Entanglement in periodically driven quantum systems
... This has led, e.g., to the investigation of dynamical localization [17, 18] and the coherent destruction of tunneling [19], both of which arise from the interplay of periodic driving and quantum coherence. Arguably the most fascinating trait of quantum mechanics, however, is entanglement. It describ ...
... This has led, e.g., to the investigation of dynamical localization [17, 18] and the coherent destruction of tunneling [19], both of which arise from the interplay of periodic driving and quantum coherence. Arguably the most fascinating trait of quantum mechanics, however, is entanglement. It describ ...
Dirac Notation in Mathematica
... commutator template anticommutator template subscript template power template ...
... commutator template anticommutator template subscript template power template ...
Ph125: Quantum Mechanics
... The state of a particle is represented by a vector |ψ(t) i in a Hilbert space. What do we mean by this? We shall define Hilbert space and vectors therein rigorously later; it suffices to say for now that a vector in a Hilbert space is a far more complicated thing than the two numbers x and p that wo ...
... The state of a particle is represented by a vector |ψ(t) i in a Hilbert space. What do we mean by this? We shall define Hilbert space and vectors therein rigorously later; it suffices to say for now that a vector in a Hilbert space is a far more complicated thing than the two numbers x and p that wo ...
Ph410 Physics of Quantum Computation1
... A second important distinction between classical and quantum computation (i.e., physics), besides the irreversibility of quantum measurement, is that an arbitrary (unknown) quantum state cannot be copied exactly (prob. 6). (b) Classical Copying of a Known Bit In Bennett’s reversible computer there m ...
... A second important distinction between classical and quantum computation (i.e., physics), besides the irreversibility of quantum measurement, is that an arbitrary (unknown) quantum state cannot be copied exactly (prob. 6). (b) Classical Copying of a Known Bit In Bennett’s reversible computer there m ...
Ph125: Quantum Mechanics
... The state of a particle is represented by a vector |ψ(t) i in a Hilbert space. What do we mean by this? We shall define Hilbert space and vectors therein rigorously later; it suffices to say for now that a vector in a Hilbert space is a far more complicated thing than the two numbers x and p that wo ...
... The state of a particle is represented by a vector |ψ(t) i in a Hilbert space. What do we mean by this? We shall define Hilbert space and vectors therein rigorously later; it suffices to say for now that a vector in a Hilbert space is a far more complicated thing than the two numbers x and p that wo ...
- Philsci-Archive
... an idyllic picture of Göttingen during this period, both of the town itself and of its academic life. J. Robert Oppenheimer, who spent a year there in 1926–1927, also remembered a darker side: “[A]lthough this society was extremely rich and warm and helpful to me, it was parked there in a very very ...
... an idyllic picture of Göttingen during this period, both of the town itself and of its academic life. J. Robert Oppenheimer, who spent a year there in 1926–1927, also remembered a darker side: “[A]lthough this society was extremely rich and warm and helpful to me, it was parked there in a very very ...
Reconstruction on Wigner Functions on Different
... As we have said earlier, classical dynamical variables can be measured to arbitrary accuracy in principle. This permits precise measurement of conjugated variables such as position and momentum, and allows joint probability density distribution to be constructed for a phase-space description of dyna ...
... As we have said earlier, classical dynamical variables can be measured to arbitrary accuracy in principle. This permits precise measurement of conjugated variables such as position and momentum, and allows joint probability density distribution to be constructed for a phase-space description of dyna ...
Lectures on the Geometry of Quantization
... notes are meant to function as a guide to the literature; we refer to other sources for many details which are omitted here, and which can be bypassed on a first reading. The pamphlet [63] is in some sense a precursor to these notes. On the other hand, a much more complete reference on the subject, ...
... notes are meant to function as a guide to the literature; we refer to other sources for many details which are omitted here, and which can be bypassed on a first reading. The pamphlet [63] is in some sense a precursor to these notes. On the other hand, a much more complete reference on the subject, ...
