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Español 3-4
Examen del Primer Semestre
Sra. English 2008-09
Capítulo 1
Vocabulario 1 – Familia, Descripciones, Actividades – pp. 6-8
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. What are you like? ¿Cómo eres (tú)?
2. What is your brother like? ¿Cómo es tu hermano?
3. What are your brothers like? ¿Cómo son tus hermanos?
4. What do you like to do on the weekends? ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
5. What do your friends like to do? ¿A tus amigos qué les gusta hacer?
6. My younger sister is active and outgoing. Mi hermana menor es activa y extrovertida.
Write a description of yourself – include 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits.
Soy... singular adjectives that match your gender._________________________________________________
Answer the following question in at least 3 Spanish sentences. Use reflexive verbs.
¿Qué haces todas las mañanas? Possible answer: Me levanto a las 5. Me baño y me ducho. Como el desayuno
y voy al colegio.____________________________________________________________________________
Nouns, Adjectives & Gustar – p. 10
Adjectives have to agree with the _______nouns______ they describe in two ways: gender and __number___.
The masculine form of most adjectives ends in ___o____, and the feminine form usually ends in
___a___. Adjectives that end in ___e___ have the same masculine and feminine forms. Adjectives that end in
consonants do not add an “a” to become feminine unless they end in “or” or describe a nationality. If the
singular form of an adjective ends in a vowel, add __s___ to make it plural. If the singular form ends in a
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p. 1
consonant, add ____es____. When describing more than one person at a time, use the masculine form of the
adjective if there is/are at least __1___ male(s).
Write the following adjectives in their plural forms, leaving the gender the same.
1. romántico
3. trabajador trabajadores
2. intelectual intelectuales
4. trabajadora trabajadoras
Write the following adjectives in the opposite gender, leaving the number (singular/plural) the same.
1. simpático simpática
2. inteligente inteligentes
3. perezosas perezosos
4. trabajadoras trabajadores
Use a word from each column to create five correct sentences. CHANGE THE ADJECTIVE to match the noun it
describes. (There are more than five correct answers.)
tú – must go with “eres”
mis amigas – must go with “son”
Juan – must go with “es”
Paco y yo – must go with “somos”
tú y tus amigos – must go with “son”
yo – must go with “soy”
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___Don’t forget to match the adjective with the noun it describes – watch both gender and number!______
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________
We can use two forms of the verb gustar to talk about what someone likes:
GUSTA to talk about ___singular nouns_________ and _____infinitive verbs______
and GUSTAN to talk about ___plural nouns_____.
Gustar literally means “__to be pleasing to_____.”
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p. 2
We put a pronoun before the form of gustar to say to whom something is pleasing. Fill in the chart with the
pronouns we can use and what they mean in English
me = to me
nos = to us
te = to you
os = to you all (informal; in
les = to them
to you all
le = to him/her
to you (formal)
To clarify or emphasize the pronoun, we can add “a + name” before the me/te/le/etc. For example: Me gustan
los animales.  A mí me gustan los animales. (emphasizes that I like animals)
Le gustan los deportes.  A Juan le gustan los deportes. (clarifies that Juan likes sports)
Put the word “no” __before____ the pronoun to say “don’t” or “doesn’t.”
What do the following phrases mean in English?
1. quién _____who_________
2. quiénes _______who (plural)_______________
3. ¿por qué? _____why__________
4. porque __because________________________
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. Who likes fruits? ¿A quién(es) le(s) gustan las frutas?
2. Do you like fruits? ¿Te gustan las frutas?
3. Does Juan like vegetables? ¿A Juan les gustan las verduras?
4. No, I don’t like videogames. No, no me gustan los videojuegos.
5. Why do you like cars? ¿Por qué te gustan los carros?
6. We like music more, because it’s fun. Nos gusta más la música, porque es divertida.
We can use the verb gustar with infinitives to talk about what people like to do, but the only form of
gustar we can use with infinitives is ____gusta____.
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. I like to run. Me gusta correr.
2. Juan likes to swim and bike ride. A Juan le gusta nadar y montar en bicicleta.
3. Do you like to go shopping? ¿Te gusta ir de compras?
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p. 3
Present Tense of Regular & Stem-Changing Verbs – p. 12-14
Fill in the charts with the correct endings for each type of verb.
Complete the following sentences with the correct conjugation of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Tú patinas (patinar) muy bien.
