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The Death of Romulus
With a new city full of
men and women, Romulus
became king.
One day, Romulus and
friends went onto the top
of a hill.
When suddenly, a cloud
covered the hill.
When the cloud left,
Romulus was gone!!
The Romans believed that
Romulus had been taken to
Mt. Olympus in the cloud
and had become a god.
The story spread that before he
“left”, Romulus had announced
that Rome would become the
capital of the world
Many historians believe that
Romulus was actually
murdered on the hill; the story
was fabricated to explain his
According to legend,
Romulus became the god
Quirinal (or Quirinus), and
the Romans dedicated a
temple to him.
Without a king, the people
of Rome panicked.
and there
was much uproar in Rome.
The Romans fought over who
would be the next king – some
wanted the new king to be of
Sabine blood, while others
wanted a Roman.
To calm the masses, the
Roman senate came up
with an idea.
To calm the people, the
senate chose a Sabine man
named Numa to be the next
Numa was a very well-respected
man who was known for his
justice and piety.
Following the disappearance
of Romulus, Numa Pompilius
became the next king.
One of the first things which
Numa did was build a temple
to the god Janus.
Janus was the Roman god
believed to have two faces (back
and front) and was the god of
doorways, luck and peace.
The temple doors were always to
remain open, signifying that Rome
was at war and to be closed in times
of peace (only twice in Roman history
were they ever closed).
Numa then revised the Roman
calendar to twelve lunar months
from the old system (which
only had ten months).
He added the months of
January and February to the
Because the Roman calendar was
off by a few days, Numa “inserted”
intercalary months every few
years to balance out the calendar.
Numa, however, was concerned
that Rome’s military history
might influence its future.
Therefore, he devised a plan
which turned Rome into a
city of peace.
Numa realized that Rome had
been founded as a city of wa
so he sought to change this.
He wished for Rome to be
known as a city of peace, so he
sought to inspire them with the
fear of the gods.
He created a story which said that
he was in the habit of meeting a
goddess named Egeria at night who
gave him religious advice.
Numa established the cult of
Vesta with its twelve Vestal
Virgins whose chief duty was to
protect the eternal flame of
Numa believed that as long
as the flame was kept alive,
then Rome would remain.
Numa also established the
Salii, the leaping priests of
These male priests would leap
through the streets carrying
the sacred shields believed to
have fallen from heaven.
Rome began to change and
became known as a city of
When Numa died, the story
spread that the goddess Egeria
had turned him into a well.
With Numa gone, the people
once again panicked.