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Chapter 11
Endocrine Glands:
Secretion and Action
of Hormones
Lecture PowerPoint
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
I. Endocrine Glands and
Endocrine Glands
• Ductless
• Secrete hormones into the blood
• Hormones are carried to target cells
having receptors for those hormones.
• Many organs secrete hormones other
than those discussed in this chapter:
– Heart, liver, kidneys, adipose tissue
Summary of Endocrine System
Chemical Classification of
• Amines, derived from tyrosine and
– Examples: hormones from the adrenal
medulla (epinephrine, norepinephrine),
thyroid(T3 and T4), and pineal
• Polypeptides and proteins
– Examples: antidiuretic hormone, insulin, and
growth hormone
Chemical Classification of
• Glycoproteins are long polypeptides bound
to a carbohydrate.
– Examples: follicle-stimulating(FSH) and
luteinizing hormones(LH)
• Steroids are lipids derived from cholesterol
– Examples: testosterone, estradiol,
progesterone, cortisol
– Secreted by adrenal cortex and gonads
Hormone Classifications
• Polar hormones: water soluble
– Cannot pass through plasma membranes
– Must activate second messenger
– Must be injected if used as a drug
• Nonpolar: insoluble in water
– Often called lipophilic hormones
– Can enter target cells directly
– Include steroids and thyroid hormone
– Can be taken orally in pill form
Prohormones and Prehormones
• Prohormones are inactive hormones that must
be cut and spliced together to be active.
– Example: insulin
• Prehormones are inactive hormones that must
be modified within their target cells.
Hormones Are Like
• Hormones and neurotransmitters both
interact with specific receptors.
• Binding to a receptor causes a change
within the cell.
• There are mechanisms to turn off target
cell activity.
– The signal is either removed or inactivated.
Hormone Interactions
• A target cell is usually responsive to
several different hormones at the same
– Hormones may be antagonistic, synergistic,
or permissive.
– How a cell responds depends on the amount
of hormone and the combination of all
Synergistic Effects
• Occur when two or more hormones work
together to produce a particular effect
– Effects may be additive, as when epinephrine
and norepinephrine each affect the heart in
the same way (increase heart rate).
– Effects may be complementary, as when each
hormone contributes a different piece of an
overall outcome.
• For example, producing milk requires estrogen,
prolactin, and oxytocin.
Permissive Effects
• Occur when one hormone makes the target cell
more responsive to a second hormone
– Exposure to estrogen makes the uterus more
responsive to progesterone.
– PTH has permissive effect on vitamin D3 in that it
stimulates production of the enzymes that convert
D3 to its active form in the liver and kidney.
Antagonistic Effects
• Occur when hormones work in opposite
– Insulin and glucagon both affect adipose
tissue. Insulin stimulates fat storage, while
glucagon stimulates fat breakdown.
– Insulin and glucagon also have antagonistic
effects on blood glucose.
Hormone Half-life
• The half-life of hormones circulating in the blood
ranges from minutes to hours.
– Most hormones are removed from the blood by
the liver. These are usually water-soluble and are
considered “free” hormones
– Thyroid hormone circulates for several days.
They are attached to plasma proteins in the blood
and are considered “bound” hormones
Hormone Concentration
• Tissues only respond when hormone
concentrations are at a certain “normal”
– At higher pharmacological concentrations,
effects may be different from normal.
– High concentrations may result in binding to
receptors of related hormones.
– This can result in widespread side effects.
Priming Effects/Upregulation
• Some target cells respond to a particular
hormone by increasing the number of
receptors it has for that hormone.
• This makes it more sensitive to
subsequent hormone release.
Desensitization and Down
• Prolonged exposure to high
concentrations of hormone may result in a
decreased number of receptors for that
– Occurs in adipose cells in response to high
concentrations of insulin
• To avoid desensitization, many hormones
are released in spurts, called pulsatile
Checkpoint 1
• 1. Endocrine glands secrete their products into ducts. (T/F)
• 2. Responsiveness of cells to hormones is determined by the
presence or absence of specific hormone receptor
proteins. (T/F)
• 3. Molecules secreted by endocrine glands that are inactive
until changed by their target cells are called
• 4. When two or more hormones work together to produce a
particular result, their effects are
A. permissive.
B. antagonistic.
C. synergistic.
D. inhibitory.
II. Mechanisms of Hormone
Hormone Receptors
• Hormones bind to receptors on or in target
– Binding is highly specific.
