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The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire: A Lesson in
Citizenship Education
Chapter 5 Section 5
What legacies have past civilizations left to
modern society?
How did the Romans define citizenship?
What did it mean to be a citizen of Rome?
What does it mean to be a citizen of the
United States?
Why did Rome ultimately fall?
Review of Roman Citizens’ Rights
and Responsiblities
Citizens’ rights during/under the
Citizens’ rights and responsibilities
during/under the Pax Romana
• Latin males able to have full
• Roman citizens were able to run
their own internal affairs.
• Men in both classes could vote
and were citizens, but only the
patricians could be elected to
government offices.
• The Roman’s had an elected
Senate and several people’s
assemblies to represent their
• Law of Nations was established
so that there were standards of
• Rulers treated the ruling class
with respect.
• Maintained peace.
• The good emperors created
new social programs to help the
• Public works were built.
• Taxation occurred.
• Roman women gained full rights.
• Women able to obtain a
divorce, attend races and
theaters, and influence politics.
I. The Decline
A. Long period of unrest followed the death of the last good
emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
B. Rome was ruled by a group of individuals that paid the armies
only and ignored the people.
C. The next 22 Emperors ruled because they had control of the
Army from 235 to 284 AD.
D. Simultaneously the Roman Empire suffered invasions by Persian
and Germanic people.
i. Civil wars
ii. Plagues
E. They almost caused the collapse of the Roman economy.
i. The Roman industry and trade declined
ii. Labor shortage
iii. Farm production down
F. Money was short.
I. The Decline Cont.
G. They used hired Germanic soldiers who had no loyalty to
H. Late Rome Empire – was a revival of Rome. (Diocletian,
i. New government
ii. New economic system
iii. Social system
iiii. New Religion – Christianity
i. Diocletian, ruling from 284 – 305 AD, believed the empire was
to large to only have one ruler, so he divided into four
sections, with each its own ruler.
A. His military authority gave him the ultimate power.
J. Constantine ruled from 306- 337 AD.
K. Both expanded and enlarged the army.
L. This drained the treasury.
M. Issued strict wage control in the empire
N. In 324, Constantine sets up an eastern city outside of
Byzantium called “New Rome”.
II. They Tripped and Fell
A. The Empire that was restored lasted another hundred years.
B. 2nd half of the fourth century the Huns from Asia moved into
eastern Europe, putting pressure on the Germanic tribes.
C. The Visigoths defeat the Roman army in 378 AD.
D. Sack Rome in 410
E. Many theories on the fall of Rome.
a. Christianity weakened Rome’s military virtues.
b. Roman values declined as non- Italians entered the
c. Lead poisoning from the water pipes caused a metal
d. Slavery held Rome back from advancing in technology.
e. Rome’s political system proved unworkable.
• At this time, please follow the
instructions on the handout.
• What ultimately led to the fall of Rome?
• How did its citizens respond to the civil wars
and uprisings by the Huns and Visigoths?
• How are these uprisings similar to today and
relate to America’s history?
• What Roman citizen characteristics do we see
in America today?
• How does the Roman way of life set the
backbone to American ideals?
• What are positive citizen traits found in Rome?
• Why are they important?
• http://americaandthefalloftheromanemp