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Movement of Substances
Imagine that you are in
this situation. Your
mother broke a glass of
perfume and you, who
is studying in the same
room, gradually begin
to smell the scent of the
• Definition: The net movement of solute particles
from a region of higher concentration to a region
of lower concentration, ie, down a concentration
• SI unit – mol
• Other unit – mass per unit volume
In pictorial form…
Example of Diffusion
Drop a piece of copper sulphate crystal into a gas jar
full of water.
Cover the jar and allow it to stand still for a few days.
Factors involving rate of diffusion
• Concentration gradient
– Steeper gradient  faster rate of diffusion
• Temperature
– Higher temperature  faster rate of diffusion
• Size of particle
– Smaller particles  faster rate of diffusion
Factors involving rate of diffusion
• Rate of mixing
–Faster rate of mixing  faster
rate of diffusion
Quiz Time!
Question 4
Question 3
Question 2
Question 1
Diffusion occurs when particles move from a region of ___ concentration to a region of ___ concentration.
A) Higher ; Lower
C) Homogenous ; Heterogeneous
B) Lower ; Higher
D) Heterogeneous ; Homogenous
Quiz Time!
Question 4
Question 3
Question 2
Question 1
What is a factor involving the rate of diffusion?
A) Size of particles
C) The gradient function of a curve
B) The charge of the particle
D) Cuticle layer present on the
Quiz Time!
Question 4
Question 3
Question 2
Question 1
Diffusion will occur until a ___ is achieved
A) Dynamic equilibrium
C) Partially permeable membrane
B) Heterogonous solution
D) Charged particle
Quiz Time!
Question 4
Question 3
Question 2
Question 1
The difference in concentration between two regions is known as the ___.
A) Concentration gradient
C) Gradient function
B) rise/run
D) dy/dx
You are wrong.
Return to quiz
Congratulations. You have completed the
course on diffusion!
Movement of Substances
• Definition: The net movement of solvent
particles from a region of higher
solvent/water potential to a region of
lower solvent/water potential through a
partially permeable membrane
• Water Potential: Tendency of water to
move down a concentration gradient
and is measured in Pascals (Pa).
Hypertonic, Isotonic and
Hypertonic, Isotonic and Hypotonic
• These terms can only be applied to animal
• Hypertonic = water potential greater than
solute concentration (eg. Distilled water)
• Isotonic = water potential equal to solute
• Hypertonic = water potential lesser than solute
concentration (eg. Honey)
Effect of animal cell in hypotonic
Effect of animal cell in hypertonic
• As the cell is placed in a solution hypertonic to
its contents, water particles will leave it’s
cytoplasm, pass the cell membrane due to
• The cell shrinks and little spikes appear on the
cell surface membrane
• This is known as crenation
Effect of animal cell in hypertonic
Spikes (caused by
microfilaments in the
In a nutshell
Effect of plant cells in solution with
higher water potential
Effect of plant cells in solution with
higher water potential
• The cell wall is strong relatively inelastic.
It prevents overexpansion of the cell by
exerting an opposing pressure as water
enters the cell. This prevents more water
from entering the cell.
• When a plant cell expands, it becomes
swollen or turgid. The turgidity of the cell
with water is known as turgor.
Effect of plant cells in solution with
lower water potential
Police investigators were called to the scene
and after months of trying, they found
john... Dead...
The question is, how did he die?
What is your conclusion?
• He was placed in a
hypertonic solution
• He was placed in a
hypotonic solution
• He died from
• His hat suffocated
You are wrong
• Head back to try again
• You start to line up the suspects. They
– Mr I. M. Bottle
– Mr U. R. ? (Last name unknown… People
speculate that his last name is concentrated.
Of course, another group of people think that
his last name is mad.)
– Mr T. M. R.
• Who can you safely eliminate from this list
of suspects
– I. M. Bottle
– U. R. ?.
– T. M. R. (Suspect says: I AM VOLDEMORT!!!)
Enter the LAIR!
• After many hours of
investigation, you
have found out that
the killer was Mr. U.
R. ?.
• A team of policemen
rushed to arrest
him… however…
Fools! You cannot enter
my secret lair. It is
encoded with 2 layers
of passwords... And
only I know what they
are! And I’m not
Oh FINE! The first
password is the unit
water potential is
measure in, and the
second is the pressure
exerted on the cell wall
when a plant is placed in
a hypotonic solution
Enter the LAIR!
• The answer is obviously
simple. What is it?
– Pascals ; Turgid
– Pascals ; Turgor
– Kilograms ; Flacid
– Kilograms ; Turgor
Meet… the battle droids
• Just when you thought you could finally arrest him… who
would come but battle droids!
Meet… the battle droids
• Now what? The only way to defeat them is to
yell the deactivation command.
• But what is this command?
• You think that it is the process where the
vacuole of the plant cell shrinks and the
cytoplasm pulls away from the cell wall… the
only problem is… what is it?
Meet…the battle droids