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There is only one boss; the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company, from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else. — SAM WALTON: FOUNDER, WAL-MART STORES Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Provide the conceptual understanding of Customer Relationship Management. Identify the stakeholders of CRM practices of an organisation and their role. Apprehend the advantages accruing to the organisations on account of successful CRM practices. 3 Introduction Developing close, cooperative relationship with customers is more important in the current era of intense competition and demanding customers than it has been ever before. Many scholars are interested in strategies and processes for customer classification and selectivity; one-to-one relationships with individual customers; key account management and customer business development processes; frequency marketing, loyalty programmes, cross-selling and up-selling opportunities; and various forms of partnering with customers including co-branding, joint marketing, codevelopment, and strategic alliances (Sheth and Parvatiyar 2000). A majority of these promises are to individualise and personalise customer relationships by providing vital information at every point of customer interface. 4 CRM: A Historical Perspective CRM is often considered as database marketing primarily linking marketing of the organisation with the database of the customers. Some theorists have been considering it as an exercise for customer retention as many theories and studies have been emphasizing on the rationale for keeping the customers. This requires a variety of techniques, especially post-sale initiatives, to keep the customers for life. This was believed to be a mechanism to keep the existing customers happy so that they remain with the organization and may, if possible, generate positive referral for the company's products and services. Shani and Chalasani (1992) define relationship marketing as "an integrated effort to identify, maintain and build up a network with individual consumers and to continuously strengthen the network for the mutual benefit of both sides, through interactive, individualized and value-added contacts over a long period of time". Similarly, Jackson (1985) applies the individual account concept in industrial markets and sees CRM as, "marketing-oriented towards strong, lasting relationships with individual accounts". 5 Strategic Orientation in Marketing McKenna (1991) emphasized on strategic orientation and argued that organisations need to put the customer first and shift the role of marketing from manipulating the customer (telling and selling) to genuine customer involvement (communicating and sharing the knowledge) for long-term growth of the business. Berry (1995) focused on developing closer relationship with the newly attracted customers. To turn them into loyal customer category required deep-rooted strategic intent on the part of the corporates. According to Berry, merely attracting new customers should be viewed only as an intermediate step in the marketing process. He proposed relationship marketing as "attracting, maintaining and—in multi-service organisations— enhancing customer relationships". An important dimension of CRM study is selecting the profitable customers. Companies need to understand who the profitable customers are and accordingly design marketing programme as per the exclusive requirements of those customers. 6 Definition "Enterprise approach to understanding and influencing customer behaviour through meaningful communications in order to improve customer acquisition, customer retention, customer loyalty, and customer profitability". (Swift 2001) CRM is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and for the customers. ( Sheth and Parvatiyar 2001) CRM is considered as “strategic, process oriented, cross-functional and value creating for buyer and seller and a means of achieving superior financial performance” (Lambert, 2004) The practice of CRM is described as the process for achieving a continuing dialogue with customers across all available touch points to offer them customized treatment, based on their expected response to available marketing initiatives, such that the contribution from each customer to overall profitability is maximized. (Bohling et al., 2006) 7 Definition. . . Contd. “A customer relationship management (CRM) systems is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of a company's customer and to support a business strategy to build long-term, profitable relationship with customers". (Shang and Feng Ko, 2006) CRM is an enterprise approach to understand and influence customer behaviour through meaningful communications to improve customer acquisition, customer retention, CL and customer profitability. (Ngai et al., 2009) CRM is defined as an effective tool to achieve the objectives such as satisfied and loyal customers and increased market share. (Shafia et al., 2011) 8 Based on the understanding available of Customer Relationship Management, it can be defined as ; “Customer Relationship Management is a continuously updated process of identifying relative value of customers and designing customized company interaction to delight them so that they do not just remain with the company profitably but also be the company’s ambassador. Full involvement and empowerment of employees and appropriate technology are two essentials for successful CRM.” The above definition tries to lay the foundation of CRM along with the objective for which it should be designed. The definition implies: • CRM is a process • It needs continuous revision and updation. • Customer value identification is a must • Company interaction requires customization suiting to the exclusive profile of the customer. • It strives for customer delight. • CRM process aims at Profitable relation with the customers. • It also aims to convert them to act as a company’s brand