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Where is Greece?
• Sunny Greece is
1,500 miles from
• It’s capital city is
• It is famous for its
beautiful beaches and
Ancient Greece
• In Ancient Greece,
the different cities
were at war with each
• The most fearsome
fighters came from
the town of Sparta.
The Climate
• The climate is
• The Mediterranean Sea
affects the Greek climate,
cooling the air in summer
and providing warmth in
• The warm summers are
cooled by a seasonal
breezes from the
Mediterranean called the
The Climate - Summer
• The Greek summer is hot
and dry.
• On average the sun
shines for 3,000 hours
per year.
• The average temperature
is 33°.
• In Britain it is 15°.
• The average rainfall is
• In Britain it is 76mm.
The Climate - winter
• The Greek winter is
moderate. It can be rainy
on costal regions and
snowy in the mountains.
• The average temperature
is 15°.
• In Britain it is 4°,
sometimes falling to -10°.
• The average rainfall is
• In Britain it is over
Ancient greece - terrain
• Greece has a very
scenic landscape.
• The terrain of Greece
is very varied.
• There are mountains,
valleys and coasts.
• The high mountains
are separated by
deep valleys through
which rivers flow.
Ancient greece - terrain
• No part of Greece is
more than about forty
miles from the coast
(a couple of days
• There are lots of
islands surrounding
• However, millions of
years ago the seabed
was completely dry!
soil and plants
• Vegetation is dependent
on geographical regions.
• Due to the variety of land,
there a some 6,000
indigenous species in
• In Ancient Greece,
farmers grew olives, figs,
grain, fruit and grapes in
the fertile valleys.
Soil and plants
• However, other parts of Ancient
Greece had drier soil and less
vegetation, particularly around
the cities.
• Although surrounded by sea
water, they found it difficult to
find fresh water away from the
• The high mountains also
prevented large-scale farming,
so the Greeks were forced to
look beyond their own country
for fertile land.
• Another important aspect of
the Greek environment is that
it is very unstable.
• Greece is in the middle of a
very volcanic zone, between
the European and African
tectonic plates.
• There are several active
volcanoes and earthquakes
are common.
776 BC
about 750 BC
The first Olympic games.
Early Greek culture. Homer '.
writes the epics 'The Iliad' and the
650 - 580 BC
508 BC
Corinth is ruled by the tyrant Kypselos
and then his son Periander.
Democracy begins in Athens
490 and 480 BC
Greeks defeat Persian invaders at the
battles of Marathon (490 BC)and
Salamis (480 BC).
by 450 BC
Athens becomes a very powerful city,
and controls an empire.
472 - 410 BC
Greeks theatre thrives in Athens. Many
of the most famous Greek plays are
written during this time.
Trade, very important…
• Greek farmers could not have sustained a
civilization like we saw in Egypt or
• Colonies shipped goods to mainland
• Money replaced the barter system
Distinct City-States…
Common Cultural Features
•Strong city-state ties and
•an independent spirit
•Bitter economic rivalries
•All led to continuous
fighting among the Greek
city-states BUT Despite
these divisions, the
Greeks shared a common
Unifying Culture Forces of
the City-States
1. They honored the same ancient
heroes and Homer’s writings.
2. They participated in common
festivals and holidays.
3. They prayed and shared the same
4. They shared the Greek language.
5. They felt superior to non-Greeks,
whom they called “barbaroi,”
people who did not speak Greek.
3000 B.C. – 1000 B.C.
• Minoans
• Mycenaeans
The Minoans
2500 B.C. – 1400 B.C.
• Located on the island
of Crete
• Sir Arthur Evans
discovered the
Minoan civilization in
• Evans names them
from his findings of
King Minos
Extensive Trade Travel
• A trading
empire… took
ideas from
Egypt and
• Traders not
fighters… Why?
• Dominated the
seas with no
What happens to the Minoans?
• Civilizations just disappears:
Destroyed around 1400 B.C. no one
• Possible theories:
-tidal wave
-Mycenaean invasion
-Volcanic eruption
The Minoans,
2000 B.C.-1400B.c.
• Left us a legacy of
fantastic frescoes.