2. Silvia y Olivia escuchan (escuchar) música rock.
3. Pablo no trabaja (trabajar) mucho; es perezoso.
4. Gabriel y sus amigos no corren (correr).
5. Yo escribo (escribir) cartas.
6. ¿Tú lees (leer) mucho?
Some verbs also have a stem change. This change happens in all forms except nosotros and
vosotros. There are four types of stem-changes, ei, eie, oue, and uue.
List as many verbs of each stem-change type as you can remember; include what they mean in English.
e  ie
o  ue
u  ue
LIST VERBS HERE................................................................
Conjugate the following two verbs, remembering to stem change when needed.
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dormir = to sleep
jugar = to play
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Mi mamá y yo pedimos (pedir) café en el restaurante.
2. A Elena le gusta escribir, pero Juan prefiere (preferir) leer.
3. ¿Piensas (pensar) tú venir con nosotros?
4. Paco y sus amigos almuerzan (almorzar) en la cafetería.
5. Tú y tu familia pueden (poder) venir a mi casa para visitar.
Verbs with Yo Forms Ending in “go” – p. 14
Write the meaning and yo form of each verb listed.
El Verbo
En Inglés
to go out
to put/place/set
to do/make
to bring
to know
to come
to have
Forma “Yo”
Tener and venir also have a stem change in the present tense, except in the yo, nosotros and vosotros forms.
Reflexive Pronouns – p. 14
A reflexive verb is one where the subject is doing something to or for him or her self.
To make a verb reflexive, you must use a reflexive pronoun. Complete the chart below with the pronouns and
what they mean in English.
me = to/for myself
nos = to/for ourselves
te = to/for yourself
os = to/for yourselves
(plural, informal, in Spain)
les = to/for them/you all
le = to/for
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p. 5
Reflexive pronouns can be put in several places in a sentence. One place is before a conjugated verb.
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Don’t forget the reflexive
1. Los fines de semana, yo me levanto (levantarse) tarde.
2. Tú te pones (ponerse) el piyama temprano.
3. Nosotros nos lavamos (lavarse) los dientes a las nueve.
4. Mi padre se afeita (afeitarse) todos los días.
5. Mis gatos se bañan (bañarse) en el sol.
Vocabulario 2 – La Casa, Los Quehaceres y Las Vacaciones – pp. 18-20
Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English.
1. ¿Qué hay que hacer en la sala? What needs to be done in the living room?
2. ¿Puedo ayudarte? Can I help you?
3. No te olvides de lavar los platos. Don’t forget to wash the plates.
4. ¿Algo más? Anything else?
Make a list of chores that would be done in each of the following rooms. You should use some more than once
and use vocabulary from last year and chapter 2 (pp. 58-59) as well.
la sala
el baño
el garaje
la habitación
la cocina
MAKE A LIST.................
_______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _____________
_______________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____________
_______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _____________
_______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _____________
_______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _____________
Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences.
1. ¿Qué quieres hacer este fin de semana? Quiero + infinitive verb
2. ¿Prefieres pasar la aspiradora o lavar los platos? Prefiero...+ infinitive
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p. 6
3. ¿Qué piensas hacer esta noche? Pienso + infinitive verb
Tener Expressions & Verbs Followed by Infinitives – p. 22 & p. 64
List 10 tener expressions and what they mean in English. FIND THEM IN YOUR BOOK.___________________
Two tener expressions must be followed by infinitives (tener ganas de and tener que). There are other verbs
that can be followed by infinitives too. Write the lists of them from pages 22 and 64 and what they mean in
WRITE A LIST.........
The Present Progressive – p. 24
The present progressive is used to talk about what is currently going on. Use a form of the
verb estar, then use the present participle (word with -ando or –iendo). To form that
participle, drop the –ar, -er, or -ir, then add -ando for an –ar verb or -iendo for an –er or –ir verb.
Complete the following sentences using the present progressive of the verb in parentheses. Don’t forget about
1. Pablo está buscando (buscar) el gato.
2. Yo estoy preparando (preparar) el almuerzo.
3. Nosotros estamos poniendo (poner) la mesa.
4. Tú estás limpiando (limpiar) el baño.
5. Tú y tus amigos están escribiendo (escribir) correo electrónico.
-Ar and –er verbs do not stem-change in the present progressive. –Ir verbs use their normal stem-change
without the e. Example: dormir (oue stem changer)  durmiendo
Verbs like leer are also irregular in the present progressive, because we don’t want to have 3 vowels
together. Change the i to a y. One other irregular to know is ir, which becomes yendo.