ambassador. • Employees involvement and Empowerment is a must for its successful implementation. • Adequate technological support is also an essential for successful CRM. 9 CRM (Source: www.siebel.com/whatiscrm) 10 Emergence of CRM Practice Sheth and Parvatiyar (1995) had observed that developing customer relationship had been there since pre-industrial days. The earlier businesses were between the agriculture producers and their customers. They used to have direct interaction. Similar was the case with the people of other industies which were primarily cottage-based and have been making other essential items such as cloth and handicrafts. They have offered customised products to the customers. Since, in most of these cases, there was direct interaction between the seller and the buyer, some of relationships tend to be built. The indirect form of marketing came only when the concept of mass production started and a mass production society was created. This process separated the production and consumption functions, leading to the emergence of middlemen in the marketing function. 11 Factors Responsible for Growth of CRM The recent growth of CRM can be attributed to various factors. These include the reduced role of intermediaries, especially with the advent of sophisticated computer and telecommunication technologies. This growth in technology again allowed the producers to directly communicate and get in touch with the customers 24 x 7 at a very low cost. The technology has given marketers more means at lesser cost to customise the marketing efforts. Hence, a modern service provider does not require middlemen to the same extent as it once used to. Modern consumers are also found to be more interested and happy dealing with the company directly. The recent success of online banking, online shopping, selling of books, etc. are just a manifestation of the interest shown on both sides, i.e. the buyer as well as the seller. 12 For example, in the airline industry, most of the airline companies are now deintermediating the ticketing system. Till recently, the sale of airline tickets had been dominated by agents who, from time to time, have been dictating their terms and conditions and have been controlling the flow of customers. But now, most of the airline companies have done away with this format and have introduced e-ticketing where the customers can directly buy ticket from the company website. This success of doing without intermediaries is also on account of the growth of service economy. Since services are produced and delivered at the same time, the role of intermediary gets lessened. Since the customers transact directly with the service provider, he develops greater relational bonding with the company and its people. This leads to greater need of maintaining and enhancing the relationship which provides greater fruits. This makes CRM so important for all those people involved in marketing of services in some form or the other (Berry and Parsuraman 1991; Bitner 1995; Crosby and Stephens 1987; Crosby et al. 1990; Gronroos 1995). 13 Factors Responsible. . . Contd. Another factor which has been responsible for the increased need and use of CRM, is enhanced emphasis that companies lay on adopting total quality management as an essential component of modern business. This increased use of total quality in all functions of the management by the companies has forced them to involve the suppliers and the customers across the value chain. The application of various supply chain initiatives such as Just in Time (JIT), Material Resource Planning (MRP), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is not possible unless the company works in close relationship with all the stakeholders. The advent of digital technology has enabled companies to sell even complex products. 14 Factors Responsible. . . Contd. Earlier cars were sold only through dealers. Today, the concept of permission marketing is doing the rounds. Marketers have become so personal in their service offers and delivery that they seek permission even before making a visit and asking for sale. The car salesmen take prior appointment with the prospective buyer, visit him with all the details along with a demo car to get him the taste of the drive. At times, they also take a person from the finance company along to get the finance issue resolved then and there. Such procedures have led to the foundation of strategic partnering within the overall domain of Customer Relationship Management. In this era of hyper competition, marketers are forced to be more concerned with customer retention and loyalty (Dick and Basu 1994; Reicheld 1996). As several studies have indicated, retaining customers is a less expensive and, perhaps, a more sustainable competitive advantage than acquiring new ones (Rosenberg and Czepiel 1984). 15 Factors Responsible. . . Contd. On the supply side, it pays more to develop closer relationships with a few suppliers than develop more vendors. In addition, several marketers are also concerned with keeping customers for life, rather than making a one-time sale (Cannie and Caplin 1991). There is greater opportunity for cross-selling and up-selling to a customer who is loyal and committed to the firm and its offerings. In the world of everchanging customer expectations, cooperative and collaborative relationships with customers seem to be the most prudent way to keep track of their changing expectations and appropriately influencing them. 16 CRM Cycle The Customer Relationship Management cycle consists of those stages that conform to the objectives laid down in its definition. That is, from acquisition of customers by creating value to them to learning from the customers, going by the route of earning profits from them for the organisation on a sustained basis. Customer acquisition starts either through the traditional advertising or through referrals. The next stage is of customer development through personalisation of communication and customisation of products and services by way of a mutual learning process. As a result, leveraging of customer equity occurs through cross-selling and upselling. Then retention of existing customers takes place. The organisation also benefits from the new customers that it acquires through positive referrals. 