Frescoes reveal much
about Minoan life
-Worshipped a
Mother Earth
-the bull
Women appeared to
have more freedom
Fresco of three
Minoan women
N Entrance of the Palace of Kno
HistoryWiz: The Minoans
Rulers of Mycenae
• Around 1900 B.C.E., a central Asian people
began settling in mainland Greece
• Spoke Greek
• Intermarried with the locals
• Became a interested in trade because of the
poor soil and few natural resources
The Mycenaean World
of Ancient Greece
•Very Aggressive warriors
•They invade Crete and adopt
and spread many features of the
Minoan culture:
-adapted Minoan writing system
to Greek
-Copies images from pottery
-Minoan legends influence Greek
religion, art and politics
• Mycenaeans located
their cities on hills so
they could watch for
invaders by land or
• Each city centered
around a hilltop or an
acropolis on the
mainland of Greece.
• Lived in a fortified
city with walls 20 feet
Lion gate of
Mycenaean Goddess
More Mycenaean Artifacts
The Trojan War
• The traditional
legend is believed
to reflect a real war
• Between mainland
Greeks and the
inhabitants of Troy
Why So Remembered???
The war probably
resulted from the
desire of either to
plunder the
wealthy city or to
put an end to
Troy's commercial
control of the
purely economic
BUT… legend “tells us” that is about a Trojan
youth kidnapping the wife of a Greek king!
Why? Because he could not live without her…
We love it don’t we… and so did the Greeks!
Helen being stolen by Paris!
• Modern archaeological excavations have
shown that Troy was destroyed by fire
sometime between 1230 BC and 1180 BC.
• Which supports the time frame of the Trojan
How did the war end…
• The war lasted ten years
• With both sides wellmatched only a masterful
scheme could end the
The Mycenaeans would
give Troy a gift…
Dark Age in Greece
• Dorian invaders sweep onto the peninsula
(Brown lines)
• Iron weapons give them the advantage
• The Mycenaeans never recover.
Dark Age in Greece
• Dorians continue
their advance around
the Greek mainland
and Crete
• Artistic skills and
writing were
forgotten; not valued
by the new rulers.
• Many Greeks fled to
Asia Minor and their
the Phoenician
alphabet is adopted
The Iliad and The Odyssey
by Homer
• Homer, blind poet
• Poems appear at the
end of Greek’s Dark
Age -750 BC
• They are orally
passed to the next
The Epics of Homer
•Homer’s heroes display
honor, courage, and
•The Iliad and the
Odyssey reveal many of
the values of ancient
Greek Religion: Its Gods and
• Greeks were
very religious
• No priestly
class or
• Polytheistic
Greek Myths
• A rich tradition developed about
their Gods
Greeks used these myths/stories to
try and understand human passion
and mysteries of nature
Myths would explain the changing
seasons or
-Try to explain death or disease
Greek Gods
1.People emulated the
Gods’ behavior
2. Influenced peoples’
3. Gods lived on Mt.
4. Each God controlled
a specific part of the
Greek Religion:
Its Gods and Goddesses
• Each city-state had a
patron god.
• Over 60 days a year
were dedicated to the
celebration, worship
and partying!
Athena, Goddess of Athens
Can you name some
popular Greek Gods?
Zeus: king of the gods
Ares: god of war
Aphrodite: goddess of love
Athena: goddess of wisdom
Apollo: god of light
Poseidon: god of the sea
The Olympic Games
• Stressed athleticism in
their school curriculum
• Held to honor Zeus
• Trade and wars stopped
during games
• Athletes came from all
over the world to
• Individual events rather
than team
• Women were not allowed
Cities represented at Olympic games
Governing the City-States
Between 750 B.C. and 500 B.C., the
Greeks evolved different forms of
At first, the ruler was a king. A
government in which a king or queen
exercises central power is called a
Governing the City-States
Slowly, power shifted to a class of
noble landowners. At first, the nobles
defended the king, but in time, they
won power for themselves. A
government ruled by a landholding,
noble elite is called an aristocracy.
