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Review Of Chap. 27
World War I
10th Grade Global
Causes of WWI: MANIA
Alliance (system)
Militarism – the overglorification of the military
The First Wave of Troops
And their replacements
Alliance – formal agreement
between nations to come to one
another’s defense in times of war
Nationalism – strong feeling of pride
and devotion to one’s country
Imperialism policy by
which one
country takes
control of
directly or
economic or
Assassination -To murder (a prominent
person) by surprise attack, as for
political reasons
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and
Duchess Sophie
(pregnant at time) at Sarajevo on
28th June, 1914.
Their funereal
Propaganda – spreading of ideas or
beliefs that help a cause and/or hurt an
opposing cause
British poster depicting
Germans as baby killers
Bombers of
innocent civilians
Users of poison gases
And rapists.
Propaganda can come in many forms
Sometimes it is
meant to inspire
the home front,…..
And other times
to dishearten an
enemy’s soldiers
Propaganda is sometimes patriotic ……
What/who is the subject of this poster? What details are visible?
Propaganda is sometimes humorous
Week #1
British officer as
seen by military
Week #2
Week #3
As he actually
appears at the
After 3 weeks
in the trenches
Propaganda is sometimes a lie
German soldiers are
shown executing
Belgian civilians
This never happened,
but British
propaganda turned
the world against
Propaganda is sometime a half-truth; in this case an actual event is its
inspiration, but certain facts are omitted to vilify an opponent.
In this case the
passenger liner Lusitania
was torpedoed by a
German U-Boat
1200 civilians died,
including 128 Americans
Propaganda-Lusitania cont.
But what that little piece of
British propaganda didn’t
admit was that the Lusitania
was carrying war supplies to
England, thereby making it a
legitimate military target.
A cowardly attempt to use
civilians to shield those
And the Germans weren’t
fooled, they even warned us of
their intentions.
A New Kind of Conflict
The Battle of the Somme from the
perspective of a British (Allied)
Daybreak: Sunrise (July 1, 1916)
6:00 AM
serves extra
Battle of the Somme
General Haig sends 14 Divisions ‘over the top’
(210,000 Men)
The area separating the trenches is known as “no man’s
land” because no one is there but the dead…..and the
7:29 AM
No Man’s Land
German Trenches
Front (facing Allied soldiers)
Rear(view from behind)
November 15, 1916
November 17, 1916
If you run away from the fight’in, its called desertion.
And the penalty is always
death, even if your
innocent. In fact some
officers look for guy’s to
kill to “instill” discipline
before a push.
“Shellshock” – “Combat Fatigue”
The “Great War” or the “War to end All Wars” came
to an end at 11 O’clock on November 11th 1918
The 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month
What lay ahead was the
Versailles Peace Conference
which all sides hoped would
establish a lasting peace.
But this “peace” came at a
price higher than any had
ever imaged possible.
The Human Cost of WWI
Human Lives:
Casualties /Killed
Soldiers -
Civilians -
Orphans -
Plague of 1918/1919 -
20,000,000 worldwide
Before and After:
Verdun: Cloister of the Hotel de
la Princerie
Before and After:
Verdun: Cloister of the Hotel de
la Princerie
Before and After:
Village of Esnes
Before and After:
Village of Esnes
Before and After:
Palace of Justice, Senlis
Before and After:
Palace of Justice, Senlis
The Treaty of Versailles: (cause of WWII)
1.) Forced Germany to except full blame for the war.
2.) Germany lost its Navy
3.) Army restricted to 100,000 men
4.) Germany, already bankrupt had to pay England and France
30 Billion dollars worth of war reparations (payments for war
damages). Payment of these reparations would begin in 1920
and continue through 1961. 30 Billion equals about ??????
All of this death & destruction and what did it get us…
A 20 year intermission from war. And the resumption of
conflict in 1939 set the stage for a war even more terrible
than the world had yet known.