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 Long Term Causes
 Economics – High Tariffs that harmed the South more
than the North (Tariff of 1816 / 1828 / 32) More diverse
economy in the North / Agriculture in South
 Slavery – the founding of America as a slave nation
 Inability to Compromise – government was founded on
 Difference in culture between North and South
 States’ Rights – found in VA, KY Resolutions
(Nullification) / Webster v. Hayne Debate / Hartford
Better Military Leadership –
Military Tradition of the South
Great Generals / fighters
Home-field Advantage –
Fighting a defensive war / knew the territory
Better Marksmen / Scouting –
 Larger Population – 22 million vs. 11 million / more men
to fight with
More $$$$ -- for paying soldiers / weapons / etc
RR Track – more miles for transport
Industry – Factories
Banks – for loans to the Government
Food – crops – South had cash crops
Martial Law – 2 states – Maryland and Kentucky WHY?
Border states didn’t join – Missouri, Delaware
 3 pronged Union attack
to defeat the
 Blockade the Coastline
 Divide the Confederacy
 Capture the Capital
Confederacy - Davis
Union - Lincoln
 Following the secession of the Deep South – Ft.
Sumter is technically in enemy hands (the Union)
The commander of Ft. Sumter (Major Gen. Robert
Anderson) ordered all of his troops that were in the
town of Charleston back out to the fort. (68 total)
SC Militia moved to quickly surround the fort with
artillery from Charleston.
Lame Duck President James Buchanan ordered the
fort to be resupplied. The supply ship turned back.
Davis and Lincoln are inaugurated by their respective
 Fort Sumter needed resupplying.
 If Lincoln sent a ship / it makes the Union look like the
aggressor. If Davis attacks the fort it makes the Confederacy
look like the aggressor.
States that had not seceded (VA & NC)
Davis sent Confederate delegates to Washington to get
Lincoln to surrender the fort. (They are refused)
Lincoln decides to resupply the fort.
Davis orders the fort to be attacked.
Results – no casualties except a horse. / LINCOLN ORDERS
75,000 troops to be brought to Washington, DC for the
purpose of putting down the “aggressors” in the South.
Virginia and North Carolina SECEDE. (11 total Confederate
 After Ft. Sumter, Lincoln had called up 75,000
volunteer troops to began training for war
 Union General – Irvin McDowell – Army of East VA /
later to be named ARMY OF THE POTOMAC
 Confederate General – P.G.T. Beauregard / with
assistance from Brig. General Joseph Johnston and
Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
 Union Politicians in Washington brought out their
children/ picnic baskets / etc. to watch a grand old
 Union was winning the battle
 Thomas Jackson’s VA Brigade comes up in support of Gen.
Barnard Bee -- The Enemy are driving us," Bee exclaimed
to Jackson. Jackson, a former U.S. Army officer and
professor at the Virginia Military Institute, is said to have
replied, "Then, Sir, we will give them the bayonet."[18] Bee
exhorted his own troops to re-form by shouting, "There is
Jackson standing like a stone wall. Let us determine to die
here, and we will conquer. Rally behind the Virginians.
 The Battle became known as the “Great Skedaddle”
 Jackson reportedly asked Jefferson Davis for 10,000 fresh
troops so he could take Washington D.C.
