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Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Lesson 1
What is a communicable disease?
$100 Answer from lesson 1
A disease that is spread from one
living organism to another or
through the environment
$200 Question from lesson 1
What pathogen causes athletes foot
and ringworm?
$200 Answer from lesson 1
$300 Question from lesson 1
What are 3 methods that diseases can be spread?
$300 Answer from lesson 1
$400 Question lesson 1
What are 3 differences between
a virus and a bacteria?
$400 Answer from lesson 1
Virus invades a cell, bacteria divide.
Antibiotics can be used for bacteria.
Bacteria can live on surface longer.
Bacteria is single celled, virus is
genetic material.
$500 Question from lesson 1
What are the 5 pathogens and a
disease example for each.
$500 Answer from lesson 1
Virus/ flu, cold, hepatitis, chicken pox…
Bacteria/ staph, strep throat, TB
Fungi/ athletes foot, ring worm
Protozoa/ malaria, sleeping sickness
Rickettsias/ typhus, rocky mountain fever
$100 Question from lesson 2
What do respiratory tract infections
$100 Answer from lesson 2
Nose, throat and lungs
$200 Question from lesson 2
What are 3 ways you can avoid
getting a respiratory infection?
$200 Answer from lesson 2
Stay home if you are ill.
Wash hands often.
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth,
and nose.
Eat right and exercise.
Don’t smoke.
$300 Question from lesson 2
What are 3 common respiratory
infections and what pathogen causes
$300 Answer from lesson 2
Common Cold, virus
Influenza, virus
Pneumonia, bacteria or virus
Strep throat, backteria
$400 Question from lesson 2
What are the 3 types of hepatitis,
how they are spread, and which
one do we get vaccinated for?
$400 Answer from lesson 2
A/ spread through fecal matter
B/ spread through body fluid and blood
C/ spread through body fluid and blood
Vaccinated for B
$500 Question from lesson 2
What is meningitis, what pathogen
causes it and which form can be
$500 Answer from lesson 2
Inflammation of the nervous system
Caused by bacteria or virus.
Bacteria form can be deadly in 72 hours
$100 Question from lesson 3
What are examples of
physical and chemical
$100 Answer from lesson 3
Physical/ skin, mucous membranes
and cilia
Chemical/ enzymes in tears and saliva
acid in stomach
$200 Question from lesson 3
What is meant by a non-specific
immune system response?
What are 3 examples?
$200 Answer from lesson 3
Immune system responds the same
no matter what kind of pathogen
it is.
Physical barriers, chemical barriers
and inflammatory response.
$300 Question from lesson 3
What happens during the
inflammatory response?
$300 Answer from lesson 3
1. Blood vessels expand allowing
more blood flow.
2. Fluid and cells from blood flow cause
swelling and pain.
3. Phagocyte, WBC attacks pathogens.
4. Body begins to repair.
$400 Question from lesson 3
Explain how lymphocytes respond to a specific
$400 Answer from lesson 3
Antigens mark cells infected.
Helper T cells trigger production of
B cells and Killer T cells
B cells produce antibodies
Killer T cells destroy infected cells
Suppressor T cells turn off production
of helper T cells
$500 Question from lesson 3
Explain active and passive immunity.
(include both methods in each)
$500 Answer from lesson 3
Active/ Working in the body for long term.
Naturally acquired through being
exposed to pathogens, artificially
acquired through vaccines
Passive/ Short term immunity. Mother to
child (first 6 months of life, breast milk
and across placenta. Or from animal by
using their antibodies or antiserum.
$100 Question from lesson 4
What is a pandemic?
$100 Answer from lesson 4
A global outbreak of an infectious
$200 Question from lesson 4
What is an epidemic and give an
$200 Answer from lesson 4
A disease outbreak that affects
many people in the same place
and at the same time.
H1N1 a few years ago
$300 Question from lesson 4
What is an antigen?
$300 Answer from lesson 4
A protein that marks cells that have
been infected with a pathogen
$400 Question from lesson 4
What is a specialized white blood cell
that coordinates and performs
many functions of the specific
$400 Answer from lesson 4
$500 Question from lesson 4
What is the lymphatic system?
$500 Answer from lesson 4
Part of your immune system that
includes tonsils, lymph nodes,
and a network of vessels.
$100 Question from vocab
What is a plantlike organism that
can cause diseases of the lungs,
the mucous membranes,
and the skin.
$100 Answer from vocab
$200 Question from vocab
What is an organism that carries
and transmits pathogens to
humans or other animals?
$200 Answer from vocab
$300 Question from vocab
What is the lining of various body
cavities, including the nose,
ears, and mouth.
$300 Answer from vocab
Mucous membranes
$400 Question from vocab
What are white blood cells that
attack invading pathogens.
They are non-specific.
$400 Answer from vocab
$500 Question from vocab
What is a single celled organism that
is larger and more complex than
$500 Answer from vocab
Final Jeopardy
Explain 3 types of non-specific immune system
responses and the specific response
including all cells.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Physical barrier
Chemical barrier
Inflammatory response, phagocytes
Lymphocytes, helper T, killer T,
suppressor T, and B