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EQ: How did the Civil War impact the United States?
Warm-Up: What were two advantages of the Union and the Confederacy?
MLQ: How can we learn about warfare during the Civil War by analyzing
primary source documents?
Strategic: Important or essential plan of action
Ingenuity: Imaginative and clever design or construction
The teacher designed a strategic plan to help her students learn.
Steve Jobs used ingenuity when he created the IPAD.
Work period: Students will:
Read the soldiers letter
Answer tiered questions
Share: Share answers
Closing: Summary of lesson
H.W. Read and Answer the Iron Clad Worksheet
Union Soldiers
• Men in their early 20s
• Immigrant factory workers
• Either enlisted or drafted
• Anyone who could pay the fee of
$300.00 didn’t have to fight
•Advanced Weaponry, such as the
Enfield rifles
• Uniforms were dark blue and made
of thick wool
carried a heavy knapsack, with
supplies a blanket, and a small
protective cover called "dog tent
Many died from food poisoning
Desertion was a serious issue
Confederate Soldiers
Men in their early 20s
Mostly farmers
fought for his ideals, not because he
had been drafted
Fought to defend their home and way
of life
Uniforms were gray and often ragged
carried a flint-lock rifle or a musket,
also known as Confederate
many fell ill from fatigue and
Battles of Bull Run: were the first major battles
of the Civil War, and the Confederates’ victory.
The battles were also known as the Battles of
Manassas. It shattered the North’s hopes of
winning the war quickly.
The Battle of Antietam: also known as the
Battle of Sharpsburg, was the bloodiest singleday battle of the Civil War. However, it
stopped General Lee northward advance.
While the two armies fought for control of the
land, the Union navy controlled the sea.
The Union had the U.S. Navy, experienced
naval officers and the industry to build more
The confederacy turned to the British to help
them, so the North set up blockades of
southern ports.
To defend themselves from the Union the
Confederacy turned to a new type of warshipo
called “Ironclads” which were ships heavily
armored with iron.
The Monitor
The Union’s western plans focused on taking control of the
Mississippi, to cut off the eastern part of the Confederacy’s
food production.
Battle of Shiloh: was a two day bloody battle between both
sides, however the Union was victorious in gaining greater
control of the Mississippi River Valley.
New Orleans: The Union wanted to protect the Port of New
Orleans. The Union Admiral David Farragut had his ship
wrapped in heavy chains and officers disguised wood ships
with mud and trees. This allowed the Union to make its was
to Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Siege of Vicksburg: the area geography made an invasion
difficult. The Union decided to blockade the area and strave
them until they surrender. The Union won and on Ju;ly 4,
1863 they surrendered.
Red Team
What were some of the items union soldiers carried with them?
What did union soldiers eat and how often?
Green Team
Why did the confederate soldiers have sores on their feet?
Describe what the sleeping arrangements were for confederate soldiers?
Blue Team
What makes the confederate soldiers so itchy?
Why is the confederate soldier accustomed to loud noises?
Skill Questions
Infer: What can we infer about the weather conditions the soldiers were made
to face?
Voc: What does trinket mean and why does it remind the union soldiers of
POV: What are some similarities and differences between both soldiers?