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Water Research Planning Workshop (28/06/2013) - Session on Ecosystems Services Sustainability - List of Ideas (from post-its) collated from flipcharts
Managing the effects of extreme weather events
on ecosystems
Nutrient release from sediments in Irish lakes. Look at
Educate the public - habitats not gardening/aquariums reservoir of available nutrients and model exhaustion
rate. How long to use up excess nutrients
Broaden 'extreme weather' to 'climate change'
Testing effectiveness/ efficiency of measures for
improving ecosystem water quality
Evaluate/Increase the public understanding of
ecosystem services and fostering informal use. Issue :
this is a poorly defined jargon area at present but is
essential to citizen literacy
Key drivers: hydrological, hydro meteorology,
importance of temperature and humidity. Identify
drivers. Predict impacts of climate change in the
hydrological cycle and ecosystem functioning
Aligning agricultural policy + ecological/water policy
Ecosystem Services
Changes in habitats, ecosystem services,
ecosystem resilience and ecological connectivity
Sediment budgets in coastal environments
Spatial and temporal Scale. Also resolution assessment
for effective representation of ecological assessment
and ecosystem services -continuous monitoring &
Sediment impacts on Irish lakes
community engagement. Develop tools for the effective
representation of ecosystem services. For example GIS
website and open days which facilitate interaction.
Effects of extreme weather and climate change allow
Prediction and guidance on action to take to minimise
you to develop ecosystem services without worrying
flood impacts on nature ecosystems (present focus is on
about here & now. Using 'future' to improve PES in an
human life)
academic manner
Developing a 'blue infrastructure' matrix based on the
Strategic Environmental Assessment model to monitor Link between marine habitats and groundwater
the impacts of land based plans on ecosystem services
Mapping of resources to allow for the assessment and
Mass mortality of molluscs and crustaceans arising from
quantification of ecosystem services and for sustainable
prolonged on-shore wind + storm events
utilisation. Include coastal/marine ecosystems.
Undertake cost benefit analyses in relation to
ecosystems services and water events/incidents.
Establish cost-effective monitoring techniques that are
Research on capabilities of saltmarsh habitat for energy Mapping high quality or Good Ecological Status areas
as compatible as possible across directives-e.g. permit
attenuation, particularly in the south of country with
with the local public + award to instil pride + incentive
compliance with HD, WFD and Marine Strategy
respect to relative sea level rise
to maintain that standard locally
Framework Directive to enable an integrated approach
Examine the feasibility of collecting forestry harvest
residue for bioenergy production and using the
resultant ash as fertiliser for sustainable forestry on
Prediction of the short and long term impacts of
Combined effects of multiple stresses on ecosystems
extreme events on indicator species. How resilient are
(e.g. sediments & contaminants in marine environment they to short term impacts and in the long-term will
they mitigate or adapt? How real an issue is this?
Establish paths of natural temporal variation in extent +
Green infrastructure - what works in Ireland? -how can
quality of bog habitats (e.g. high conservation value as
it contribute to WFD objectives? - how can it be
economic/social value) as a basis for assuring
calibrated to Irish social/meteorological etc. conditions acceptable thresholds of change in implementation of
does it provide greater benefits than traditional Irish
Habitats Directive as well as WFD + Marine Strategy
Framework Directive
Establish an ecosystem services framework which
Difference between high quality & good quality (&
examines the interaction of human sectors taking
others). What is 'pristine' (in Ireland)? Define reference
account of the pro's and con’s of each sector.
conditions for human impact.
Characterise links between biodiversity, ecosystem
processes and ecosystem services as a basic for
predicting changes in service provision resulting from a
change in biodiversity and/or ecosystem process status
due to anthropogenic pressures.
Requirement for interdisciplinary monitoring! Target
interdisciplinary capacity building!
Define extreme weather. Consider temporal, spatial
and long term shift/ trend properties.
Definition of extreme events
Long-term impacts of large storms and tsunamis to
coastal ecosystems and coastal geomorphology.