– Hormones bind to receptors with a high
– Hormones bind to receptors with a low
Steroid Hormone Action
• Receptors located in cytoplasm
• After binding, they translocate to the
nucleus and bind to DNA.
Thyroid Hormone Action
• Thyroxine (T4) travels to
target cells on thyroxinebinding globulin (TBG).
– Inside the target cell, it is
converted to T3.
– Receptor proteins are
located inside the
nucleus bound to DNA.
Hormones That Use 2nd
• These hormones cannot cross the plasma
membrane, so they bind to receptors on
the cell surface.
– Epinephrine and norepinephrine
– Insulin
– Peptide hormones
– Eicosanoids (e.g., prostaglandins)
III. Pituitary Gland
Pituitary Gland
• Attached to the
hypothalamus by the
• Divided into an
anterior lobe
and a posterior lobe
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
• Secreted by the anterior
• Trophic hormones stimulate
hormone secretion in other
– Growth hormone (GH)
– Thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH)
– Adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH)
– Follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH)
– Luteinizing hormone (LH)
– Prolactin (PRL)
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Posterior Pituitary
• Stores and releases two hormones made
in the Hypothalamus:
– Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which promotes
the retention of water in the kidneys
– Oxytocin, which stimulates contractions in
Hypothalamic Control of the
Posterior Pituitary
• ADH and oxytocin are
produced by the supraoptic
and paraventricular nuclei of
the hypothalamus.
• They are transported along
axons of the hypothalamohypophyseal tract to the
posterior pituitary.
• Release is controlled by
neuroendocrine reflexes.
Pituitary Gland Hormones
Fig 18-9
Hypothalamic Control of the
Anterior Pituitary
• The anterior pituitary
is controlled via
releasing and
inhibiting hormones
transported through
the hypothalamohypophyseal portal
Hypothalamic Control of Anterior
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH)
Prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH)
Somatostatin (inhibits GH)
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
Growth hormone−releasing hormone (GHRH)
Feedback Control of
Anterior Pituitary
• The final product
regulates secretion of
pituitary hormones.
– Inhibition can occur
at the pituitary gland
level, inhibiting
response to
Feedback Control of
Anterior Pituitary
– Inhibition can
occur at the
level, inhibiting
secretion of
Higher Brain Functions
• Since the hypothalamus receives input
from higher brain regions, emotions can
alter hormone secretion.
– At least six brain regions and olfactory
neurons send axons to the GHRH-producing
– Stressors increase CRH production.
Checkpoint 2
• 1. Thyroid hormones bind to receptors which
A. activate tyrosine kinase.
B. regulate gene transcription.
C. stimulate production of cyclic AMP.
D. stimulate production of diacylglycerol.
• 2. Steroid hormone receptors may be
found ______________.
• 3. Both the anterior and posterior pituitary are regulated
by the hypothalamus. (T/F)
• 4. _____ and _________ are secreted by the posterior
pituitary gland.
IV. Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Glands
• Found atop the
• Consist of an outer
adrenal cortex and an
inner adrenal medulla
that function as
separate glands
Adrenal Glands
• The adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrine
and norepinephrine in
response to neural
stimulation from the
• The adrenal cortex
secretes steroid
hormones in response
• Made from cholesterol
• Three categories:
– Mineralocorticoids regulate Na+ and K+
• Example: aldosterone
– Glucocorticoids regulate glucose metabolism.
• Example: cortisol
– Sex steroids are weak androgens that
supplement those made in the gonads.
Regions of the Adrenal Cortex
• Zona glomerulosa-secretes
Aldosterone in response to
elevated levels of K+ or by
the kidneys
• Zona fasciculata-secretes
glucocorticoids in response
to stimulation by ACTH
• Zona reticularis- secretes
androgens in response to
ACTH and other factors
Adrenal Medulla Hormones
• Epinephrine and norepinephrine (catecholamines)
– Activated with sympathetic
– Have effects similar to
sympathetic innervation
but lasting 10 times longer
– Increase cardiac output,
respiratory rate, and
mental alertness; dilate
coronary blood vessels;
elevate metabolic rates
Stress and the Adrenal Gland
• Stress increases secretion
of ACTH, which results in
increased glucocorticoid
• This is called the general
adaptation syndrome.
