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Quantum Computation
Stephen Jordan
Church-Turing Thesis
Weak Form: Anything we would regard as “computable” can
be computed by a Turing machine.
Strong Form: Anything we would regard as efficiently
computable can be computed in polynomial time by a Turing
Models of Computation
Turing machines
multiple tapes
multiple read/write heads
Logic Circuits
Parallel Computation
All have been shown polynomially equivalent
to Turing machines
Thesis Revised?
“Computers are physical objects and
computations are physical processes. What
computers can or cannot compute is determined
by the laws of physics alone, and not by pure
-David Deutsch
What Quantum Computers Are
A reasonable model of computation based on
currently known physics
Apparently more powerful than the Turing
can do prime factorization in polynomial time
The first challenge to the strong Church-Turing
What Quantum Computers Aren't
A challenge to the weak Church-Turing thesis
Just like classical computers except smaller and
Relation To Other Models
Quantum Church-Turing Thesis?
Many models of quantum computation:
quantum turing machines
quantum circuits
adiabatic quantum computation
measurement based quantum computation
nonabelian anyons
All have equivalent power (BQP)
One exception: one clean qubit model
State of The Art
Quantum Computers
many approaches
still in the laboratory
Quantum Cryptography
fundamentally unbreakable
Earliest Inklings
At small scales the laws of classical mechanics
break down and quantum mechanics takes over.
Can computers still work when their
components reach this scale?
C. Bennett
Yes: any computation can be made
reversible with minimal overhead.
Quantum computers can do
reversible computation.
R. Feynman
P. Shor
“The full description of quantum
mechanics for a large system with R
particles...has too many variables. It
cannot be simulated with a normal
computer with a number of elements
proportional to R.” [1982]
An n-bit number can be factored in
time on a quantum computer. [1994]
More Advantages
An unstructured database with N items
can be searched in
L. Grover
Quantum computers can efficiently
simulate quantum systems.
Quantum computers cannot speed up all
Quantum Mechanics
The state of a system is represented by a
normalized complex vector.
Example: a bit
Dirac Notation
Inner Product
Two Bits
Quantum Computing
Start with some state encoding your problem.
Example: factoring 9 = 1001
Apply some sequence of unitary time
Measure, and with high probability obtain a
desired result, e.g. 3 = 0011
Quantum Computing
2 questions about quantum computing
1)How can we build a quantum computer?
We'll ignore this.
2)What can we do with them?
We'll turn this into a precise question:
For a problem of size n, how many
computational steps do we need to solve it
on a quantum computer?
Computational Problems
Find the prime factors of an n-digit number.
Find the shortest route visiting n cities.
for given f.
Which problems can be solved with fewer steps
on quantum computers than on classical
computers for large n?
Model of Computation: Quantum Circuits
Use only k-body
interactions, “gates”
k=2 suffices
CNOT + one qubit
gates suffice
only finite precision
Family of Quantum Circuits
One quantum circuit
for each input size
Trivial Example:
bitwise XOR
Circuit Complexity
Return to our original question:
For a problem of size n, how many
computational steps do we need to solve it
on a quantum computer?
We can now make it precise:
What is the minimum number of gates
needed, as a function of n, in a family of
quantum circuits which solves the problem?
Problems with Circuit Complexity
Circuit complexity is notoriously difficult to evaluate
Explicit circuit families (algorithms) provide upper
Lower bounds are very difficult, even classically (e.g.
P vs. NP)
Query Complexity
Many problems are
naturally formulated in in
terms of a blackbox f
Find x s.t. f(x)=1
Find x which minimizes f
Classical blackboxes can
be made reversible,
hence unitary
An Easier Question
For a given problem, how many black box
queries do we need to solve it on a quantum
computer, as a function of problem size?
Algorithms provide upper bounds.
Information arguments provide lower bounds.
Quantum speedups for several black box
problems are known.
In many cases matching quantum lower bounds
are known.
Bernstein-Vazirani Problem
Classical Algorithm
Phase Kickback
Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Classical Gradient Estimation
Classically, you need at least d+1 queries
Otherwise the system is underdetermined
Quantumly, one query suffices
Hadamard transform on n bits uses n Hadamard
Quantum Fourier Transform on n bits can be
done using
The transforms are on
Inverse transforms are easy. Just take the
Minimizing a Quadratic Form
Further Reading
Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang,
Quantum Computation and Quantum
Information (2000)
An Optical Analogy
An Optical Analogy
Lower Bounds
Lower Bounds by Polynomials
Lower Bounds by Polynomials
After q queries, the amplitudes are polynomials
of degree at most q, hence the p(1) is of degree
Recall that desired result
is some
boolean function of the blackbox values
There is a minimal degree for a polynomial to
match this function
Paturi's Theorem
Specific Lower Bounds
Other Techniques
Quantum adversary methods
Further Reading
E. Bernstein and U. Vazirani, “Quantum
complexity theory,” proceedings of STOC 1993
S. Jordan, “Fast quantum algorithm for
numerical gradient estimation,” Phys. Rev.
Lett. 95, 050501 (2005) [quant-ph/0405146]
R. Beals, H. Buhrman, R. Cleve, M. Mosca, and
R. De Wolf. “Quantum lower bounds by
polynomials,” Journal of the ACM, Vol. 48,
No. 4 (2001) [quant-ph/9802049]