Examine the research needs identified by the National
Platform for Biodiversity Research in relation to this
Ecosystems as the landscape scale -regional hydrology
and ecosystem support functioning {coupled
Use available long-term data sets to develop models to
hydrological and carbon cycles}-analysis of connectivity predict/forecast the ecological impacts of temperature
e.g. dissolved carbon in drainage systems -water quality and hydrological changes,
Using a catchment based approach to decide on future
afforestation i.e. where to plant how much fertiliser
how much of the catchment to fell at one time to
sustainably develop western blanket peats using what
we have already built e.g. novel grass seedling kill zones
Water Research Planning Workshop (28/06/2013) - Session on Ecosystems Services Sustainability - List of Ideas (from post-its) collated from flipcharts
Ecosystem Services
Changes in habitats, ecosystem services,
ecosystem resilience and ecological connectivity
Managing the effects of extreme weather events
on ecosystems
Groundwater dynamics in coastal systems - Important
control on habitat/ecosystem
Ecosystems in Ireland - Terrestrial - water dependant how much water does vegetation need - site specific scale up - sources and dependability= sustainable
management {sustainable product management of
terrestrial ecosystems}
Modelling for extreme weather events
further calibration of Ecological Quality Ratio (Water
Framework Directive) defined tools across temporal
gradients and multiple groups using a catchment based
Long-term monitoring of sediment budgets for coastal
environments. Sediment budgets are important for
coastal ecosystems such as saltmarshes, estuaries and
Priority habitats - Identify sites affected by
compromised hydrology based on the WFD
Hydrological monitoring programme. Model ecohydrological dynamics/connectivity at those sites
Prioritise ecosystem services response to reducing
effects of extreme weather events
Need to understand the links + connectivity of
ecosystems in order to fully understand their
functioning and processes. Considering 'ecosystems' in
isolation will present an incomplete view e.g. surface
water -groundwater -marine water; all connections.
Effects of multiple stressors on ecosystem services e.g.
effects of sediment and nutrients on decomposition
Logical mitigation measures to tackle diffuse pollution
at catchment scale -key scale = catchment - use
ecological state & impact of pollution to inform
mitigation& ecological engineering -allows science to
become 'real', public participation & ownership
Must be a global or European Union focus, taking
Assessment of success/ failure of current restoration
account of the transboundary nature of climate change
and extreme weather events
If systems functions & processes are to change, then
consider humans as part of the ecosystem and direct
change towards the joint benefit of the ecosystem and
Multi-assessment tools: multi-stressor along multiples
gradients in relation to structure and functional
measurements of ecosystem and key biological,
physical and chemical drivers
Ecological impacts of extremes of rainfall at the
catchment scale
Agricultural investigation + land reclamation/drainage
impacts on freshwater/terrestrial impacts
Aligning agricultural policy and water policy
Develop list of measures to affect change for specific
Effects of extreme weather on domestic wastewater
treatment systems & identify cost effective solutions.
Ecology of key invasive species with respect to the
threat they pose to ecosystems or lack of threat. E.g.
Corricula fluminea & Arcitalitrus dorrien
The effect of noise on aquatic ecosystems e.g. food
Effective measures for mitigating diffuse pollution from
chain effects predator-prey -Marine Strategy
Framework Directive compliance
Benefits of natural riparian zones to waterways +
impact of cattle on streams
Undertake a public dissemination project to tell the
'story of a river'. Develop a website template to allow
communities to adopt a river/ catchment (River Watch).
Produce maps and descriptive text of a river route (strip
maps) highlighting access, sinks/ sources, conservation
areas and monitoring stations.
Value of wet grassland and valley bottom wetlands for
nutrient attenuation + biodiversity
Development of tools for the valuation of ecosystem
services (better collaboration between ecologists and
social scientists required)
Flood reduction: use of NWRMs to prevent silt flux to
Impact of silt flux on ecosystem services
Noise now a recognised pollutant. Develop cost
effective methods to measure and map noise using a
real-time monitoring. Use the network to examine
biological change due to anthropogenic noise. Use the
real-time network together with social media to
increase public awareness.