Direct Object Pronouns – p. 24
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p. 7
A direct object is what receives the action of a verb. In the sentence “Mom kicked
the ball,” the ball is the direct object. It answers the question, “What?” Like other
pronouns, they can be put before conjugated verbs, on the end of infinitives,
on the end of an –ando or –iendo word, on the end of positive commands, and between
no and a negative command.
Complete the chart with the pronoun and what it means in English. The ones in the bolded boxes are most
important right now.
Direct Object Pronouns
me = me
nos = us
te = you
lo = it
la = it
los = them
las = them
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the direct object with a direct object pronoun.
1. Héctor lava los platos. Héctor los lava.
2. Papá y mis hermanos cortan las verduras. Papá y mis hermanos las cortan.
3. Jorge saca la basura. Jorge la saca.
Ir a + Infinitives – p. 24
“Ir a + infinitive” is used to talk about what is going to happen.
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. I am going to clean the bathroom. Voy a limpiar el baño.
2. We are going to go to the movies. Vamos a ir al cine.
3. They are going to run in the park. Van a correr en el parque.
Positive Tú Commands – p. 26
Form a positive tú command by using the él/ella/Ud. form of the verb – or go to the tú form and drop the s.
Change the verbs into positive tú commands.
1. lavar lava
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2. tocar toca
3. pasar pasa
4. comer come
5. escribir escribe
6. decorar decora
You can put direct object pronouns attached to the end of a positive command. Then add an accent to
the command, usually on the 3rd vowel from the end. You can do the same thing with positive formal
Change the verbs into positive tú commands and add direct object pronouns to replace the nouns.
1. lavar el carro lávalo
2. tocar la guitarra tócala
3. pasar la aspiradora pásala
4. comer las verduras cómelas
5. escribir las cartas escríbelas
6. decorar el patio decóralo
There are 8 irregular positive tú commands:
Ven = Come
Di = Say
Sal = Go out
Haz = Make/Do
Ten = Have
Ve = Go
Pon = Put/Place
Sé = Be
You can add pronouns to the end of these as well.
Negative Tú Commands – p. 26
Use the following process to form a negative tú command:
1. Put the verb in the yo form.
2. Take off the o.
3. Add the opposite ending, which for –ar verbs is -es and for –er/-ir verbs is -as.
Then put “No” in front of the command. To use a pronoun, put it between no and the negative command. You
can also do this with negative formal commands.
Change the verbs to their negative tú command.
1. salir No salgas
2. pasar No pases
3. comer No comas
4. escribir No escribas
5. comprar No compres
6. hacer No hagas
Verbs that end in –car, -gar, and –zar have a spelling change in a negative tú command. For –car verbs,
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p. 9
the change is c  qu. In –gar verbs it’s g  gu. In –zar verbs, it’s z  c.
Try three:
sacar  no saques
llegar  no llegues
empezar  no empieces
There are three other verbs with irregular negative tú commands:
ir  no vayas
dar  no des
ser  no seas
Capítulo 2
Vocabulario 1 – Los oficios – pp. 46-48
Write sentences that tell where each person works and what they do.
1. El peluquero trabaja en la peluquería y corta pelo. <-- JUST AN EXAMPLE FOR THIS SECTION
2. La secretaria ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. El banquero _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. La cocinera _____________________________________________________________________________.
Indirect Objects, Dar & Decir – p. 50
An indirect object receives the direct object or benefits from the verb. In the
sentence “Mom kicked the ball to Pedro,” Pedro is the indirect object. The indirect object answers
the question “To whom?” In a sentence, indirect object pronouns can go in the same places as reflexive
and direct object pronouns.
Fill in the chart with the indirect object pronouns and what they mean. –SEE THE GUSTAR CHART
Indirect Object Pronouns
les = to/for him
= to/for her
= to/for you (Ud.)
Many times we use the verbs dar (to give) and decir (to say/to tell) with indirect object pronouns.
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p. 10
Complete the sentences with the correct indirect object pronouns.
1. El chico le da unas flores a la chica.
2. Nosotros le damos de comer al perro.
3. El cartero te trae el correo a ti.
4. Yo les digo “Hola” a las chicas.
Saber & Conocer – p. 52 and p. 92
Saber and conocer mean to know. Use saber to talk about knowing facts,
information and how to do something (saber + inf.). Use conocer to talk about knowing
or being familiar with people and places.
