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Anxiety Disorders
Dr. Rebwar Ghareeb Hama
University of Sulaimani
School of Medicine
Panic Disorder
Panic attacks:
Panic attacks occur in the context of several different anxiety
• Patients with panic disorder report discrete
periods of intense terror and fear of
impending doom, which are almost
There are three characteristic types of panic attacks with different relationships
between the onset of the attack and the presence or absence of situational
1. Unexpected (uncued): not associated with situational triggers. These attacks
are characteristic of panic disorder
2. Situationally bound (cued): occurs immediately on exposure to situational
cue. These are characteristic of specific & social phobias
3. Situationally predisposed: more likely to occur on exposure to the
situational cue but are not invariably associated with the cue and do not
necessarily occur immediately after the exposure. these are specially
frequent in panic disorder but may at times occur in specific & social
DSM-IV Criteria for Panic Disorder with
A. Both 1 and 2 are required
1. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks occur, during which four of the following
symptoms begin abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes in the
presence of intense fear:
1. Palpitations, increased heart rate
2. Sweating
3. Trembling or shaking
4. Sensation of shortness of breath
5. Feeling of choking
6. Chest pain or discomfort
7. Nausea or abdominal distress
8. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint
9. Derealization or depersonalization
10. Fear of losing control or going crazy
11. Fear of dying
12. Paresthesias
13. Chills or hot flushes
2. At least one of the attacks has been followed by one month of one of the
a. Persistent concern about having additional attacks
b. Worry about the implications of the attack, such as fear of having a heart attack
or going crazy
c. A significant change in behavior related to the attacks
B. The presence of agoraphobia that has the following three components:
1. Anxiety about being in places or situations where escape might be difficult or
embarrassing, or in which help might not be available
2. Situations are avoided or endured with marked distress, or these situations are
endured with anxiety about developing panic symptoms, or these situations
require the presence of a companion
3. The anxiety is not better accounted for by another disorder, such as social
phobia, where phobic avoidance is only limited to social situations
C. Panic attacks are not due to the effects of a substance or medical condition
D. The panic attacks are not caused by another mental disorder, such as social
phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder
Clinical Features of Panic Disorder:
A. Patients often believe that they have a serious medical
condition. Marked anxiety about having future panic attacks
(anticipatory anxiety) is common
B. In agoraphobia, the most common fears are of being outside
alone or of being in crowds or traveling. The first panic attack
often occurs without an acute stressor or warning. Later in the
disorder, panic attacks may occur in relation to specific
situations, and phobic avoidance to these situations can occur
C. Major Depression occurs in over 50% of patients. Agoraphobia
may develop in patient with simple panic attacks. Elevation of
blood pressure and tachycardia may occur during a panic attack
Epidemiology of Panic Disorder:
A. The lifetime prevalence of panic disorder is between 1.5% and 3.5%. The
female-to-male ratio is 3:1. Up to one-half of panic disorder patients have
B. Panic disorder usually develops in early adulthood with a peak onset in the mid
twenties. Onset after age 45 years is unusual
C. First-degree relatives have an 8 fold increase in panic disorder
D. The course of the illness is often chronic, but symptoms may wax and wane
depending on the presence of stressors. 50% of panic disorder patients are
only mildly affected. 20% have marked symptomatology
E. The suicide risk is markedly increased, especially in untreated patients.
Substance abuse, especially of alcohol, may occur in up to 40% of patients
Differential Diagnosis of Panic Disorder:
A. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
B. Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
C. Anxiety Due to a General Medical Condition
Treatment of Panic Disorder:
A. Mild cases of panic disorder can be effectively treated with cognitive
behavioral psychotherapy with an emphasis on relaxation and instruction
on misinterpretation of physiologic symptoms
B. Pharmacotherapy is indicated when patients have marked distress from
panic attacks or are experiencing impairment in work or social functioning
1. Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors and Tricyclic antidepressants are
most often used
2. SSRIs are the first-line treatment for panic disorder. Initiate treatment at
lower doses than used in depression because routine antidepressant
doses may actually increase anxiety in panic disorder patients
3. When using a Tricyclic antidepressant, the initial dose should
also be low because of the potential for exacerbating panic
symptoms early in treatment
4. Benzodiazepines may be used adjunctively with TCAs or SSRIs
during the first few weeks of treatment. When a patient has
failed other agents, benzodiazepines are very effective
5. Buspirone (BuSpar) is not effective for panic disorder
6. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) may be the most
effective agents available for panic disorder, but these agents
are not often used because of concern over hypertensive
7. Medication should be combined with cognitive behavioral
therapy for optimal outcome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• Obsession: Recurrent, Persistent thoughts, impulses
or images that the patient regards as absurd and
alien, while recognizing them as the product of his
own mind
• Compulsions: The motor component of an
obsessional thought, also known as compulsive
• Obsessions increase anxiety ;where as carrying out
compulsions reduce it; but when a person resists carrying out
a compulsion, anxiety is increased
• People with disorder recognize that their actions are
irrational or disproportionate
• Egodystonic: obsessions are described as egodystonic which
means strange to the patient thinking
• OCD is disabling but responsive to treatment
• Suicide is a risk for all patients with OCD
Epidemiology of OCD
• Prevalence rate is 2-3%
• OCD usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood, but it may
occasionally begin in childhood
• In adolescents boys are more commonly affected than girls.
