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Ancient Rome
Section 1
Part 1 Rise of Rome
Rome is found in Italy
Roman history is the story of Roman’s
conquest of Italy and the entire
Mediterranean world
The Romans were conquerors, but they also
governed using Republican forms that have
been passed down to us.
The Land
Italy is a peninsula, extending about 750
miles from north to south and 120 miles from
east to west
The Apennine mountain ranges form a ridge
north to south, divide the east from the west
The mountains were less rugged than
Greece, so did not divide the country into
small communities, instead it created a large
Rome was close enough to the sea, but far
enough to be safe from pirates
Rome built on seven hills so easily defended
Good central location from which to expand
Important crossroad between east and west
The People
Early Rome inhabitants were made up of the
 Latins
 Greeks
 Etruscans
1500-1000 BC
Lived in region of Latium, what is now Rome
Herders and farmers
Lived on top of Rome’s hills
Started in south Italy and migrated up the
Also occupied Sicily, island south of the
Great influence on Rome, cultivated olives
and grapes
Our alphabet had it’s beginning here
The arts were important
Most influenced early Rome
Etruscans found a village and made it into a
Rome adopted Etruscan dress (toga and
short coat) and the organization of its army
Roman Republic
509 BC, Romans overthrew the last Etruscan king
and established a republic
Republic defined: a form of government in which
the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the
right to vote.
First temples and public buildings were built by
Rome’s early kings
A swampy valley in Rome was drained to make a
public meeting place called “The Forum.” It was the
heart of Roman life. Business took place there and
many shops lined the area
Republic Beginning
Rome was surrounded by enemies
For 200 years, Rome was in continuous
War Within
338 BC Rome crushed the Latin states
Next 50 years, Rome battled the people from
the central mountain area
264 BC, Romans overcame Greeks in the
Defeated remaining Etruscans to the north
After War Within
Rome had conquered virtually all of Italy
Devised the Roman Confederation
Roman Confederation
Allowed some people, especially Latins, to
have full citizenship
Remaining communities were made Roman
allies and could run own affairs
Had to provide soldiers for the Roman army
Roman Successful Strategies That Made
Them Great
Romans had a sense of duty, courage, and
Livy, a Roman historian, wrote stories to teach
Romans the virtues that made Rome so great
Good diplomats
Wise in extending Roman citizenship and allowing
states to run their own internal affairs
Excelled in military matters
Brilliant strategists – As they conquered, they built
colonies and roads to connect the colonies
Built political institutions in response to problems
that arose
Activity #1
Get a book
Get a piece of white paper from Mrs. Murray
Turn to page 147
Draw freehand the map of Italy with its early
Label and color the map
Title the map, Italy, 500 BC
Must have a key, include color and names