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Three Minute Review
• Why is the human brain so big (relative to body size)?
– social group size
• bigger groups require bigger brains to keep track of relationships
• optimal group size for humans: 150
– social (Machiavellian) intelligence
• example: reciprocal altruism
• Testing theory of mind
– Heider’s moving shapes
• people can’t help but attribute “minds” to animate objects
– False belief tests: Sally-Ann test, Smarties test
• does somebody else know the same things you know
– False picture tests
• camera instead of Sally
– lying
• can you mislead what somebody else knows to your advantage
• normal children
– develop theory of mind around age 4
– do better with false belief than false picture test
• autistic children
– absent/impaired theory of mind
– do okay with false picture than false belief
– not due solely to intellectual impairments
• Down’s syndrome children pass theory of mind tests
– Asperger’s syndrome: high-functioning autism
– extreme male brain theory
things (systemizing) vs. people (empathizing)
men vs. women
autistics vs. ??? (Williams syndrome perhaps?)
correlated with length of ring finger vs. index finger?
is there a “geek syndrome”?
Test Yourself
In the container test, children are shown a familiar kind of
container such as an M&M bag and asked what the bag
contains. Most 3- and 4-year-old children respond
appropriately and are then asked to open the bag. Once
opened, the bag is found to contain an unpredicted item, such
as a pencil. The bag is then closed, and the children are
asked to guess what another person who has not looked inside
will think is in it. What typically happens?
A. Most 3- and 4-year-olds will answer “M&Ms.”
B. Most 3- and 4-year-olds will answer “pencil.”
C. Most 3-year-olds will answer with “pencil,” but most 4-yearolds will answer “M&Ms.”
D. Most 3-year-olds will answer with “M&Ms,” but most 4-yearolds will answer “pencil.”
E. Most 3-year-olds will give a specific prediction, but most 4year-olds will refuse to answer.
Recommended Homework
• Prior to Tuesday’s class, I would like you try at least
one experiment from the web site below. You can
pick between experiments on your perception of
age, race, gender, and American presidential
• On Tuesday, we will discuss the rationale behind
these experiments and it will be easier for you to
understand if you’ve tried it yourself.
Social Perception
• How do we perceive ourselves?
• How do we perceive others?
Self Awareness: The Mirror Test
Who passes the test?
• human children > 15 mos.
• chimps > 6-8 years old
• dolphins
• one gorilla (Koko)
• some monkeys?
• while individual is asleep or anesthetized, put a red
spot on their face/body
• see how they behave when they see themselves in
the mirror
• do they realize it’s them?
Mirror Selves
• others prefer the real photograph
• you yourself prefer the mirror image
Is there one “self”?: Roles
Self Complexity
Reference Groups
• We see ourselves in
contrast to those
around us
• bronze medalists are
typically happier than
silver medalists
• how good are we at
judging the reference
Better-than-average Effect
– 90% of adults consider
themselves “above average”
– 94% of college professors
rated themselves better than
– in one study, no college-bound
seniors rated themselves
below average and 25% rated
themselves in the top 1%
• Many people are incompetent at judging their own
incompetence across many domains (humor, grammar, logic)
Sense of Humor
Self Appraisal
• most people see themselves in a move positive light than others see them
• most people see their current selves as more positive than they see their past selves
• people with high self-esteem make downward comparisons; people with high selfesteem make upward comparisons
Self-fulfilling prophecy
The Pygmalion effect
• In the myth, Pygmalion created a statue
that he treated with such affection, it came
to life
• 1968 experiment in a lower class San
Francisco elementary school
Robert Rosenthal
– gave students an IQ test
– told teachers that the test had identified
students who were “late bloomers” and would
show a spurt in IQ growth
– the experimenters randomly selected 20% of
the pupils who were identified to the teachers
as late bloomers (in reality, these students were
no different in their IQs than the remaining 80%)
– after one year those students showed
significantly higher IQ scores (an increase of 12
points compared to 4 points in the other
• works on rats too!
Why do self-fulfilling prophecies work?
• see video
• the process by which people infer the causes of other
people’s behavior
• Example: Why did your boss yell at your co-worker?
– co-worker was slacking off and deserved it?
– boss is always a hothead?
– boss is usually easygoing but is undergoing a divorce that has her
stressed out?
– boss really needed this particular job to be done right because her
job is on the line
External factors
• people, events, situation, environment
Internal Factors
• traits, needs, intentions
Consider an Example
Kelley’s 3 questions in making an attribution
• does this person regularly behave this way in this situation?
• do others regularly behave this way in this situation?
• does this person behave this way in many other situations?
Person Bias
fundamental attribution error
• most common error
• people give too much weight to personality and too
little weight to the situation
• more common in Westernized societies
Actor-Observer Discrepancy
• I did it because of the situation; You did it because
of your personality
• e.g., “I did poorly on the exam because I had a
heavy exam schedule and I’d been sick and I was
really stressed out and my goldfish died that
morning and…. He did poorly on the exam
because he’s stupid and lazy.”
• can be influenced by point of view
– see self on videotape   personality attribution
– see videotape from other’s POV   situation attribution
Prior Information Effects
• Mental representations of people (schemas)
can effect our interpretation of them
– Kelley’s study
• students had a guest speaker
• before the speaker came, half got a written bio saying speaker
was “very warm”, half got bio saying speaker was “rather cold”
• “very warm” group rated guest more positively than “rather cold”
Attractiveness Bias
• “beliefs tinged with emotion”
• e.g., good vs. bad, moral vs. immoral
Cognitive Dissonance
attitudes must be consistent with behavior
if they are not, people experience discomfort
must either change behavior or change attitude
usually it’s easier to change the attitude
– Stephan is a neurologist and knows that smoking is a
serious health risk
– Stephan smokes
– Stephan must either:
1. stop smoking
2. change his attitudes
– “The risks are exaggerated.”
– “I’m going to die from something anyway.”
– “Smoking reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Hypocrisy and AIDS prevention
Experiment (Aronson et al., 1991, 1994)
• hypocrisy condition: students made video tapes to promote condom
usage among high school students while being made aware of their own
failure to use condoms
• hypocrisy groups later purchased and used condoms more frequently
than control groups
Insufficient Justification Effect
• If people cannot justify their behavior, they’re likely
to change their beliefs about it
• Experiment (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1959)
– gave subjects a boring task
– asked subjects to lie to the next subject and say the
experiment was exciting
– paid ½ the subjects $1, other ½ $20
– then asked subjects to rate boringness of task
– $1 group rated the task as far more fun than the $20
– each group needed a justification for lying
• $20 group had an external justification of money
• since $1 isn’t very much money, $1 group said task was fun
Initiation Rites
Belief in a Just World
• belief that people get what they deserve
• blaming the victim
– “gays deserve AIDS”
– the rape victim was “asking for it”