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Chapter 10
Drawing Conclusions
Lecture Launcher
Give an example of a time when you
drew the wrong conclusion. Explain
why you drew the wrong conclusion.
Chapter 10 Brief Outline
I. Drawing Logical Conclusions
II. Finding the Author’s Point of View
III. Recognizing Propaganda
Chapter 10 Vocabulary
• inferred
• propaganda
• drawing conclusions
• image advertising
• logical inference
• bandwagoning
• assumption
• testimonial
• stereotype
• plain folks
• fact
• name calling
• opinion
• weasel words
• bias
• euphemism
• expert opinion
• loaded word
Chapter 10
Drawing Logical Conclusions
Logical Inferences- Conclusions that cannot be
Assumptions- Conclusions based on
background knowledge
Chapter 10
Identify your assumptions about each of the
1. Your institution
2. International students
3. One of your instructors
4. faculty at your institution
5. People who get degrees in your major
6. One of the students in this class
How do you know if your assumptions are
Chapter 10
Finding the Author’s Point of View
A. Finding the Author’s Purpose- Authors write to
inform, entertain or persuade.
Informative Writing- Authors will try to give
information in clear and understandable
Persuasive Writing- Authors will try to
change your beliefs.
Chapter 10
Finding the Author’s Point of View
B. The Difference between Fact and Opinion- You
can’t believe everything you read.
Facts- Statements of truth.
Opinions- statements which are a kind of
a. Bias- When opinions are expressed as
b. Expert Opinions- Given by
Chapter 10
Determine if each statement is a fact, opinion, or expert
1. According to the Director of Admissions, 20% more
students applied to go to my college last year.
2. According to my sister, private colleges are better than
public colleges.
3. According to my schedule, I am a full-time student.
4. People in my math class make good grades in math.
5. My instructor won a teaching award last year.
6. An article in our campus newspaper said that students on
campus experience less stress than students that live off
Chapter 10
Recognizing Propaganda
A. Image Advertising- Advertisers want you to connect the
product with the person (usually a celebrity).
B. Bandwagoning- “Everybody has one, so you have to
have it too.”
C. Testimonial- A famous person or authority says the
product is good.
D. Plain Folks- Wants you to trust the advice of the average
E. Name Calling- A product is made to appear better than
another by using unfair comparisons.
F. Weasel Words- Meanings cannot be pinned down.
G. Euphemisms- Replace bad phrases with good phrases.
H. Loaded Words- Replace good phrases with bad phrases.
Chapter 10
Think of a TV or radio commercial for each of
the following products and tell what kind of
propaganda technique it used:
1. car
2. hair care product
3. beverage
4. fast food restaurant
5. clothing
6. product or service of your choice
Chapter 10
Directed Test Preparation Activity
What is the hardest part of preparing for
tests for you? Why?
How can DTPA help you prepare for
tests more easily?
Chapter 10
How can drawing logical
conclusions help you recognize the
effects of propaganda?