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2.4 The nature and importance of the Shari’ah for Muslims
Qadi: A judge in Islamic law
Shari’ah: Islamic law based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah
Ulama: Scholars of Islamic law and jurisprudence (the study of the law)
‘Verily, this is My Way, leading straight: follow it: do not follow other paths: they will
scatter you about from His great Path…’ (Surah 6:153)
The Qur’an describes Islam as a straight path, with the idea that if you follow this path carefully, you will please Allah. Keeping to
the path will help you avoid dangers that may harm you. It is the quickest and most straightforward path to your goal, which is to
please Allah and reach paradise. On this path you will be following the same guidance as other Muslims and this will give you
courage and make you feel that you are on the right path.
The Shari’ah is the word used to describe this straight path. It consists of a large collection of rules about how Muslims should
behave in every part of their lives. Among these rules are clear instructions about which actions in life are permitted (Halal) and
which are forbidden (Haram). Shari’ah covers everything from prayer and fasting to helping the poor.
The Shari’ah is not simply a large record of rules; it is also an ongoing path, or a process that is still happening today, but which
began with the Qur’an, Shari’ah law is constantly evolving.
The Qur’an is the first and most
important book of guidance for
Muslims. It contains the first
principles on which all Shari’ah law is
Shar’iah today
But as the Muslim community grew and
expanded, new guidance was needed for
new situations. For this guidance, the early
Muslim community looked to the traditions
(sunnah) about the Prophet and especially
his recorded sayings and teachings (hadith).
The community used these to help to
interpret and apply the principles in the
Gradually, this guidance was
gathered together in books of laws,
which form the basis of the shari’ah.
From these came a number of
schools of law with their own judges
(qadi) who helped to administer the
law. Islamic law is a huge area of
study in itself.
Today, in quickly changing world where new issues and problems arise, it is important for Muslims to know how the Shari’ah should
be applied. A group of scholars (ulama) who are experts in Islamic law will see if they can find anything in the Shari’ah that is
similar to the new issue they have to consider. They use this example or analogy (qiyyas) to help them decide what the rules
should be. They also consult each other and earlier laws to try to arrive at an agreed interpretation or consensus (ijma). When this
has been done, they issue a ruling (fatwa). Thus the law continues to develop.
Why is Shari’ah important for Muslims?
Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said that Allah does not accept belief unless it is expressed in deeds (actions) and that a
person’s deeds will only be acceptable to Him if they represent beliefs. Muslims should follow the teaching of Shari’ah because they
believe that:
Allah is always aware (taqwa) of what they are doing and thinking
Everyone will be judged at the end of life on their belief and actions
Shari’ah in non-Muslim countries
Many Muslims including those who live in the UK find themselves in a country where the ‘law of the land’ has developed in a
different way from the Shari’ah. Sometimes there are differences in the law and often the law does not deal with matters that are of
concern to Muslims. However, most Muslims living in a non-Muslim country ensure that they follow the Shari’ah and the law of the
land at the same time without any problems.