 Davis declined and the Confederate Army retreated back
 Union leaves the comfort of
Washington D.C. (Lincoln is
happy -- “If General
McClellan isn't going to use
his army, I'd like to borrow it
for a time." )
 George McClellan placed in
charge of the Union Army of
the Potomac but is reluctant
to fight – always asks for more
men before he attacks the
 Finally moves the Army of the
Potomac up the Peninsula in
 Significance –TURNING
Army of Potomac – 75,000
Army of Northern VA –
1st time Confederacy
abandons their DEFENSIVE
strategy – searching for food
Union could have ended the
war – McClellan found Lee’s
battle plans wrapped in cigar
papers left behind
Robert E. Lee (General of the
Army of Northern Virginia
After this battle Lincoln
a victory first)
 Lee had split his troops
(cardinal rule) /Hagerstown,
MD and Harpers Ferry, VA
Jackson / Stuart foraging for
supplies and food
McClellan did nothing for 18
crucial hours and finally
Lee was back at full strength
by then
Bloodiest single day of war in
US History
23,000 casualties (both sides
 Emancipation
Proclamation effects –
 Freed ONLY slaves in the
 Made the war about
 Eventually caused both
Britain and France to
resist aiding the South
because of slavery
 Battle of the IRONCLADS
 CSS Virginia was having
break through the Union
 On the second day of the
blockade (Anaconda Plan)
battle – THE MONITOR
 CSS Virginia had been
built from remnants of
 The 2 Ironclads battled
the USS Merrimack, hence
each other to a draw and
the name (winners write
eventually the CSS
Virginia limped back to
its docking port in VA –
 Union intelligence
they never fought again /
discovered the
the Union blockade was
confederacy was building
not defeated
an ironclad warship so
they began work on one –
USS Monitor
 Confederate attempt to
 Turning point battle – why? Death of Thomas J.
“Stonewall” Jackson (Lee’s “RIGHT ARM”)
 Union General (Army of the Potomac) – “Fightin’ Joe”
Hooker – replaced Burnside (who had replaced
McClellan) Hooker is replaced by MEADE
 Confederate General (Robert E. Lee) – Lee split his
troops (only had 60,000 anyway) vs. the Union
 Lee deployed Jackson’s troops around the Union flank
and he routed the Union – however on a
reconnaissance mission that night, Jackson fell victim
to friendly fire who mistook his group for Union
 Lee, despite being outnumbered by a ratio of over two
to one, won arguably his greatest victory of the war
A terrible price was paid for it
With only 60,000 men engaged, he suffered 13,303
casualties (1,665 killed, 9,081 wounded, 2,018 missing),
losing some 22% of his force in the campaign—men
that the Confederacy, with its limited manpower,
could not replace.
Confederacy also lost Lee’s most aggressive field
commander, Stonewall Jackson
Union General Hooker – had at least an 80% chance of
winning was humiliated – eventually replaced by U.S.
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
 Turning Point Battle
 Major Turning Point Battle
 Why?? Grant was the Union
 Marked the high-water point
leader of the Army in the
 After this victory he was
elevated to command of the
Army of the Potomac to do
battle with ROBERT E. LEE
 Gave Union control of Miss.
River / effectively cut off TX,
AR, LA from Confederacy
 Residents forced the
Confederacy to surrender /
eating dogs, cats, rats, etc.
of the Confederacy
2nd battle in the North
Confederate offensive – food /
supplies (SHOE MYTH)
Bitter defeat at the hands of
the Union Army – WHY?
Site of Pickett’s Charge –
12,000 Confederates charge up
Cemetery Ridge / badly beaten
 TOTAL WAR – Total Annihilation and Destruction /
taking the war to the civilians / destroying property /
and CAPTURING ROBERT E. LEE and arming black
soldiers (brilliant political move)
 Major Players –
 U.S. GRANT – Commander of the Army of the Potomac
Military Division of Mississippi (including the Army of
the Cumberland, Tennessee and Ohio) – “scorchedearth” policy
 PHILIP SHERIDAN – General of the U.S. Cavalry
 Sherman’s SCORCHED EARTH POLICY from Chattanooga to Savannah
 Sherman’s Neckties
 Burned Atlanta
 Spared Savannah
 Prediction in 1861 ----- “You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be
drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly,
madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you
don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake,
too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest
people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be
destroyed without a mighty effort to save it... Besides, where are your men
and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam
engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can
you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful,
ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth—right at your
doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you
prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to
start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin
to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will
begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the
end that you will surely fail.”
