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Current Events article due tomorrow
Quiz on Rome Thursday.
Aim #5: What factors led to the
fall of the Roman Republic?
January 12, 2014
I. Territory controlled by Rome as of 44
B.C: Northern Africa, Spain, Gaul, Italian
Peninsula, Greece, Asia Minor.
II. Class Conflict in Rome After the Punic Wars
Rich farmers (patricians)
Buy and steal lands from smaller farmers during
the Punic Wars
Create large estates = latifundias
Enjoy spoils of the Punic Wars
II. Class Conflict in Rome After the
Punic Wars
B. Poor farmers (plebeians) and slaves
Small farmers lose or sell their lands to the
As a result, these farmers spill into the cities
looking for work.
Also, thanks to all of the people captured during
the Punic Wars, slaves are 1/3 of the Roman
population by 100 B.C.
III. Reactions to Class Conflict
Calls for Reform / Change:
Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus
were two brothers who were
tribunes and desired that public
lands be taken away from big
landowners and given to landless
Senate is opposed to this. Why?
Fate of the Gracchus Brothers:
III. Reactions to Class Conflict
B. How to keep the urban, landless poor from
1. Powerful generals like Gaius Marius and Lucius
Cornelius Sulla promise the poor food and land in
return for their military service.
2. New soldiers take an oath of allegiance to these
generals, NOT the Roman Republic (the state).
Why is this dangerous?
IV. Downfall of the Republic
Marius and Sulla use their armies to
fight for control of Rome. Sulla wins in
82 B.C. Conducts a reign of terror to
wipe out his opponents, and eliminates
the powers of the popular assemblies.
After Sulla, the First Triumvirate
(made up of military leaders Crassus,
Pompey & Julius Caesar) rules Rome.
In 47 B.C., after a civil war, Caesar
defeats Pompey in battle and becomes
dictator for life.
Is there anything the Romans
could have done to save their
republic, or was the
destruction of the republic