17 Customer life cycle management: (Adapted from Vijay Ahooja (2001), Changing Patterns of e-CRM Solutions in the future. CRM: Emerging Concepts, Tools 18 and Applications,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, p. 94) Stakeholders in CRM There are four principal stakeholders who play a major role in the 1. 2. 3. 4. entire process of Customer Relationship Management: Customers: Customers, of course, are the most important persons in the CRM design for whose delight the whole exercise is conducted. Employees: They are the set of people who execute the CRM design. They include those right from the frontline staff who actually executes to the top management who designs the CRM. Suppliers: They are the part of system who provide input to a company's value chain. Partners: They are the creators of additional value for the customers. 19 Significance of CRM The American Society of Quality and Arthur Anderson Consulting Inc., in 1. 2. 3. 4. their report published in 1977, have brought out following findings about customers: Customers tell eight friends about a satisfying experience and 20 friends for a negative experience. It is easier to influence existing customers to buy 10% more than increase the customer base by 10%. Eighty per cent of successful new product and service ideas come from existing customers. Repeat customers cost one-fifth less than new customers and can substantially increase profits. CRM is a company-wide initiative and is a process to be continued with the organisation. The return on investment of CRM is overestimated in the short run and underestimated in the long run. But what is sure is that companies do accrue certain definite advantages of implementation of CRM. The advantages could be as follows: 20 Advantages: Perpetual stream of revenue: A better served and delighted customer gradually becomes loyal. Once customer loyalty is built, the customer remains with the company and proves to be a perpetual source of revenue and profit often increasing over a period of time. Positive referral creation: A satisfied customer often spreads positive things about the company to the would be customers. Such positive opinion proves to be more reliable and authentic than companies' propaganda, including advertisements and consequently, brings in more customers. Provides premium: A customer satisfied with the service of a particular company is found to be ready to pay a little premium on the products/services and does not want to take risk with a new company. Helps customer retention: One of the biggest advantages of CRM is that through personal and effective customer care and service, it helps the company keep customers for life. Retaining customers with the company helps in many ways and contributes straight away to the company's bottom line. 21 Advantages. . . Contd. Lowers cost of sale: A satisfied customer does not require to be lured every time by the company and, hence, his subsequent acquisition cost to the company decreases. This helps the company lower cost of sales. Helps understanding consumer behaviour: By providing personal service to its customers, the company understands the consumers and can adapt itself to their changing requirement. This also helps companies offer a complete set of personalised solutions to customers. Provides opportunity to cross- sell and up-sell: A satisfied customer is expected to come back to the same company for repeat purchases. In case of any cross-sell and up-sell, he again comes back to the same company and with no extra expense, the company is able to get him for more products. Reduces marketing time: Through positive referrals and opportunities to cross-sell and upsell, the customer acquisition becomes easier and consequently leads to reduced marketing time. 22 Advantages. . . Contd. Channel cost rationalisation: An effective CRM provides an opportunity to the companies to value the cost of various channels with respect to its profitability and the customers may be served via a channel that is cost-effective for the company and suitable for the customer. Enables business process re- engineering: CRM programmes enable a company to have an insight of individual customer and helps in assessing its profitability for the company. The company may subsequently redesign its offer to various customers as per their profitability for the company and can, thus, re-engineer their business process. 23 Strategic Issues in Relationship Marketing Still relationship marketing appears to be an expensive alternative to firms practising mass marketing due to the relatively high initial investments. Firms would adopt relationship marketing only if it has the potential to benefit them. The benefits come through lower costs of retention and increased profits due to lower defection rates (Reicheld and Sesser, 1990). In the context of service, relationship marketing has been defined as attracting, maintaining and in multi-service organisations, enhancing customer relationships (Berry 1983). Here, attracting customers is considered to be an intermediary step in the relationship-building process with the ultimate objective of increasing loyalty of profitable customers. 24 Strategic Issues. . . Contd. Berry (1983) recommended the following five strategies for practising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. relationship marketing: Developing a core service around to build a customer relationship Customizing the relationship to the individual customer Augmenting the core service with extra benefits Pricing services to encourage customer loyalty Marketing to employees so that they perform well for customers. 