• Mean age of onset is 20 years
• The onset is usually gradual and most patients have a chronic disease
course with waxing and waning of symptoms in relation to life
• Equally common among men and women
• 15% of patients have a chronic debilitating course with marked
impairment in social and occupational functioning
• Up to 50% of patients with Tourette's disorder have coexisting OCD;
however, only 5% of OCD patients have Tourette's disorder
Aetiology of OCD
1. Biological factors:
A- Neurotransmitters: serotonin
B- Brain imaging studies: increased activity in frontal lobes, basal
ganglia( especially the caudate), and the cingulum
2. Genetic:
A- Family studies: 5-7% of the parents of patients with OCD
B- Twin studies: (monozygotic twin 50-80%, dizygotic twins 25%)
4. Organic factors: Some evidence for organic brain disease
associated with obsessive symptoms such as encephalitis
5. Premorbid personality: 70% of patient with OCD have premorbid
anankastic personality traits, cleanliness, rigid, checking
Obsessions can occur in several forms (Types):
Presentation is heterogeneous; but there are certain patterns which are the
major patterns
Obsessive Thoughts: Repeated and intrusive words or phrases
e.g.: Violent
Obsessive Rumination: Repeated worrying themes of a more
complex kind e.g.: about the world ending
Obsessive Impulses: Repeated urges to carry out actions that
are usually a dangerous, aggressive or socially embarrassing
e.g. to shout obscenities in church, blaspheme in mosque
Obsessive Phobias: Obsessive thoughts with a fearful content,
e.g.: I must have cancer
Obsessive Doubts: Repeated themes expressing uncertainty
about previous actions, e.g.: gas tap, door…
Differential diagnosis of OCD
1. Medical conditions:
Tourette disorder and other tic disorders
Temporal lobe epilepsy( complex partial epilepsy)
Head trauma
Post-encephalitic complications
2. Psychiatric disorders:
Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder
Depressive disorders
Treatment of OCD
A. Pharmacotherapy is almost always indicated.
• TCA: Clomipramine (Anafranil)
• SSRIs: Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Citalopram,
Escitalopram and Fluvoxamine are effective.
• Other drugs: Venlafaxine, MAOIs, Augmentation drugs
B. Standard antidepressant doses of Clomipramine are
usually effective, but higher doses of SSRIs are usually
required, such as Fluoxetine 60-80 mg, paroxetine 4060 mg, or sertraline 200 mg
C. Behavior therapy, such as CBT cognitive-behavioral
therapy, thought stopping, desensitization or
flooding may also be effective. A combination of
behavioral therapy and medication is most effective
D. It is rare for treatment to completely eliminate the
symptoms of OCD, but significant clinical
improvement in symptoms can occur, and the
patient’s functioning can be drastically enhanced
• 2/3 improves by the end of one year
• Cases lasting more than 1 year usually run a
fluctuating course, few months or several
• Poor prognosis associated with (Anankastic
personality traits, continuing stressful event in
life, severe symptoms)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
• Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), formerly known
as “traumatic neurosis,” may occur in practically
anyone who has been exposed to an overwhelmingly
traumatic event. Subsequent to the trauma, whether
it be a life-threatening accident, torture, a natural
disaster, or some other extraordinary calamity,
patients re-experience the event over and over again
as if unable to lay it to rest. A general withdrawal
from present life occurs, and patients tend to be
anxious and easily startled
Faces of pain
• As trauma may occur at any age, from childhood to
senescence, so too can posttraumatic stress disorder.
However, given that the most common precipitating
traumas, such as combat, occur in early adult years,
most cases have an onset in the twenties
• Symptoms may appear either acutely, within days or
weeks after the trauma, or in a delayed fashion, after
a latency of months or years