 Marched with 62,000 soldiers to Savannah
 Caused over $100 million damages to government
buildings and private structures
“made Georgia howl”
Burned crops, killed livestock, consumed supplies,
looted, pillaged, stole anything they could from
Offered President Lincoln the city of Savannah as a
Christmas present
Destroyed the South’s physical and psychological
ability to wage war
 Grant was a proponent of “Total War” as well
 Grant – 120,000 vs. Lee –65,000 soldiers (Grant and
the Union routinely outnumbered the Confederates as
much as 2-1)
 Significance of the battle –
 Though the battle was technically a draw –
 1st time that the Union Army headed SOUTH after the battle –
 Previously they had always retreated back to the North
 Grant ordered a frontal assault at the center of a 7 mile
long Confederate line
 Grant had troops write their identification (name,
address, etc) on paper that was pinned to their backs
 Early form of dogtags / soldiers KNEW they were facing certain
7000 Union soldiers killed
Confederates had set up the line of defense to keep the Union
troops away from the Richmond capital
Grant swung wide around Lee’s flank again
Grant regretted this battle – senseless loss of lives
 UNION SIEGE of Petersburg – lasted for 10 months
 Union attempted to tunnel underground
 Finally forced Lee to flee Petersburg and abandon the
capital of the Confederacy at Richmond
 The road to Richmond opened and Grant captured the
capital city in April of 1865
 Lee escaped to Appomattox Court House, VA having lost
35,000 men to Grant’s 65,000 soldiers during the siege
 GRANT had earned a reputation as Unconditional
Surrender Grant – what does this mean?
Occurred at Appomattox Court House, VA
Grant had Lee surrounded; sent him a telegram by
courier explaining that any further bloodshed would
be Lee’s fault
Lee rode his horse, Traveler, up the lane to the salute of
all the Union soldiers
Confederates were forced to give up their rifles;
officers could keep their sidearms and horses / Union
treated the Confederates to a hot meal and they were
released to go home.
 65,000 black soldiers were enlisted in the Confederate Army
 Many were cooks, musicians, laborers, servants, etc. However
13,000 black soldiers were actively involved in combat, manning
artillery and in the ranks of the enlisted privates. One black
officer, James Washington, existed.
 Confederate government forbid black soldiers from carrying
arms but officers in the field tended to disobey government’s
 Free black musicians, cooks, soldiers and teamsters earned the
same pay as white confederate privates. This was not the case in
the Union army where blacks did not receive equal pay. At the
Confederate Buffalo Forge in Rockbridge County, Virginia,
skilled black workers "earned on average three times the wages
of white Confederate soldiers and more than most Confederate
army officers ($350- $600 a year).
 WOMEN served as spies, cooks, laundresses – could not
officially join the military
 179,000 black men served in the Union Army -- Nearly
40,000 black soldiers died over the course of the war—
30,000 of infection or disease.
 There were nearly 80 black commissioned officers -- perils
of war faced by all Civil War soldiers, black soldiers faced
additional problems stemming from racial prejudice.
Racial discrimination was prevalent even in the North, and
discriminatory practices permeated the U.S. military.
 Segregated units were formed with black enlisted men and
typically commanded by white officers and black
noncommissioned officers. The 54th Massachusetts was
commanded by Robert Shaw.
 Black soldiers were initially paid $10 per month from which
$3 was automatically deducted for clothing, resulting in a
net pay of $7. In contrast, white soldiers received $13 per
month from which no clothing allowance was drawn.
 Lincoln, only days before, had sat in Jefferson Davis’
presidential chair in his Richmond office
Allegedly part of a large conspiracy to assassinate Vice
President Andrew Johnson and Asst. Secretary of State
William Seward and U.S. Grant
Occurred at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. during the
play “Our American Cousin”.
Assassin was John Wilkes Booth, an actor. Booth was shot
and killed by a soldier, Boston Corbett, as he exited the
barn where he had been surrounded.
Conspirators who were also tried included Mary Surratt,
George Atzerodt, Lewis Powell, Dr. Samuel Mudd, Samuel
Arnold, Edmund Spangler, David Herold, and Michael
4 were hanged – Surratt (first woman ever executed in
America), Powell, Atzerodt, Herold – the rest were all
found guilty
 Lincoln’s assassination proved to be disastrous for the
South – “with malice toward none, with charity for all”
 Lincoln wanted to welcome the South back into the
Union with open arms.
 Upon his assassination, the Radical Republicans
gained the power to implement their Reconstruction
plan, which was aimed at PUNISHING THE SOUTH!!