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Review and New Material
Now that our class
has tested… its
times to move on
BUT…. before we
do one last review
The World’s Oceans
 71%
of the Earth’s surface is covered
by ocean water.
 The oceans contain 97% of the
earth’s water.
 All the oceans and seas are actually
one continuous body of water.
 The
oceans are the Atlantic, Pacific,
Indian, Arctic .
 The Pacific Ocean is the largest
 The area and volume of the Pacific
Ocean are greater than the Atlantic
and Indian combined.
Water Cycle
The sun’s rays heat
the surface of the
The heat causes the
water to evaporate.
The evaporating water
(clean, fresh water)
enters the atmosphere
as water vapor.
The salt remains
Water Cycle
Winds carry water
vapor over land.
 Some of the water
vapor condenses to
form clouds.
 The water in the
clouds falls as
Water Cycle
Some of this water
runs into rivers
and streams which
flow back into the
 Some of the water
seeps into the soil
and rocks become
part of the
Properties of Ocean Water
 Ocean
water is a mixture of gases
and solids dissolved in pure water.
 Oceanographers believe oceans
contain all the natural elements on
 85 of 90 have been found in the
Major Elements in the Ocean
 Ocean
water is 96% pure water.
 Chlorine (1.9) and sodium (1.1)
make up the next largest
concentration of elements.
 Sodium chloride is table salt.
Sources of Salt in the Ocean
 When
volcanoes erupt, rock
materials and gases, such as
chlorine, spew forth.
 As rivers, streams and glaciers move
over rock and soil, they dissolve
salts, such as magnesium, sodium
and potassium, in them.
 As waves pound the shoreline, they
dissolve salts from the rocks.
Salinity Levels
The salinity is lower in areas where freshwater
rivers run into the ocean. Salinity levels are also
affected by animals such as clams and oysters
that use calcium salts to build their shells. They
remove salt from the water.
In warm ocean areas where there is little rainfall
and much evaporation, the amount of dissolved
salts is much greater. In polar regions, the
salinity levels are high because temperatures are
cold enough for ocean water to freeze. Pure
water is removed and salts are left behind.
Gases in Ocean Water
 The
most abundant gases in ocean
water are nitrogen, carbon dioxide
and oxygen.
 The amounts of these elements vary
with depth. They are more abundant
at the ocean’s surface where sunlight
causes more plant life.
Temperature of Ocean Water
 Warm
water holds less dissolved gas
than cold water.
 When ocean water is cold, like in
polar regions, it sinks and carries
oxygen rich water to the ocean
 As a result, fish and other animals
can live in deep parts of the ocean.
Edges of the Continents
The shoreline is a boundary between
where the land and the ocean meet.
 The area where the underwater edge
meets of a continent meets the ocean
floor is called a continental margin.
Essential Questions
 How
does Climate and Ocean
temperature affect Marine life?
 What do different Ocean animals
need to survive?
 How do plants and animals adapt to
their environments?
 How does exposure to tides affect life
Ocean Life Zones
 Intertidal
Zone (Splash Zone)
 Neritic Zone (Continental Shelf)
 Open Sea Zone –
 Bathyal (Continental Slope)
 Abyssal (Ocean floor)
Ocean Life Zones
 The
plant and animal life in the
ocean is affected by several factors.
 One factor is the amount of sunlight
that penetrates the ocean.
 Another factor is the temperature of
the ocean water.
 Water pressure is also a factor.
Major Groups of Ocean Life
 Plants
and animals in the ocean are
classified into three major groups
based on their habits and the depth
of the water in which they live.
 The three major groups are
plankton, nekton and benthos.
Under the Sea
Hi There
 Plankton
float at or near the surface
where sunlight can penetrate.
 Most of the plankton are very small,
such as algae.
 These organisms drift with the
currents or tides.
 Plankton are the main food for many
larger organisms. They account for
most of the organisms in the ocean.
 Whales
, seals , dolphins, squid
octopuses, barracuda and other fish
are all nekton.
 Nekton are free-swimming organisms
that feed on other nekton as well as
on plankton.
 Many have adaptations enabling
them to function at depths that have
great pressure and no light.
 Organisms
that live on the ocean
floor are benthos.
 The forms of these animals include
crustaceans and shell fish.
 The deep bottom environments are
sparsely populated with benthos.
 Some benthos are plants that live on
the ocean floor in shallow waters
where sun can penetrate.
Ocean Life Zones
 The
classification of the ocean into
life zones is based on the conditions
in the ocean. These conditions vary
 The classification includes the
intertidal zone, the neritic zone and
open-ocean zones.
Intertidal (Splash) Zone
 This
region is the most changeable in
the ocean.
 Anemones, crabs, clams, mussels
and plants such as seaweed live
 They must be able to exist without
water for periods of time.
 They must be able to anchor to keep
from being washed out to sea.
Neritic ( Shelf) Zone
 This
zone extends to a depth of 200
meters and receives plenty of
 The water pressure is low and the
temperature is constant.
 This zone can support plankton,
nekton and benthos.
 Marine life is most abundant here.
Picture of Upwelling
Definition of Upwelling
Upwelling is the
process in which
water from deep
ocean rises to the
surface and
replaces warm
surface water.
Upwelling cont…
Upwelling is
important to
organisms because
it brings nutrients
to plants and
supports growth.
Open Ocean Zones
 There
are two open-ocean
zones:bathyal and abyssal