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Oceans, &
Rocks &
& Erosion
Inside Earth
Q $100
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Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Rocks &
Which of the following processes
forms sediment?
A. deposition
B. weathering
C. erosion
D. compaction and cementation
$100 Answer from Rocks &
B. weathering
$200 Question from Rocks &
Rock in which the composition and
texture of the rock have been
changed by heat and pressure is
A. felsic rock.
B. mafic rock.
C. igneous rock.
D. metamorphic rock.
$200 Answer from Rocks &
D. metamorphic rock.
$300 Question from Rocks &
Volcanic activity on Earth’s surface most
likely results in the formation of which of
the following types of rock?
A. intrusive igneous rock
B. extrusive igneous rock
C. clastic sedimentary rock
D. chemical sedimentary rock
$300 Answer from Rocks &
B. extrusive igneous rock
$400 Question from Rocks &
Which of the following substances is a
A. coal, which forms from the remains of
living things
B. fluorite, which is a crystalline solid with
the chemical formula CaF2
C. obsidian, which is a volcanic glass and is
not crystalline
D. brass, which is a metal that is made by
$400 Answer from Rocks &
B. fluorite, which is a crystalline solid
with the chemical formula CaF2
$500 Question from Rocks &
Which of the following minerals
can be identified by taste?
A. magnetite
B. fluorite
C. calcite
D. halite
$500 Answer from Rocks &
D. halite
$100 Question from Weathering &
The picture shows the process of mechanical
weathering that can cause cracks in rocks in Georgia’s
northern mountains to widen. What is this process
ice wedging
$100 Answer from Weathering &
C. ice wedging
$200 Question from Weathering
& Erosion
Which of the following statements describes how a rock changes
after it is in a riverbed for a long time?
The rock rapidly breaks into smaller pieces.
Chunks of the rock break off, and the rock becomes rougher.
The edges of the rock are worn away, so its surface becomes
The rock absorbs water from the riverbed and becomes
$200 Answer from Weathering &
C. The edges of the rock are
worn away, so its surface
becomes smoother.
$300 Question from Weathering
& Erosion
Water chemically breaks down rock
A. water expands when it freezes.
B. acids in the water react with
chemicals in the rock.
C. materials dissolved in the water are
D. water is not affected by wind.
$300 Answer from Weathering &
B. acids in the water react with
chemicals in the rock.
$400 Question from Weathering
& Erosion
Which of the following areas would
experience the most weathering?
A. an area with high winds, significant rain,
hot summers, and freezing winters
B. an area with heavy rains, constant
temperatures, and gentle winds
C. an area with constant heat, minimal rain,
and high winds
D. all areas are subject to the same amounts
of weathering
$400 Answer from Weathering &
A. an area with high winds, significant
rain, hot summers, and freezing winters
$500 Question from Weathering
& Erosion
Why does air chemically weather rock?
A. The air molecules are abrasive.
B. Air fills cracks in the rock and later
expands, causing the cracks to enlarge.
C. The oxygen in the air combines with
elements in the rock in a process called
D. The rock wears away after wind
blows sand against the rock.
$500 Answer from Weathering &
C. The oxygen in the air
combines with elements in the
rock in a process called
$100 Question from Inside Earth
The three types of plate boundaries on Earth are
divergent, convergent, and transform. A
divergent boundary is located at which
A. The Himalayas
B. Mt. St. Helens
C. San Andres Fault
D. Mid-Ocean Ridge
$100 Answer from Inside Earth
Mid-Ocean Ridge
$200 Question from Inside Earth
Earth’s inner core is thought to be composed
A. molten liquid.
B. superheated gas.
C. solid iron and nickel.
D. silicon dioxide rock.
$200 Answer from Inside Earth
C. solid iron and nickel.
$300 Question from Inside Earth
A seismologist is setting up an earthquake
research laboratory. Which of the following
pieces of laboratory equipment would be the most
useful for measuring the magnitude of an
A. Richter scale
B. seismograph
C. shake table
D. epicenterometer
$300 Answer from Inside Earth
B. seismograph
$400 Question from Inside Earth
Earth’s crust is recycled deep under water at a
trench. What is the name of the process that
occurs there?
