___________________ __________________________.
29. Scientists think that convection currents flow in Earth’s ________________________________.
30. A collision between two pieces of continental crust at a converging boundary produces a
___________________________ __________________________.
31. Mid-ocean ridges are found in all of Earth’s ____________________________________________.
32. The place where two plates come together is known as a ____________________________________
33. A(n) __________________________________ is a gap in the geologic record where some rock layers have
been lost because of erosion.
34. A ______________________________________________________ is formed at a transform boundary.
35. A scientist find the absolute age of a sedimentary layer by finding the age of _____________________________
36. Arthur Holmes suggested the power of convection was the force that moved the plates, but warned that his ideas
have no scientific value until they acquire support from independent
37. Harry Hess proposed that the movement of the continents was a result of ___________________________
38. _________________________________________________________________ stripes are evidence for seafloor spreading.
39. The asthenosphere is part of which layer of Earth? _____________________________________
40. The inner core is solid rather than liquid because of the increase in ____________________________________.
41. Which layer of Earth is made up partly of crust and partly of mantle material?
42. Name three ways that oceanic crust and continental crust are different: _________________________________
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