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Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Warm-up them minds
1. Which group of people held more power
in the Roman republic, patricians or
2. How was the Roman Republic different
from a Monarchy?
3. Who were the Punic Wars fought
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
From Republic to Empire
Main Idea
Governmental and social problems led to the end of the Roman
Republic and the creation of a new form of government.
Reading Focus
• What problems did leaders face in the late Roman Republic?
• How did Rome become an empire?
• What helped tie the Roman empire together during the Pax
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Problems in the Late Republic
By the mid-100s BC, Rome had no rival anywhere in the
Mediterranean world. However, the responsibilities of running their
vast holdings stretched the Roman political system to its limits.
Social Unrest
• Revolution began in
political, social
• Tensions grew
between classes of
Roman society
• Gracchi brothers
tried to resolve
• Tribune Tiberius
Gracchus noted
mistreatment of
• Many reduced to
• Tiberius, brother
Gaius tried to help
Public Land
• Gracchi tried to
redistribute public
land to farmers
• Had public support,
but Senate feared
Gracchi trying to
reduce its power
• Senate urged mobs
to kill brothers
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
**And write this down**
What challenges faced Rome in the late
Answer(s): slave revolts, social unrest, the Social
War, and a civil war in which Sulla became
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Rome Becomes an Empire
Sulla paved the way for major changes in Rome’s government. The
end of the Republic resulted from the ambitions of a few individuals.
The First Triumvirate
• Julius Caesar, Gnaeus
Pompey, Licinius Crassus
helped bring end to Republic
End of Triumvirate
• Crassus died; Pompey, Caesar
fought civil war
• Caesar, Pompey successful
military commanders
• Caesar defeated Pompey, took
full control of Rome, became
dictator for life, 44 BC
• Crassus one of wealthiest
people in Rome
• Caesar brought many changes
to Rome, popular reforms
• 60 BC, the three took over
Roman state, ruled as First
• Caesar went on to add new
conquests to Rome, sending
word back, “Veni, Vidi, Vinci!”
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Caesar named Dictator!
• In Rome, the Senate elected
– Fun Fact: the month July is
Caesar dictator, consul,
named after him
tribune, sole commander of
• Most Roman’s believed
the army, and chief of the
Caesar’s one-man rule
city’s treasury.
was preferable to the
– He expanded the senate, elected
chaos that had gone
friends and supporters from Italy and
neighboring provinces.
before, even though is
• He built new temples,
violated the Republic’s
libraries, and buildings.
• Ordered a review of the
• But not everyone was
Roman calendar to make it
pleased with Caesar’s
more accurate.
Section 2
Rome and Early Christianity
Et tu Brute?!
• Other Romans, especially
the Senators hated
Caesar and plotted to get
rid of him.
– When Caesar brought
Cleopatra to Rome and
had a statue of her placed
in a temple, his opponents
were outraged
• A group of disgruntled
Senators hatched a plan
to kill him, on March 15 in
44 B.C.
• Pretending they wanted
to question him about a
petition, they gathered
around him in the Senate
– They had daggers hidden
in their togas.
• Caesar saw his “friend”
Brutus with a dagger, his
last words were “et tu
Brute” (you too Brutus?)
– Horrible Histories video
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
The Second Triumvirate
• Caesar’s murder did not save the Republic
• 43 BC, Second Triumvirate took power—Caesar’s grandnephew/adopted son, Octavian; loyal officer Marc Antony; high priest
• Lepidus pushed aside; Antony, Octavian agreed to govern half the
empire each, Octavian in west, Antony in East
Civil War
• Civil war between Octavian, Antony broke out
• Octavian defeated Antony and his ally, Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra
• Cleopatra, Antony committed suicide; Octavian alone controlled
• Republic effectively dead; new period in Roman history beginning
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
1. What challenges did Rome face in the LATE
2. What happened to all of the land that the
Roman military conquered…who was it
given to?
3. What was the First Triumvirate?
4. What happened when the First Triumvirate
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
From Octavian to Augustus
Octavian Takes Power
• Octavian faced task of restoring
order in empire
• Had no intention of establishing
dictatorship when he took
New Political Order
• Octavian decided it impossible
to return Rome to republican
form of government
• Created new political order,
known today as the empire
New Title
• Octavian careful to avoid title of
king or emperor
• 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian
title Augustus, “exalted one”
• Called himself princeps, “first
• Title a religious honor; able to
wear laurel and oak leaf crown
• Government called Principate
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Accomplishments of Augustus
• Encouraged trade
• Common coinage
• Civil Service—grain supply, postal system,
tax collection
– Done by plebeians and former slaves
• Buildings and monuments
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
The Good Emperors
Empire grew tremendously under Good
• Reached limits of expansion under Trajan
• Added what are now Romania, Armenia,
Mesopotamia, and the Sinai Peninsula
• Successor Hadrian thought empire too large
– Withdrew from almost all eastern additions
– Built defensive fortifications to guard against invasions
– Built wall 73 miles long in northern Britain
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
**And write this down**
What aspects of Roman society remained
similar from Republic to Empire?
Answer(s): wide disparity from Rich and poor,
Section 2
Rome and Early Christianity
The Pax Romana
The period from the beginning of August’s reign in 27 BC until the death
of the last of the Good Emperors in AD 180 is often called the Pax
Romana—the Roman Peace. This era was characterized by stable
government, a strong legal system, widespread trade, and peace.
• Roman government strongest
unifying force in empire
• Maintained order, enforced laws,
defended frontiers
• Aristocracy participated, but
emperors made all important
• Empire divided into provinces ruled
by governors appointed from Rome
• Government in Rome kept close
check on governors
• Any citizen could appeal unfair
treatment directly to emperor
Empire brought uniformity to the cities of the Mediterranean world,
which were governed in imitation of Rome.
Rome and Early Christianity
Section 2
How did government, law, and trade tie the
Roman people together?
Answer(s): The Roman government was the strongest
unifying force, maintaining order, enforcing the laws, and
defending the frontiers. Roman law provided stability and,
with few exceptions, the same laws applied to everyone in
the empire. Trade provided opportunities for commerce
between people in different parts of the empire.
Rome and Early Christianity
Cleopatra Music video
Section 2