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Exam Format
• The exam is entirely in essay format.
• There are three sections:
• Section A: short essays (5 marks each), 8/11 = 40
• Section B: medium-length essays (15 marks
each), 2/4= 30 marks
• Section C: one long essay (30 marks), 1/3 = 30
• Section A: Point form okay if clear &
unambiguous. Section B & C: No point form.
Tables OK but discuss info in body of answer.
• Keep in mind the format. Integrate concepts
and put them in context, don’t just regurgitate.
No questions on specific examples
• You may need to provide examples or you may
want to use them to clarify.
• You are not responsible for specific
sections of the text.
• Papers presented in the tutorials are also not
specifically tested on the exam.
• You may include information from papers,
the text, and your essay.
1. Darwin and the Modern
• How did Darwin’s ideas differ from earlier
• Why was Darwin’s idea “dangerous”?
• Reception of Darwin’s ideas – what are the
Modern synthesis –
• What did it add to Darwin’s theory?
2. Analysis of Adaptation
Are all traits adaptive?
What is adaptation? How can you tell?
How do adaptations arise? (NS)
Are all adaptations perfect?
Who/what benefits from adaptation?
Evolution of Sex – why so hard to explain?
Sexual Selection
• What can it explain that NS can’t?
• Theories of dev’t
Evolution of Sex Ratio
• maintenance of 50:50
• adaptiveness of asymmetry
3. Unit of selection?
• Unit that benefits from adaptation + heritability
• Conflict between levels?
• Problems of reproductive restraint/altruism/
• Life history analysis, Kin selection
4. Adaptive Explanation
Adaptationist program
Criticism (Gould & Lewontin)
Mutation, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift
Problem: Complex characters &
Intermediate stages
• Explanations for non-adaptive traits
• Why might adaptations not be perfect?
5. Evolution & Classification
Anagenesis vs. Cladogenesis, what do they cause?
Pheneticists vs. Cladists
How might their phylogenies differ?
What characters are used & why?
How can character choice affect a phylogeny?
Homologies vs. Analogies
Monophyly, Paraphyly, Polyphyly
What causes mistakes?
– Mosaic Evolution , Retention & Homoplasy
6. The Idea of Species
Why do we need a definition?
Why so hard to define?
Species concepts (pros &cons):
Premating & Postmating Isolation
– Types
– Are they the cause or effect of speciation?
• How do RIM evolve?
7. Speciation
• Integral to our understanding of
• Geographic Variation
– Types & relevance to speciation
• What is needed for speciation to occur?
• Speciation Models:
- Allopatric
- Peripheral isolates/peripatric
- Parapatric
- Sympatric: instantaneous & gradual
• Genetic models
8. Reconstructing Phylogenies
Why do we need phylogenies?
What do they show?
Homologies vs. analogies
When might some characters not be informative
Distinguishing b/w ancestral & derived characters
Rooted & unrooted trees
Technical stuff: Molecular evolution, Parsimony
Variation in substitution rates…
9. Biogeography
• Historical + Ecological explanations
• Range Expansion
- Dispersal
- Adaptive radiations
• Dispersal vs. Vicariance
- Patterns formed
- Models
• Historical Biogeography – fossil record vs. today
• Current dist’ns – ancient + recent history + ecology
• What explains differences in species ranges?
• Reconstructing speciation from geol. & geog history
10. Rates of Evolutionary Change
• Trying to explain differences in rates of change
• Problems: chronospecies & incomplete fossil record
• How phylogenetic & taxonomic rates relate to one
another/affect one another
• Evolution of single characters (darwins)
• Quantum evolution
• Why do rates vary?
• What can the evolution of recent species tell us about
the past?
• P.G. vs. P.E.
11. Macroevolution
Slow & gradual vs. dramatic changes
Microevolution vs. Macroevolution
Saltation vs. Neodarwinists
Morph change: what characters most likely to be affected?
Transformation (in what?)
- Heterochrony
- What are the outcomes
- How can you tell which has acted
- Importance to evolution?
- Genetic basis of heterochrony ( e.g. Hox genes)
12. Coevolution
• What is it?
• Why does it happen?
• Can coevolutionary interactions cause
• Lag-load
• Models (Red Queen etc.)
• TSC to evaluate models
13. Background vs. Mass
What causes them? (5 major events)
Difference b/w background & mass extinction
Ecological effects of mass extinctions
Cyclical mass extinctions?
Signor-Lipps effect
What makes a good survivor?
Iterative evolution