Download 3D Model of Earth`s Layers

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3D Model of Earth’s Layers
Objective: Students work in groups to build a scale
model of the earth’s layers. Knowledge of
the order and relationship between the layers
is demonstrated while enhancing students’
group and communication skills.
•Students demonstrated
they could differentiate
between the layers of
the earth.
•I was able to share
decision making skills
and helped to facilitate
group communication and
The first quarter the seventh grade students study “Inside Earth.” One of the
objectives is that students will investigate and diagram the layers of the earth’s
interior. Instead of a written exam, this activity was designed to assess their
knowledge. Each model was to show the oceanic crust, continental crust,
lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, outer core and inner core.
Accompanying each model was an information sheet where the students were
to list three facts about each layer of the earth that was diagramed. Also, four
facts about the earth in general were to be included.
The students had three class periods to finish their project. They were to use
materials they had at home or in the classroom. Students were not
encouraged to purchase anything to build their models. The first day was
used for planning and getting started if possible. The other two days were
used to build their models and complete their information sheets.