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Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders
( DSM)
Diagnostic and Statistical
DSM-I (1952): Classified Mental
Disorders as Reactions to Stressors
 DSM-II (1968): Influenced by
Psychodynamic Theory
 DSM-III (1980): Development of
Classification System
 DSM-IV (1994): Characterized as the
“Biologic” or “Syndromal” Approach to
 DSM-IV-TR (2000): Evidence-based text
revision of DSM-IV
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders
To provide clear descriptions of
diagnostic categories in order to
enable clinicians and investigator
to diagnose, communicate about,
study, and treat people with
various mental disorder
International Classification
of Disease (ICD-10)
 Comprehensive
system of medical conditions and
mental disorders
 Official medical and psychiatric
nosology used throughout most of
the world
 Both
are the classification systems
and fully compatible, although the
wording may differ.
 All
of the DSM-IV-TR categories
are found in ICD-10 but not all ICD
categories are found in DSM-IV.
Disorders Usually First
Diagnosed in infancy, Childhood,
or Adolescence
1. Mental
6. Attention-Deficit
and Disruptive
2. Learning
7. Feeding and
Eating D
3. Motor Skills D
4. Communication D 8. Tic D
9. Elimination D
5. Pervasive
10. Other D of
infancy, Childhood,
or Adolescence
1. Mental Retardation 정신지체
Mild :
IQ 50-55 to 70
Moderate : IQ 35-40 to 50-55
Severe : IQ 20-25 to 35-40
Profound : IQ below 20 or 25
2. Learning Disorders 학습장애
Reading (읽기 장애)
Mathematics (산술장애)
Disorders of Written Expression
(쓰기 장애)
Learning Disorder NOS
3. Motor Skills D 운동기술장애
Developmental Coordination D
(발달성 근육운동 조정장애)
4. Communication D
Expressive Language D(표현성언어장애)
Mixed Receptive Expressive Language
D (혼재 수용-표현성 언어장애)
Phonological D (음성학적 장애)
Stuttering (말더듬)
5. Pervasive Developmental
Disorders 광범위성 발달장애
Autistic D (자폐성장애)
Rett’s D (레트장애)
Childhood Disintegrative D
(소아기 붕괴성 장애)
Asperger’s D (아스퍼거 장애)
6. Attention-Deficit and
Disruptive B/H Disorders
(주의력결핍 및 파괴적 행동장애)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity D
(주의력결핍 및 과잉행동장애)
Conduct D (품행장애)
Oppositional Defiant D (반항성장애)
Disruptive Behavior D NOS
7. Feeding and Eating D
(급식 및 섭식장애)
Pica (이식증)
 Rumination D (반추장애)
 Feeding Disorder of Infancy or
Early Childhood
(유아기 또는 초기 소아기의 급식장애)
8. Tic D (틱장애)
Tourette’s D (뚜렛장애)
Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic D
(만성 운동 또는 음성 틱장애)
Transient Tic D (일과성 틱장애)
9. Elimination D (배설장애)
Encopresis (유분증)
Enuresis (유뇨증)
10. Other D of infancy, Childhood,
or Adolescence
Separation Anxiety D (분리불안장애)
Selective Mutism (선택적 함구증)
Reactive Attachment D
(반응성 애착장애)
Stereotypic Movement D
(상동증적 운동장애)
Delirium, Dementia, and
Amnestic and Other Cognitive
섬망, 치매, 기억상실장애 및 기타 인지장애
Delirium (섬망)
Dementia (치매)
-Alzheimer’s Type
-Vascular Dementia(혈관성치매)
Amnestic Disorders (기억상실장애)
Other Cognitive Disorders
Mental Disorders Due to a
General Medical Condition not
Elsewhere Classified
(다른 곳에 분류되지 않는 일반적인
의학적 상태로 인한 정신장애)
Substance Related Disorders
물질관련 장애
Alcohol-related disorders
AmphetamineCaffeineCannabis- (대마계 제제)
CocaineHallucinogen- (환각제)
Inhalant- (흡입제)
NicotineOpioid- (아편류)
PhencyclidineSenative, Hypnotic, Anxiolytic(진정제, 수면제, 항불안제)
Polysubstance-(복합 물질관련장애)
Other Substance-
Schizophrenia and Other
Psychotic Disorders
정신분열병과 기타 정신증적 장애
Schizophreniform Disorder(정신분열형)
Schizoaffective Disorder(분열정동장애)
Delusional Disorder(망상장애)
Brief Psychotic Disorder(단기정신증적)
Shared Psychotic Disorder(공유정신증적)
Schizophrenia (정신분열병)