Use “a” between conocer and a person.
Both verbs have irregular yo forms: sé (saber) and conozco (conocer)
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of saber or conocer.
1. Amanda sabe cocinar major que nadie.
2. Rafael conoce a María.
3. ¿Tú sabes dónde está la biblioteca?
4. ¿Tú conoces mi vecindario?
In the preterite, conocer means to meet.
Uses of Ser – p. 54
Make a list of the uses of ser. Use your notes and the lists on p. 54 and p. 62 to help you.
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p. 11
Vocabulario 2 – Cosas en la Casa y las Quejas (Complaints) – pp. 58-61
Write three ways to complain about chores in Spanish.
Write 5 vocabulary words you didn’t remember until you saw them again and what they mean in English.
Ser and Estar – p. 62
Use the list from p. 12 of the packet to remind you of when we use ser. Make a list of when to use estar,
based on your notes and p. 62.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of either ser or estar.
1. El concierto es a las ocho.
2. El concierto es en el auditorio.
3. Julio es de Cuba.
4. Julio es alto.
5. Julio está bien.
5. El gato está debajo de la cama.
Preterite of –ar, -er, and –ir verbs – p. 66
Fill in the chart with the endings for regular preterite verbs.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Yo pasé (pasar) la aspiradora.
2. Mi hermano comió (comer) helado.
3. Nosotros escribimos (escribir) cartas.
4. Sara limpió (limpiar) el baño.
Preterite of Ir – p. 66
Sra. María English
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p. 12
Fill in the chart with the correct forms of ir in the preterite.
Ir = to go
Capítulo 3
Vocabulario 1 – El Pueblo – pp. 86-89
Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences.
1. ¿Qué compraste en la pescadería? Compré...
2. ¿Qué hiciste en la mueblería? VERB IN THE PRETERITE
3. ¿Quién trabaja en la comisaría? El policía trabaja en la comisaría.
4. ¿Adónde fuiste ayer? Fui a....
Impersonal Se and Passive Se – p. 90
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. Spanish is spoken here. Se habla español aquí.
2. Fruit is bought at the fruit stand. Se compran frutas en la frutería.
3. Swimming is prohibited. Se prohíbe nadar./No se permite nadar.
4. Eating is permitted. Se permite comer.
Preterite of –car, -gar, and –zar Verbs – p. 92
In the preterite yo form, –car, -gar, and –zar verbs have the same spelling change as in they do in a negative
tú command. (See page 10 of this packet.) They have normal –ar verb endings, and every other form is
completely normal.
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p. 13
Irregular Preterites: Hacer, Andar, Tener, and Venir – p. 66 and p. 94
In the preterite, these four verbs have odd stems and different endings from normal verbs. They do all have
the same endings as each other. None of their forms has an accent.
Hacer = to do/make
Andar = to walk
Tener = to have
Venir = to come
Irregular Preterites: Dar & Ver – p. 94
Dar (to give) takes normal –er/-ir verb endings in the preterite but without accents.
Ver (to see) is completely normal, except that it does not have any accents.
Dar = to give
Ver = to see
Vocabulario 2 – La Ciudad – pp. 98-101
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. Excuse me, how can I get to the aquarium? Perdón, ¿cómo puedo llegar al acuario?
2. Excuse me, can you repeat what you said? Perdón, ¿puede repetir lo que dijo?
3. One more time, please? Otra vez, ¿por favor?
Write the right-hand column of directions in the box from p. 104 here. Include what they mean in English.
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p. 14
Formal Commands – p. 102
To make a formal command, follow the same process as you do to make negative tú commands. (See pages
10 and 11 of this packet.) –Car, -gar, and –zar verbs have the same spelling changes as they do in the
preterite yo form.
There are also three verbs with weird formal commands:
ir = to go
(no) vaya____
(no) vayan
ser = to be
(no) sea
(no) sean
dar = to give
(no) dé
(no) den
Formal commands take pronouns the same way tú commands do: attached to the end of a
positive command (with an accent, usually on the third-to-last vowel) and between “no” and a
negative command.
-ger and –guir verbs also have a change, but the only one you should know for now is the command “Siga(n) derecho.” from seguir
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p. 15