Marine Strategy Framework Directive - monitoring
systems where publicly sourced (citizen science)
information is integrated ( and planning governance
similarly including public)
Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptors linked
to ecosystem services. Research could include public
participation. What is Good Ecological Status and at
what level of scale?
Marine litter impacts, including contaminants within
the litter and their impact health through marine food
Ecology of introduced freshwater fish, such as cyprinids,
in Irish freshwaters with respect to eutrophication +
climate change
Ecology of reservoirs a) impact of changing water levels
on BIOTA + b) the ecological value of reservoirs
Impacts of low-level nutrient enrichment on streams,
rivers + coastal habitats
Water Research Planning Workshop (28/06/2013) - Session on Ecosystems Services Sustainability - List of Ideas (from post-its) collated from flipcharts
Ecosystem Services
Changes in habitats, ecosystem services,
ecosystem resilience and ecological connectivity
Managing the effects of extreme weather events
on ecosystems
Agriculture expansion under the new CFP and
protection of coastal ecosystem services. Produce
guidance for detailed site surveys, indicators +
Is 1850 an appropriate reference for pristine lake
Add an ecosystem charge to water bills to provide for a
conditions? Using palaeolimnology to go further back in
protection fund in order to encourage individual +
time to identify prehistoric lake conditions using
community response
Impact of grassland shorelines on the lake ecosystems,
implementation of protection zones around the
shoreline to decrease immediate adverse effects of
grassland use
Including local communities in restoration projects
(wetlands) and bringing the importance of ecosystem
services to people’s attention/making them own the
Comparison of values placed on high areas of
biodiversity against those place on more homogenous
ecological areas
Ecological status in extreme environment. Particularly
low salinity transitional waters
Track the effect of climate change & resulting
environmental change on migrating birds - over a long
time period. Record the approx. time of 1st arrival &
departure of a chosen migratory species. Plot these
dates against seasonal 'temperature days' or each
period. If the birds have adjusted their
arrival/departure in line with 'temperature day' change
they have adjusted appropriately. If not then it shows
the potential folly for the species as they are likely to
miss-match the release time of their proffered prey
reducing individual fitness / LRS. over a long-term study
you should be able to show not only the long-term
implications for 'your' species but also be able to gauge
(estimate) the extent of the affect for resident species
as well.
Maximising the ecosystem service value of cut-away
Endocrine disrupting chemicals and the ability of
biological Ecological Quality Ratio to detect impacts
Identifying major obstacles in the implementation of
outcomes of research based on biological monitoring &
developing new strategies
Identification + ranking of presence preferences in
relation to valuing ecosystem services
Calculate the value people place on a water body of
'good quality' compared to other water bodies
Understanding ecosystem services at different spatial
Time-series analysis of biological Ecological Quality
Ratio's to compare natural to spatial variability. How
good are the intercalibrations at dealing with natural
using recorded environmental variability's and
chironomid assemblages to tease apart what influences
lake ecosystems with particular reference to climate
change and eutrophication
Finding gaps between research policy and their
implementation regarding land-use impacts on
lake/river ecosystems. (combining agricultural and
aquatic research findings and policies)
Integration of RBMP's and SPA's both internally &
among member states throughout Europe, especially
with respect to climate change amelioration.
Focus on collaboration between those who study
'ecological functioning' and those who 'value'
ecosystem services
Microplastic in sediments and associated contaminants
Codification of the enormous body of law on water
resources into one piece of easily understood
legislation in each EU Member State.
Evaluating impact of climate change driven water
provisioning constraints on eco-system services
Assessing eutrophication in the pelagic zone of lakes
using chironomids in order to comprehensively
understand lake ecology
Feasibility research into amelioration strategies to take
into account the anticipated effects of climate change
Organic matter input to transitional environments
(estuaries) - using sophisticated mixing models to
identify sediment inputs - monitoring programmes to
identify changes over time. Particularly with respect to
changes due to the Water Framework Directive.