– Good for proper
recovery after stress,
such as an illness or
– Cortisol helps inhibit the
immune system so it
does not overrespond.
General Adaptation Syndrome:
Alarm Phase
• Alarm phase
– Immediate response
– Directed by sympathetic division of ANS
– Epinephrine is dominant hormone
– Energy reserves (glucose) mobilized from glycogen
– “Fight or flight” responses
General Adaptation Syndrome:
Resistance Phase
Resistance phase
– Entered if stress lasts longer than few hours
– Energy demands still high
• Glycogen reserves nearly exhausted after hours of stress
– Glucocorticoids are dominant hormones
• Mobilize lipid and protein reserves
• Raise and stabilize blood glucose concentrations
• Conserve glucose for neural tissues
General Adaptation Syndrome:
Exhaustion Phase
Exhaustion phase
•Begins when homeostatic regulation breaks down
•Failure of 1 or more organ systems proves fatal
Stress and the Adrenal Gland
– Chronic stress leads to an
increased risk of illness.
– Cortisol may act on higher
brain regions, contributing
to depression and
– By stimulating the liver to
release glucose, insulin
receptors may become
resistant, making it harder
to treat people with
Checkpoint 3
• 1. What is the precursor molecule for the three types of
adrenal cortex hormones?
A. vitamin A
B. vitamin K
C. adenosine
D. cholesterol
• 2. Which of the following is NOT a response of the body to
A. increased secretion of ACTH
B. increased secretion of glucocorticoids
C. increased immune response
D. increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine
• 3. What are the stages of the “GAS”?
V. Thyroid and Parathyroid
Thyroid Gland
• Located just below the larynx
Thyroid Gland
• Consists of hollow spaces
called thyroid follicles lined
with simple cuboidal
epithelium composed of
follicular cells
– Interior of the follicles is
filled with a protein fluid
called colloid.
– Outside of the follicles are
parafollicular cells.
Production of Thyroid Hormone
• Thyroglobulin is made by the
follicular cells.
• Thyroid follicles actively
accumulate iodine and
secrete it into the colloid.
• The iodine is attached to
tyrosines within the
thyroglobulin molecule.
• They dissociate from
thyroglobulin when the
thyroid gland is stimulated
by TSH.
Action of Thyroid Hormone
• Stimulates protein synthesis
• Promotes maturation of the nervous
• Increases rates of cellular respiration
– Elevates basal metabolic rate
• Made by the
parafollicular cells
of the thyroid
• “tones down”
calcium in the
Diseases of the Thyroid
• Iodine deficiency leads to
overstimulation of the thyroid
gland (no negative feedback on
pituitary gland) and growth of a
• It also leads to hypothyroidism:
low metabolic rates, weight gain
and lethargy, poor adaptation to
cold stress, and myxedema
(accumulation of fluids in
subcutaneous connective
• Hyperthyroidism– Overstimulation of the
thyroid gland:
characterized by an
increased metabolic rate,
weight loss, muscular
weakness, and
nervousness. The eyes
may also protrude
(exophthalmos) due to
edema in the orbits.
Parathyroid Glands
• Embedded in the back of
the thyroid gland
• Secrete parathyroid
– Hormone that promotes
a rise in blood calcium
by acting on bones,
kidneys, and intestine
Parathyroid Hormone
VI. Pancreas and Other
Endocrine Glands
• The pancreas is both
an endocrine and an
exocrine gland.
• Endocrine cells are
located in islets of
– Alpha cells:
– Beta cells: insulin
• Insulin is secreted by beta cells when blood glucose
levels rise after a sugary meal.
• Its purpose is to lower blood glucose levels to the
“normal” range.
• Insulin binds to receptors on target cells.
– Vesicles with specific carrier proteins bind to
– Glucose diffuses through these protein channels and
is taken up by the cells.