25 Strategic Issues. . . Contd. Although customised and off-the-shelf technological solutions are available in the marketplace, businesses need to do a lot more than just adopt these solutions to implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices. Successful implementation of CRM requires a strategic approach which encompasses developing customer-centric processes, selecting and implementing technology solutions, employee empowerment, customer information, knowledge-generation capabilities to differentiate them, and the ability to learn from best practices. 26 CRM Success Factors: Several studies brought forth the need, importance and enlistment of 1. 2. 3. 4. factors contributing to success of Customer Relationship Management programs. Recent researches focused hugely on success factors. Many publications of researchers and practitioners have addressed the area of CRM success factors few of them are presented below: Good hue et al. (2002) provided four general success factors: top management support, vision, willingness to change processes, willingness to share data. The above presented factors have been found to be essential for success of any CRM process/program. 27 CRM Success Factors. . . Contd. Wilson et al. (2002) described five groups of success factors within 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. which he identified specific factors for success determine the intent, access the context, describe content, construct intervention process and manage intervention process Siebel (2004) found the CRM success factors as: Integration of back office processes software customization, clear communication of the CRM strategy. The above presented factors have been found to be essential for success of any CRM process/program. 28 CRM Success Factors. . . Contd. Chen and Chen (2004) found following as critical success factors for CRM 1. top management, 2. systems integration, 3. knowledge management and 4. alignment of IT. King and Burgess (2007) presented following CRM success factors: 1. Top management support, 2. communication of CRM strategy, 3. KM capabilities, 4. willingness to share data / processes, 5. technological readiness, 6. cultural/customer change, 7. process change, and 8. system integration capabilities. The above presented factors have been found to be essential for success of any CRM process/program. 29 A typical customer service process: 30 CRM Comprehension A services company's marketing programme consists of the offers, tangibles, service delivery, employee behaviour, and grievance handling. When these get exposed to customers, they evaluate the whole process. This customer evaluation process is done based on customer's expectation from the service and its perceived performance. Customer's cognitive ability plays an important role in this process. If perceived performance is more than that of customer expectation, it results into customer satisfaction which has a lot of advantages associated with the company such as repeat purchase, customer retention, cross-sell and up-sell. If perceived performance is less than that of customer expectation, it leads to customer dissatisfaction and results into a behaviour that is detrimental to the company's interest as negative publicity, loss in sale and so on. 31 CRM Comprehension. . . Contd. Input feedback Perceived Performance(PP) Offers Physical Facilities Company’s Marketing Program Customer Satisfaction When PP>CE Service Delivery Repeat purchase Customer retention Positive referral Cross-selling & upselling Customer Cognitive Ability Employee Behavior When PP<CE Grievance Handling Customer Customer Expectation(CE) feedback Customer Dissatisfaction Negative Publicity Loss in Sale Customer Dissonance Customer Evaluation Process Input 32 Components of CRM Programme Company's marketing programme: This consists of five important determinants of the company's offering, viz. the offer, tangibles, services delivery, employees and their approach towards customers and its requirements, and the company's grievance handling mechanism. Customer expectation: The expectation created by the company about the service also plays an important role in satisfaction determination. If hype is created about the product, customers tend to expect more and if the expectation is not fulfilled, it leads to greater dissatisfaction. The same level of service may at one point in time result into satisfaction but at another point in time may lead to dissatisfaction. This depends upon what service expectation level it generates in the minds of the customers. Perceived performance: This is largely guided by the customer's cognitive ability. So, it is important for the companies to realise that the service has got not just to be the best but it has to be perceived as the best as well. It is this perception of the service that determines if it would lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction. 33 Components. . . Contd. Competitors' offers: These play an important role in determining customer satisfaction. They normally act as a benchmark for measuring the strength of the offer, i.e. the cost, the service guarantee, the fringe benefits etc. The growing service level of the competitor also increases the service expectation of the customer. If it remained at the same service level it might experience loss of sale not because of its lowering of services but by the increase in service level of competitors. Customer's resultant behaviour: Based on the analysis of the components discussed above, the customer would decide upon his further behavior regarding the company and its offers. One option could be that he may become the brand ambassador in addition to the regular benefit he delivers to the customers, the other extreme may be that he starts propagating negative publicity about the company and its offers. 