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NS3310 - Physical
Science Studies
Atoms and Molecules
Science Magic Tricks
• The difference between science magic tricks
and real magic tricks is that in a science
magic trick we tell you how we did it 
• It looks like magic at first, but then you
realize there really is no trick. Once you
know how it’s done, you can do it too 
Matter is made of atoms
Robert Boyle
the concept of atomism
John Dalton
Niels Bohr
modern concept
of the atom
law of multiple
Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and
• The Atomic Nucleus
– Protons
– Neutrons
• Electrons
Elements are determined by the number of protons
in their nucleus
• Atomic number
• Atomic mass
• Valence
The Periodic Table
• The periodic
table arranges
the elements in
such a way that
you can tell what
the element’s
properties are
and how they will
• Ions are atoms with more or less electrons
than normal
– Cations
– Anions
– Ionic compounds
• Isotopes are atoms with more or less
neutrons than normal
– Radioactivity
• Fusion
• Fission
– Half-life
• Compounds are molecules made from two or
more elements
• Mixtures
• Solutions
Key Concepts
• Matter is made of atoms
• Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons
• Elements are determined by the number of protons
in the nucleus of the atom
• The periodic table arranges the elements in such a
way that you can tell what the element’s properties
are and how they will behave chemically
Key Concepts
Isotopes are atoms with more or less neutrons than normal
Ions are atoms with more or less electrons than normal
Compounds are molecules with two or more elements
A chemical change occurs when compounds change during an interaction with
each other
Physical changes occur when the appearance of the material changes but the
molecules are not changed
Mixtures are a physical combination of two or more elements or compounds
Solutions are a chemical combination of a solute in a solvent
Kitchen Chemistry
• Balloon Bottles
• Alka-Seltzer Rockets
• Martian Jelly
• Salt Volcano