Polynomial Heisenberg algebras and Painleve
... complex factorization energies = −1 + i with λ = κ = 1 (left) and = 3 + i10−3 with λ = κ = 2 (right). Its real (magenta solid line) and imaginary (magenta dashed line) parts are compared to the harmonic oscillator potential (blue line). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
... complex factorization energies = −1 + i with λ = κ = 1 (left) and = 3 + i10−3 with λ = κ = 2 (right). Its real (magenta solid line) and imaginary (magenta dashed line) parts are compared to the harmonic oscillator potential (blue line). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
AdS/CFT Course Notes - Johns Hopkins University
... would be a scale invariant theory. In the case of high energy physics, where we have Poincaré symmetry, scale invariant theories are basically always conformally invariant QFTs,3 which are called Conformal Field Theories (CFTs). It’s easy to think of one example – a theory of free massless particle ...
... would be a scale invariant theory. In the case of high energy physics, where we have Poincaré symmetry, scale invariant theories are basically always conformally invariant QFTs,3 which are called Conformal Field Theories (CFTs). It’s easy to think of one example – a theory of free massless particle ...
Geometric phases in graphene and topological insulators
... Almost 25 years after the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, topological phenomena made a new appeareance in the world of solid state physics, in what is now the flourishing field of topological insulators [19, 40, 14, 2]. These materials, first theorized and soon experimentally realized around 2 ...
... Almost 25 years after the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, topological phenomena made a new appeareance in the world of solid state physics, in what is now the flourishing field of topological insulators [19, 40, 14, 2]. These materials, first theorized and soon experimentally realized around 2 ...
Quantum Measurement and Control
... relaxed about such issues in order to avoid undue notational complexity. The system state, as we have defined it, represents an observer’s knowledge about the system variables. Unless the probability distribution is non-zero only for a single configuration, we say that it represents a state of uncer ...
... relaxed about such issues in order to avoid undue notational complexity. The system state, as we have defined it, represents an observer’s knowledge about the system variables. Unless the probability distribution is non-zero only for a single configuration, we say that it represents a state of uncer ...
Algorithms for entanglement renormalization
... We have presented the MERA as a tensor network originating in a quantum circuit. Its tensors have incoming and outgoing wires or indices according to a well-defined direction of time in the circuit. Therefore, a MERA can be regarded as a tensor network equipped with a 共fictitious兲 time direction and ...
... We have presented the MERA as a tensor network originating in a quantum circuit. Its tensors have incoming and outgoing wires or indices according to a well-defined direction of time in the circuit. Therefore, a MERA can be regarded as a tensor network equipped with a 共fictitious兲 time direction and ...
Aspects of quantum information theory
... Quantum information and quantum computation have recently attracted a lot of interest. The promise of new technologies like safe cryptography and new “super computers”, capable of handling otherwise untractable problems, has excited not only researchers from many different fields like physicists, ma ...
... Quantum information and quantum computation have recently attracted a lot of interest. The promise of new technologies like safe cryptography and new “super computers”, capable of handling otherwise untractable problems, has excited not only researchers from many different fields like physicists, ma ...
Full-Text PDF
... outcomes of A and B. By repeating this procedure multiple times, the resulting distributions should then correspond to those obtained from the separate statistical experiments of A and B. This should highlight the distinction between the joint measurement of a pair of observables and any scenario wh ...
... outcomes of A and B. By repeating this procedure multiple times, the resulting distributions should then correspond to those obtained from the separate statistical experiments of A and B. This should highlight the distinction between the joint measurement of a pair of observables and any scenario wh ...
Aggregation Operations from Quantum Computing
... should be able to generate an output from the handling of inaccurate data input by applying a rule based system. The main contribution of this paper is to show that quantum computing can be used to extend the class of fuzzy sets. The central idea associates the states of a quantum register to member ...
... should be able to generate an output from the handling of inaccurate data input by applying a rule based system. The main contribution of this paper is to show that quantum computing can be used to extend the class of fuzzy sets. The central idea associates the states of a quantum register to member ...
Interacting Anyons in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice
... is defined by a set of quantum numbers. In contrast to that for fermions, i.e. particles with half-integer spin, there is the Pauli blockade, which means that for a given set of quantum numbers only one particle can occupy such a state. One of the crucial points of the spin-statistics theorem is its ...
... is defined by a set of quantum numbers. In contrast to that for fermions, i.e. particles with half-integer spin, there is the Pauli blockade, which means that for a given set of quantum numbers only one particle can occupy such a state. One of the crucial points of the spin-statistics theorem is its ...