34 CRM Value Chain To achieve success through CRM, a CRM value chain needs to be designed. By this, data received from customer could be converted into meaningful information. These information may help companies acquire knowledge about the customer and design their relationship programs to create customer delight. Customer data Customer information Customer knowledge Wisdom to satisfy CRM Value Chain As per the above sequence of activities, initially data regarding the customers is gathered, then it is converted into meaningful format depending objective and usability of the company. A compilation of only those data which has got significance for the organisational decision making is put forth. A set of knowledge is then required to be created and CRM program is designed accordingly. 35 CRM Process: A Historical Perspective Unorganised and Unstructured No technological support Confined to individual discretion Limited to specific trade Restricted to smaller group of customers Constraints of CRM practice 36 CRM has long been practiced by the services sector players, but in a different format. That practiced was constrained by certain factors which are mentioned below: 1. 2. Unorganised and Unstructured: The practice of relationship marketing has always been there, but was unorganised and unstructured, i.e. it did not follow any set pattern. It was highly spontaneous in nature. It did not follow any specific trend resulting out of a structured format. CRM at individual discretion: This has been another limitation of the older form of relationship marketing. The degree of care would be given to a customer not depending upon his value to the organization but upon the relationship he is able to develop with the person sitting behind the desk. So, this was relationship of another kind. A bank clerk may do the required job of a customer if he knows him and may let a high value customer wait if he is not known to him. Similarly, a restaurant waiter may offer a degree of personalness to customers not in proportion to his profitability to the restaurant but to himself, i.e. the tip he gets from the customers. A restaurant may offer a discount to a low value customer if he has asked for and may not offer that to a high value customer if he did not ask for. In a general insurance company, a low value customer’s (having only a car of average value) claim might be settled in a week and dealt on priority because his agent was having good relations with the company’s employee and a comparatively high value customer owning number of cars that too of high value, might be ignored and those claim settlement takes longer time because his agent is not as befriend with the employees. 37 3. 4. 5. Restricted to smaller group of customers: Since individuals have memory constraints, one cannot offer the same set of relationship attributes to everyone as it is not possible for individuals to know. This restricts the effective and successful practice of CRM to a larger set of customers. For a hotel, it is difficult to always identify what is the colour of the bedsheet the customer prefers in the room or which is the flower he would like to be greeted with or whether he prefers tea or coffee in the morning. Confined to specific trade: In the absence of a clear set of CRM programme, it is not possible to derive the expected result where the customers are in masses. The unstructured relationship marketing exercise may work only in cases where the customers are very small groups and all the individual information can be placed easily. No technological support: There was absence of any technological tools to support the affairs of relationship. Unlike modern CRM softwares and sophisticated hardwares, the retailers in unorganized sector largely used to maintain a copy (Bahi-Khata) to enter the records of all the transactions, especially in the case of all credit purchases. That was the only record they had about the purchase history and pattern of the consumers. 38 CRM Process: Modern Variables There can be a standard process suggested to implement CRM in service organisations. It consists of the following steps: I. Customer Segmentation Every customer is not equal to the company. They differ according to their profitability to the company. An analysis of the revenue and profit contribution of customer base of banks in the US, Europe and Australia showed: The top 20% of the customers contribute to 150% of the profits while the bottom 20% drain 50% of the profits and the rest 60% just break even. The experience of Indian banking industry is on similar lines. In a large public sector bank, the top 23% of the customers contribute to 77% of the revenues. Hence, some conditions which has got strategic significance with customer need to be defined. To perform this process effectively, a customer matrix analysis may be conducted. 39 Customer matrix analysis: New solution required Top strategic customers High Waste of money Budget reduction required Low Low High Future Potential Margin Past Margin (Adapted from Customer Matrix Analysis Payne (2001): Customer Relationship Management, Cranfield University.) 40 CRM Process. . . Contd. II. Customer Life Time Value There has to have a basis for defining the customers of the company. Not all customers should be treated as equal. Company should first decide who the profitable customers are, what the requirements of these customers are, and how best the companies can serve them. This may help companies allocate sales resources and service design to the customers. A big question here is how the company decides who the profitable customers are. The most widely accepted practice for identifying profitable customers is calculating the customer's lifetime value. It is important because every service comes with a cost. So, the organisation should conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and accordingly, needs to prepare a customer databank depending upon the customer lifetime value to the organisation. New contact strategies: Insight into customer histories and contact preferences is essential to re-engineering the customer experience and maximise the value of each interaction. 