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The Rise of Rome
Welcome to World History
today is 9/12/08
Kickoff- take the first 15 minutes to study
for Greece Quiz
Greece Quiz
Name the three Greek Philosophers and one fact about
each of them.
Describe the geography of Greece.
Name two of the four types of governments in Ancient
Greece and define each.
Who was King Phillip and what were his three goals?
Why is Alexander the Great important?
What type of Ruler was he?
What lands did he conquer?
name at least three
The Rise of Rome
Rome's Geography
Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil.
Located on the Italian peninsula in the center of the
Mediterranean Sea
Built on seven hills on Tiber River
Early Romans
The first Romans
Latins, Greek, Etruscans
• Competed for control of region
Latins found original settlement of Rome
between 1000 and 500B.C
Etruscans native to northern Italy; influence
Roman civilization
The Rise of Rome
The Etruscans
Etruscan king rules Rome
• Builds first Empire
Romans overthrow cruel Etruscan king in
Romans found a republic- government in
which citizens elect leaders
The Rise of the Republic
Patricians and Plebeians
Groups Struggle for Power
• Patricians- wealthy landing owning class that hold
most of the power
• Plebeians- artisans, merchants, and farmer; can vote
can not rule
• Tribunes- elected representatives to protect
plebeian’s political rights.
Twelve Tables Activity
Groups 3-4 people
Your activity is to describe one or two of your
table laws
• Without using word
• You have to act it out silently
 Classmates guess the table you are doing in your section
you will perform toward the end of class
The Rise of Rome
The Twelve Tables
In 451B.C. officials carved Roman laws on
twelve tablets
• Bases for Roman Law
Law confirm right of all citizens to protection
of the law
Citizenship is limited to adult male landowners
Welcome to World History
Today is Monday September 15, 2008
Daily Kickoff- Word Splash
Using all the vocabulary from notes on Friday make
one sentence that shows you know the meaning of all
the words.
• republic, patricians, plebeians, tribunes, and twelve tables
Finish up Activity- Twelve Tables
Resume Rome Notes
The Rise of Rome
The Rise of Rome
Government under the Republic
Rome elects two consuls- one to lead army, one
to direct government
Senate- chosen from Roman upper class;
makes tribunes democratic assemblies make
laws for common people
Dictators are leaders appointed in times of
crisis (six months usually)
The Rise of Rome
Roman Army
Roman legion- military unit 5,000 infantry;
supported by Cavalry
Army is powerful; key function rise to
Rome Rise to Power
Within 150 years Rome had captured almost all of
Punic Wars- three wars between 264-146 B.C
with Rome and Carthage (trading city in North
First War- Rome wins control of Sicily
Second War- Hannibal, brilliant Carthaginian general
invaded northern Italy
• Took on brilliant Rome commander Scipio
• Rome finishes Triumphant
By the time of third war Carthage was no longer a
threat to Rome
• Rome destroyed city and made its people slaves
The Rise of Rome
The End of the Republic
Civil War- Rome’s victory in Carthage brought
conflict between rich and poor in Rome. (civil
war fighting between groups in same country)
Julius Caesar- took control of Rome with two
• Crassus (wealthy man)
• Pompey (successful general)
 the three formed a triumvirate, group of three
leaders…for ten years
Julius Caesar
The Rise of Rome
The Roman Empire (31 BCE-476 CE)
Caesar gained fame for winning battles
• Pompey feared that Caesar would become to powerful
• Pompey and Caesar fought another civil war together
Caesar won and governed as an absolute ruler
 Members of the Senate killed Caesar for fear of him becoming
Augustus (31 BCE-14 BCE)- ‘exalted one’
• Civil war winner after death of Uncle Caesar
• Ruled by one man
Augustus Caesar
The Rise of Rome
The Rise of Rome
The Roman Empire
Pax Romana- Roman peace
• Population of 60 to 80 million
• Empire stretched around
 Mediterranean from Syria to Turkey
 Relied on farming employed 90% of all workers
• Trade was important
 Coins made buying and selling easier
• Army- many came from conquered peoples
 Once they served time in army could become citizens
Rome stability
Built many public buildings
Created a lasting government
Set up civil services
• Paid workers to manage the affairs of the
The Rise of Rome
The Roman Empire
• Patriarchal culture
• Class System
The Rise of Rome
The Rise of Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth (4 BCE?-30 CE?)
Spread of Christianity
Spread of Christianity