A. Sea-Floor Spreading
B. Plate Tectonics
C. Subduction
D. Continental Drift
$400 Answer from Inside Earth
C. Subduction
$500 Question from Inside Earth
Which describes the temperature of Earth
near the inner core?
A. hotter than the temperature at the crust
B. cooler than the temperature at the crust
C. the same as the temperature at the crust
D. more changeable than the temperature at
the crust
$500 Answer from Inside Earth
A. hotter than the temperature at the crust
$100 Question from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
Most of the Earth is made up of water.
97% of it we are unable to use for
drinking water. 3% of the water is
freshwater but over 2% of it is unusable
too because
A. Most is found underground.
B. Most is in lake and rivers.
C. Most is found in the atmosphere
D. Most is frozen in glaciers and icecaps.
$100 Answer from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
Most is frozen in glaciers and icecaps.
$200 Question from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
Think about diving into the ocean near the
equator. As you go deeper, the water gets
colder because
A. the saltiest water is always coldest and
sinks to the bottom.
B. there are no waves or wind to mix the
hot and cold water.
C. warm water is less dense than cold
water, so it stays on top.
D. there are fewer fish and other animals to
warm the deep water.
$200 Answer from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
C. warm water is less dense than cold
water, so it stays on top.
$300 Question from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
When the wind blows into Georgia from th
southeast, the weather most likely will be
A. warm and dry.
B. warm and moist.
C. cool and moist.
D. cool and dry.
$300 Answer from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
B. warm and moist.
$400 Question from Water, Oceans,
Which statement most accurately describes the
water cycle?
A. Every year, oceans and lakes are bigger than the
year before because of rain.
B. Oceans and lakes will someday dry up because
of evaporation.
C. Oceans and lakes stay at about the same level
because not enough water evaporates to affect
water level.
D. Oceans and lakes stay at about the same level
because water that evaporates comes back as
$400 Answer from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
D. Oceans and lakes stay at about the
same level because water that
evaporates comes back as precipitation.
$500 Question from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
The diagram represents the meeting of two air masses. The air mass
on the left formed over a polar region and the air mass on the right
formed over a tropical region. Which type of front is pictured in the
cold front
warm front
occluded front
stationary front
$500 Answer from Water,
Oceans, & Weather
A. cold front
$100 Question from Astronomy
Which of the following planets would take
the longest time to complete one revolution
around the sun?
A. Earth
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
$100 Answer from Astronomy
D. Jupiter
$200 Question from Astronomy
Which of the following is a characteristic of comets?
Comets are composed of rocky material, iron, and
Comets follow a circular orbit around the sun.
Comets give off gas and dust when heated by the
Comets are rich in iron.
$200 Answer from Astronomy
C. Comets give off gas and dust when
heated by the sun.
$300 Question from Astronomy
Which of the following is a wide region of small,
rocky bodies that is located between the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter?
A. the Kuiper belt
B. the Oort cloud
C. the asteroid belt
D. the rings of Saturn
$300 Answer from Astronomy
the asteroid belt
$400 Question from Astronomy
The full moon occurs on Wednesday,
January 3rd. On what day could a lunar
eclipse occur during January?
A. Wednesday the 3rd
B. Thursday the 11th
C. Thursday the 18th
D. Thursday the 25th
$400 Answer from Astronomy
A. Wednesday the 3rd
$500 Question from Astronomy
Astronomers can only see stars and galaxies
as they were in the past. Which MOST
LIKELY accounts for this situation?
A. Geological processes often cause changes
that take place very slowly.
B. The big bang occurred 18 billion years
C. It takes light several light-years to reach
Earth from even the nearest stars.
D. Stars appear to evolve from large clouds
of gas.
$500 Answer from Astronomy
C. It takes light several light-years to reach
Earth from even the nearest stars.
Final Jeopardy
Joshua was born in summer, yet his date
of birth is December 24th, how is this
possible? How is this possible?
Final Jeopardy Answer
He was born in the
southern hemisphere