41 CRM Process. . . Contd. III. Customer Service Cost It refers to developing a detailed and accurate picture of what it really costs to execute current sales and service models by the customer segment. Care needs to be taken to assess the cost of the service being proposed to be offered. IV. Cost-Revenue Parity Organisations need to determine service levels to be offered to the customer's needs and profitability as defined by the strategy. This largely means offering services to the customers through technologybased tools as SMS, phone or internet while reserving costlier support options for the more valuable customers and transactions types. 42 CRM Process. . . Contd. V. Employee Motivation Given that labour costs make up for more than 60% of a contact centre's operating budget, the right organisational structure and performance tools are especially important for optimising head count and for increasing agent proficiency and motivation. Employees need to be properly trained and educated about application of CRM programmes. VI. Sourcing Models Effective partnering through outsourcing and "co-sourcing" is critical in transforming the economics of customer interaction. Even banks may decide on which service to carry out on its own and which to outsource. This outsourcing, at times, helps in optimising cost offering a flexible alternative to traditional CRM investment models by lowering the fixed to variable cost ratio in customer sales care. 43 Designing a CRM Implementation Model Success of a CRM program depends on how well it is designed and implemented. The CRM process lacks a standard universally acceptable model. Finding a standard process for practicing CRM is the key issue for its success. The following is the process proposed for effective and successful implementation of CRM in an organization. The process goes in the sequence shown in figure below: 44 Designing a CRM. . . Contd. Customer segmentation based on CLV: Since all customers are not equal, segmentation is a must. But certainly, there has to have a basis for segmentation of customers. In CRM, the customer's lifetime value for the company acts as the most prudent basis for segmentation. Customer profiling: After segmentation, customer profiling needs to be conducted and the basic customer information, tastes, preferences, buying habits, likings and dislikings and all the informations of significance about the customers need to be stored in such a manner that the same can be used effectively for all the business customer- interest purposes. Offer customisation: After studying the specific customer require ments, the company's offers are so designed that they meet the exclusive needs of the customers. Matching service cost and revenue: An important factor needs to be taken care of while designing the offer is that the offer should in no way be more that the corresponding benefit coming out of the customers. 45 Designing a CRM. . . Contd. Employee participation in CRM design: Another very critical factor in the design of CRM is participation of the employees through their opinion, views and suggestions as it is the employees only who ultimately have to deal with the customers and face the implication of the proposed CRM programme. The practicality and implementability of the programme needs to be seen from the perspective of employees. Motivating employees for effective implementation: Since it is the employees only who are entrusted with the responsibility of effective implementation of the CRM programme they need to be adequately motivated. Making CRM an enterprisewide activity: CRM, in many of the organizations, is considered as a marketing function, hence loses the real benefit. CRM actually needs to be made and understood as an enterprise wide activity. All the people of the organization need to believe that their existence is because of the customers and their ultimate reason of existence is betterment of the customers. 46 Designing a CRM. . . Contd. Adequate technology support for CRM implementation: Adequate technology support also needs to be arranged for successful implementation of the CRM programmes. These technological tools include hardwares and CRM softwares. Consistency testing of CRM programmes: Organisations many a time start CRM with a bang, but get engaged in the routine activity over a period of time. A very critical aspect in the success of CRM programme is its consistency in practice. A mechanism needs to be devised to keep checking the system if it is responding as per the schedule. CRM practice evaluation: To verify how successful is the implementation of the CRM programmes, regular feedback mechanism needs to be devised. This feedback has to be from the following perspectives: (i) Customer experience perspective (ii) Employee participation perspective 47 Project Assignment Prepare a case study of Airtel, a leading mobile service operator of India, and study its CRM practices. Also, enlist the advantages that Airtel has garnered for itself on account of superior CRM practices. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Critically define the meaning of Customer Relationship Management. What reasons do you attribute to the increased implementation of CRM in business organisations? "Superior customer service would be the only differentiator in the coming days." Comment. "CRM brings in lots of advantages to the organisation". What are those advantages and what could be their future? 48 PROJECT ASSIGNMENT Companies are stuck with the problem of how to implement CRM designed by the company and also whom to apply it. Another issue that haunts the marketing manager of these companies is how the left out customers react and behave to the differential treatment while segmenting. As a marketing manager of a telecom service provider, how would you design the CRM value chain and implement the CRM? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Why is it necessary to keep the customers in good humour? What do you mean by CRM process? Discuss in detail. What are the essentials of a CRM programme? What is customer matrix analysis? What do you mean by CRM value chain? Explain. 2. 3. 4. 5. 49 50