– Occurs in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and the
• Indirectly stimulates the enzyme glycogen
synthase in liver and skeletal muscles to
promote sugar storage
• Stimulates adipose tissue to store fat
• Antagonistic to insulin
• Secreted by alpha cells when blood
glucose levels are low
• Purpose is to raise blood glucose levels to
a “normal” range
Action of Glucagon
• Stimulates liver to hydrolyze glycogen into
glucose and release it into the blood
• Stimulates gluconeogenesis, conversion of
noncarbohydrates into glucose
• Stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissue so fat
is released and used as a fuel source
instead of glucose
Glucose Homeostasis
Pineal Gland
• Located on roof of
third ventricle in the
• Secretes the
hormone melatonin
• Regulated by the
nucleus of the
– Stimulates
production when it
gets dark
Other Endocrine Glands
• Intestinal tract: Several hormones are
made in the organs of the intestinal tract to
regulate digestive processes.
• Gonads: Produce testosterone, estrogen,
and progesterone
• Placenta: Takes over hormone production
during pregnancy
Endocrine Disorders
• GH
– Excess production 
• Gigantism - before epiphyseal plates close
• Acromegaly - after epiphyseal plates close
– Under-production 
• Pituitary growth failure (dwarfism)
– Inadequate productiondiabetes insipidus
Endocrine Disorders
• Thyroid Gland
– Hypothyroidism
• Cretinism
• Goiter
– Hyperthyroidism
• Graves Disease (exophthalmia)
• Adrenal
– Inadequate GC production 
• Addison’s Disease - inadequate GC production
– Excess GCs  Cushing’s Disease (due to
hypersecretion of ACTH)
Checkpoint 4
1. A(n) _____________ is an abnormal growth of the thyroid gland due to
an iodine deficiency.
2. An individual with bulging eyes may
A. be secreting inadequate thyroid hormone.
B. be secreting excessive thyroid hormone.
3. What element is necessary for production of thyroxine? _______
4. Calcitonin and PTH are antagonistic hormones. (T/F)
5. The pancreas secretes hormones involved in regulation of _______
________ levels.
6. Daylight causes stimulation of the pineal gland to release
VII. Autocrine and Paracrine
Autocrine vs. Paracrine Signals
• Both are involved in short-range signaling
between neighboring cells within an organ.
– Autocrine signals: The sender and receiver
are the same cell type.
– Paracrine signals: The sender and receiver
are different cell types/tissues.
Autocrine Regulation
• Many regulatory molecules are called
cytokines or growth factors.
– Given specific names depending on where
they are found and what they do—for
example, lymphokines, neurotrophins
• Most control gene expression in the target
Autocrine and Paracrine Regulators
• Made from arachidonic
acid released from
phospholipids in the
plasma membrane
– Alternatively, the
cell may make
• Released from almost
every cell, with a wide
range of function
Functions of Prostaglandins
• Immune system: promote inflammation
• Reproductive system: aid ovulation
• Digestive system: inhibit secretion;
stimulate propulsion and absorption
• Respiratory system: aid
bronchoconstriction and dilation
Functions of Prostaglandins
• Circulation: affect vasoconstriction and
dilation, blood clotting
• Urinary system: increase blood flow to the
kidneys, which increases excretion of
Prostaglandin Inhibition
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
– NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by
inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase.
– Side effects include gastric bleeding, kidney
problems, and less clotting
– Aspirin is the most common.
Prostaglandin Inhibition
• COX2 Inhibitors: Celebrex and Vioxx
– Cyclooxygenase comes in two forms:
• COX1 is found in the stomach and kidneys.
• COX2 is involved in inflammation.
– Newer drugs that inhibit COX2 selectively
avoid gastric- and kidney-related side effects.
– Unfortunately, these drugs increase the
chance of stroke and heart attack, so they
have been pulled from the market.
Checkpoint 5
• 1. Molecules that are produced within one tissue but
regulate a different tissue of the same organ are
called _________ __________
• 2. The same prostaglandin may produce different effects
in different tissues. (T/F)
• 3. All of the following are considered nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs except
A. aspirin.
B. celecoxib (Celebrex).
C. acetaminophen (Tylenol). D. rofecoxib (Vioxx).