paranoid type (편집형)
Disorganized (해체형)
Catatonic (긴장형)
Undifferentiated (감별 불능형)
Residual (잔류형)
Mood Disorders (기분장애)
Depressive D (우울장애)
 Bipolar D (양극성 장애)
Anxiety Disorders (불안장애)
Panic D (공황장애)
Obsessive-Compulsive D (강박장애)
Posttraumatic Stress D (외상후스트레스)
Gereralized Anxiety D (범불안장애)
Somatoform Disorders
Somatization D (신체화 장애)
Conversion D (전환장애)
Pain D (통증장애)
Hypochondriasis (건강염려증)
Body Dysmorphic D (신체변형장애)
Factitious Disorders (허위성장애)
Dissociative Disorders
(해리성 장애)
Dissociative Amnesia(해리성 기억상실)
Dissociative Fugue (해리성 둔주)
Dissociative Identity D (해리성 정체감장애)
Depersonalization D (이인성 장애)
Sexual and Gender Identity D
성적장애 및 성정체감 장애
Sexual Dysfunctions(성기능부전,장애)
Sexual Desire D (성욕장애)
Sexual Arousal D (성적 흥분장애)
Orgasmic D (절정감장애)
Sexual Pain D (성교통증장애)
Dyspareunia, Vaginismus(질경련증)
Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General
Medical Condition(일반적 의학정상태로
인한 성기능부전)
Exhibitionism (노출증)
Fetishism (물품음란증)
Frotteurism (마찰 도착증)
Pedophilia (소아기호증)
Sexual Masochism (성적 피학증)
Sexual Sadism (성적 가학증)
Transvestic Fetishism (복장도착적)
Voyeurism (관음증)
Eating Disorders (섭식장애)
Anorexia Nervosa (신경성 식욕부진증)
Bulimia Nervosa ( 신경성 폭식증)
Sleep Disorders (수면장애)
Primary Sleep Disorders(원발성 수면장애)
 Dyssomnias(수면 곤란증)
Primary Insomnia(원발성 불변증)
Primary Hypersomnia(원발성 수면과다증)
Narcolepsy (수면발작, 기민형)
Circadian Rhythm Sleep D(일주기리듬)
 Parasomnia (수면관련장애)
Nightmare(악몽), Sleep Terror(수면중경악),
Sleepwalking D (수면중 보행장애)
Impulse Control Disorders Not
Elsewhere Classified
Intermittent Explosive D(간헐적 폭발성)
Kleptomania(병적 도벽)
Pyromania(병적 방화)
Pathological Gambling(병적 도박)
Adjustment Disorders
With Depressed Mood
With Anxiety
With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed
With Disturbance of Conduct
With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions
and Conduct
Personality Disorders(인격장애)
Other Conditions that may be a
focus of clinical attention
Psychological factors affecting
medical condition
Medication-induced movement
Other medication-induced D
Problems related to abuse or neglect
Additional conditions that may be a
focus of clinical attention
Multiaxial System
 Axis
I: Psychiatric Diagnosis
 Axis II: Personality Disorder
Mental Retardation
 Axis III: Medical Diagnosis
 Axis IV: Psychological and
Environmental Problems
 Axis V: The Global Assessment of
Functioning (GAF)
Axis V: Global Assessment of
Functioning Scale
100-91: Superior functioning, no
 90-81: Absent or minimal symptoms,
good functioning in all area
 80-71: Transient and expectable reactions
to psycho social stressors
 70-61: Some mild symptoms, some
difficulty in social, occupational, or school
Axis V: GAF Scale
 60-51:
Moderate symptoms,
moderate difficulty in social ,
occupational, or school functioning
 50-41: Serious symptoms, serious
impairment in social, occupational,
or school functioning
 40-31: Some impairment in reality
testing or communication or major
impairment in several areas-work,
school, family relations, judgment,
thinking or mood
Axis V: GAF Scale
 30-21:
Behavior is considerably
influenced by delusions or
hallucinations or serious impairment
in communication or judgment
 20-11: Some danger of hurting self
or others, or gross impairment in
 10-1: Persistent danger of severely
hurting self or others, or serious
suicidal act with
 0: Inadequate information
Multiaxial Diagnostic Schema
 Axis
I: Delusional Disorder
 Axis II: Paranoid Personality:
 Axis III: Hypertension
 Axis IV: Psychosocial Stressor:
Extreme (death of children)
 Axis V: GAF: Major Impairment in
Work (40)