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LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – PHYSICS SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION – JUNE 2007 PH 2808 - QUANTUM MECHANICS Date & Time: 25/06/2007 / 9:00 - 12:00 Dept. No. PART- A Max. : 100 Marks (10 x 2m = 20m) 1. State and explain any two admissibility conditions on the quantum mechanical wave function. 2. Prove explicitly that the momentum operator is a self-adjoint operator. 3. Write down the ground state energy eigenfunction of a simple harmonic oscillator? Sketch its graph. 4. Define the parity operator by its effect on a wave function. What are its eigenvalues? 5. If A is any Hermitian operator and is a real number, prove that exp ( iA ) is unitary. 6. What is a projection operator? 7. Write down the expression for Hamiltonian of spin-orbit interaction of an electron subject to an spherically symmetric electric potential. 8. What are Clebsch-Gordon coefficient? 9. “The second order correction to the energy eigenvalue (in perturbation theory) is necessarily negative if the unperturbed state is the ground state “. Justify this statement. 10. What is the basis of the WKB approximation and why is it referred to as the semiclassical approximation method? PART- B (4x7 1/2m= 30 m) ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS 11. A) Prove that the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator are real and any two eigenfunctions belonging to distinct eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator are mutually orthogonal B) Explain the Schmidt orthogonalisation procedure (4 ½ + 3) 12.Discuss the behaviour of the radial wave function of a particle in a central potential, both near the origin and in the asymptotic region 13.Obtain the Schoredinger representations for the position and the momentum operators based on the general representation theory. 14. Prove the following properties of the Pauli matrices: a) 2 = 3, b) xy = - yx and c) +2 = 0. 15. Discuss the WKB approximation method for the one-dimensional Schoredinger equation and obtain the asymptotic nature of the solution. PART- C (4x 12 1/2m= 50 m) ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS 16. A) Derive the uncertainty relation for a pair of non-commuting observables. B) Given that x,p = ih, obtain the value of x2, p2 . (8+41/2) 17. Obtain the energy eigenvalues and energy eigenfunctions of a simple harmonic oscillator by the ladder operator method. 18. A) Prove that the momentum operator in quantum mechanics is proportional to the generator of infinitesimal translations. B) Explain the Schoredinger picture of time evolution of a quantum mechanical System (8+41/2) 19. Starting from the commutation relations between the components of the angular momentum operator J, obtain the matrix representations for J 2 and J+ in the jm basis for j = 1. 20. Discuss the time independent perturbation theory to obtain the first order corrections to both the energy eigenvalue and the energy eigenfunction of a state of a non-degenerate quantum mechanical system. SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1SR1S