Indicators + best practice monitoring of: mitigation,
compensation, restoration
Water Research Planning Workshop (28/06/2013) - Session on Ecosystems Services Sustainability - List of Ideas (from post-its) collated from flipcharts
Ecosystem Services
Changes in habitats, ecosystem services,
ecosystem resilience and ecological connectivity
Managing the effects of extreme weather events
on ecosystems
Larger research projects into estuarine systems as a
whole: water, sediments and organic matter budgets
for the whole system (river marshes, estuary, mouth)
and growth/decline of marshes
Improved understanding of land-ocean interaction sediment sources + sinks. Estuaries as stores and filters
Geomorphology of coastal landforms _especially
coastal saltmarsh LIDAR (Maynooth)-changes over time
Increasing understanding of ecosystem contexts (link to
form + environment)
Combined effects of multiple stresses on ecosystems
(e.g. sediments & contaminants in marine environment)
Changes in habitat- linking of scale (catchment to
Define and characterise groundwater systems in order
to quantify the impacts of future fracking processes.
Modelling of potential climate change impact on future
ecosystem services and investigation into the planning
process decision support tool
Undertake baseline mapping of the spatial and seasonal
variation of seaweed resources. This is needed in order
to assess climate change impacts, to quantify ecosystem
services and to facilitate sustainable utilisation.
Evidence of ecosystem sensitivity from the past (palaeoenvironments)
Quantify selected ecosystem services provided by
seaweed beds (both intertidal and sub-tidal) including
nutrient uptake, carbon budgets, O2 budgets and
support of biodiversity.
Sea level rise- understanding past to inform future
Integrated impacts of water quality and climate change
on coastal resources and biodiversity (incl. seaweed)
Legacy of environmental management (e.g. OPW
works) on ecosystem services
Improve the mapping (land use, population, etc.) of the
current and historic status of waterbodies to determine
the effect of measures to improve them. Could be used
to look at different waterbodies
GIS tools for integrated forecasting of effects on
environment ecosystems infrastructure and renewable
energy production
Reduce the doubling of effort in many areas by
connecting research and flow through ecosystems (rivers, lakes, T.W.B. and marine) in terms of research
techniques, mapping, pollutant flows etc.
Effects of air pollution on pollution in water systems by
integrating models with pervasive sensoring
Undertake a N and P nutrient recycling project using
field measurements and modelling in order to examine
the interactions of rivers/estuaries/pelagic and benthic
marine waters, including flood events and climate
change impacts.
Health of intertidal habitats - will saltmarshes keep
pace with future sea level rise
Incorporating climate change into river basin
management plans
Hazard mapping to account for spatial differences in
future sea level rise, coastal change and flooding
Impacts of climate change and agriculture
Reconstruction/hindcast/forecast of water levels in the
Shannon estuary.
Impact of diffuse urban drainage on provisional
ecosystem services
Implications for SUDS design of internalising ecosystem
services principles
Water Research Planning Workshop (28/06/2013) - Session on Ecosystems Services Sustainability - List of Ideas (from post-its) collated from flipcharts
Ecosystem Services
Changes in habitats, ecosystem services,
ecosystem resilience and ecological connectivity
Drainage catchment characteristics and influences in
the coastal zone.
Undertake baseline studies for coastal ecosystems
(rocky shores, estuaries, etc.)
Modelling of responses to climate change
(ecological/economical/policy perspective).
Establish long-term monitoring of
rivers/estuaries/coastal waters.
Impact of urban development on coastal areas.
Identification, spread and management of invasive
Managing the effects of extreme weather events
on ecosystems
Valuing water services within the ecosystem service
Catchment scale behavioural change to deliver
engineered ecosystem benefits
Link between human health -intermittent
contamination of groundwater, possibly related to
extreme weather events
Map proposed change of future agriculture
development on groundwater. Develop models to
produce most cost effective (a) prevention solution and
(b)mitigation solution.