Governing the City-States
As trade expanded, a new
class of wealthy merchants,
farmers, and artisans came to
dominate some city-states. A
government in which power is
in the hands of a small,
powerful elite, usually from
the business class, is called
an oligarchy.
Review of Governments
1. monarchy: [‘single ruler'] A
government in which a king or queen
exercises central power (chosen by
birth; hereditary)
2. aristocracy: ['best-rule'] noble landholding families (hereditary distinction)
3. oligarchy: ['few-rule'] small group of
business elites like, merchants,
farmers and artisans (wealth
New Kind of Military
•Each city-state had
•Each city-state provided
its own defense
•Hoplite name comes
from the Greek word
“hopon” for shield
New Technique: Phalanx
• A new method of
fighting emerged
called “phalanx”
• A massive
formation of
heavily armed foot
soldiers that moved
in unison
• Required hours of
drill and practice!
Ancient Sparta
• Peloponnesus
region in
• Founded by
descendants of
Dorian invaders
• Map shows
Sparta and its
• Military Society;
largest and most
sophisticated army in
the known world
• Forbade: trade, travel
and free speech!
• Needed army to
control slave
• Control lasted over
250 years.
• All conquered people
– Government owned
slaves named helots
– 20 to 1 of the
• Government: Monarchy
• Oligarchy in reality
2 kings and 28
who had the real power
• No interest in trade or in
education other than in
the arts of war
Spartan Military Life
Army governed life
What did it mean for a
Trained in military
-Started at age 7
-Marry at 20 but live
in barracks
-Retire at 60
53 years of service!
•Males can vote at 30
Reading: Sparta, The
training of Youth
Spartan Women
How did Spartan women
• Taught to read and write
• Did not perform many
domestic tasks
• Women were trained in
athletic events:
javelin, discus, foot races,
and staged battles
• Would have to run naked in
front of males
Spartan Women
• Expected to produce
healthy children or?
• Fed better
• Taught loyalty to the state
• Had Property Rights
• Protect home for husband
• The Wedding – Nothing
most women would
want…Listen and Decide!
• No other city has contributed more to the
civilization of mankind than Athens.
• It is the place where democracy was born.
• Founded by
• Encouraged trade,
dominate naval
• Stressed a balance
of the mind and
Athenian Women
•The status of an Athenian woman in Greek
society was minimal.
•Married 14-16 years old, chosen by their father
•Upper class had beautiful weddings!
"Teaching a woman to read and write? What a
terrible thing to do! Like feeding a vile snake
on more poison."
Athenian Women
Describe the life of an
Athenian women:
1. Take care of home
2. Raise the children
3. Seldom allowed in public; not even
the marketplace
4. No formal education
5. Could not own property
6. Lower class women actually had
more freedom because they
worked and came in contact with
• World’s first
limited democracy
• Path to limited
democracy took
years and lots of
blood shed!
• Revolts of the
lower classes and
former slaves.
Path to Athenian
• First written code of laws for
• Took power away from
Path to Athenian
• First real political reformer
• Ordinary citizens gained greater power
through the new courts system
• He made decisions to benefit the all
people in a crisis, not just the wealthy!
• But still no land reform ‘aka’ land to the
landless poor
Path to Democracy
• Helped the poor
• Extended citizenship
with right to vote to
• Gave some land to
the peasants
Path to Democracy
• Credited with establishing
democracy in Greece
• Established the law making
assembly the Council of
500 to propose laws
• Former slaves got
• Tried ostracism*
*banishment from the city for 10 years
with 6,000 votes!
Limited Democracy
• This form of government
was used at a meeting place
which the Greeks called the
• Here the citizens of Athens
met monthly and discussed
the affairs of state.
• There were no decisions
made by government
without first asking the
Assembly met 40 times a
Athenian Democracy
• Only those with both parents born in
Athens could have citizenship
• Athens had a direct democracy:
all male citizens had the right to attend
the Assembly and a vote.
• No elections, leaders chosen by drawing