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Goals and Targets to Direct FY2010 Budget
and Stimulus
President’s National Objectives for DOE—Energy to Secure
America’s Future
Quickly Implement the Economic Recovery Package: Create Millions of New
Green Jobs and Lay the Foundation for the Future
Restore Science Leadership: Strengthen America’s Role as the World Leader in
Science and Technology
Reduce GHG emissions: Drive emissions 20 Percent below 1990 levels by 2020
Enhance energy security: Save More Oil than the U.S Currently Imports from the
Middle East and Venezuela Combined within 10 years
Enhance Nuclear Security: Strengthen non-proliferation activities, reduce global
stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and maintain safety and reliability of the US stockpile
First Principle:
Pursue material and cost-effective measures with a sense of urgency
Strategic Framework: Science and Discovery at the Core
Clean, Secure
Lower GHG
The Secretary’s Overarching Criteria to Guide the Budget
Secretary’s Criteria for Areas of Research and Investment Focus
THRESHOLD CRITERIA: What is the benefit and does it advance DOE goals?
• Significant impact on economic prosperity, GHG emissions, and national security.
• Meaningful science—taking risks for breakthrough results
• Open to partnerships with other programs, industry, and/or international partners
Is the proposed spending likely to have transformative impacts?
Create jobs
Avoid GHG emissions
Decrease oil imports
How close are we to technology innovation, demonstration, and deployment?
Near term: Less than 5 years
Mid-term: 5-15 years
Long-term: 15+ years
Are we making the appropriate risk/benefit analysis?
Transformational solutions are generally higher risk than incremental improvements
Are we searching for solutions that will have significant (material) impact?
Will (or could) the solution be cost-effective?
Major Priorities and Goals
Priority : Science and Discovery: Invest in science to achieve transformational discoveries
1. Organize and focus on breakthrough science
2. Develop and nurture science and engineering talent
3. Coordinate DOE work across the department, across the government, and globally
Priority : Change the landscape of energy demand and supply
1. Drive energy efficiency to decrease energy use in homes, industry and transportation
2. Develop and deploy clean, safe, low carbon energy supplies
3. Enhance DOE’s application areas through collaboration with its strengths in Science
Priority : Economic Prosperity: Create millions of green jobs and increase competitiveness
1. Reduce energy demand
2. Deploy cost-effective low-carbon clean energy technologies at scale
3. Promote the development of an efficient, “smart” electricity transmission and distribution network
4. Enable responsible domestic production of oil and natural gas
5. Create a green workforce
Priority : National Security and Legacy: Maintain nuclear deterrent and prevent proliferation
1. Strengthen non-proliferation and arms control activities
2. Ensure that the U.S. weapons stockpile remains safe, secure, and reliable without nuclear testing
3. Complete legacy environmental clean-up
Priority : Climate Change: Position U.S. to lead on climate change policy, technology, and science
1. Provide science and technology inputs needed for global climate negotiations
2. Develop and deploy technology solutions domestically and globally
3. Advance climate science to better understand the human impact on the global environment
Priority : Science and Discovery
Invest in science to achieve transformational discoveries
1. Focus on transformational science
– Connect basic and applied sciences
– Re-energize the national labs as centers of great science and innovation
– Double the Office of Science budget
– Embrace a degree of risk-taking in research
– Create an effective mechanism to integrate national laboratory, university, and
industry activities
2. Develop science and engineering talent
– Train the next generation of scientists and engineers
– Attract and retain the most talented researchers
3. Collaborate universally
– Partner globally
– Support the developing world
– Build research networks across departments, government, nation and the globe
Priority : Clean Energy
Develop and deploy clean, abundant, domestic energy
1. Make breakthroughs in developing clean, safe, low carbon energy supplies
Deploy demonstrated renewable energy technologies (e.g., wind, solar,
geothermal) at scale and cost-effectively
Demonstrate next generation energy technologies (e.g. carbon capture and
storage, cellulosic biofuels, batteries and other storage systems, enhanced
geothermal, next generation nuclear)
Research and develop future energy technologies (e.g., advanced solar,
methane hydrates, coal-bed methane, enhanced oil recovery)
Support advanced fission reactors and safe disposal options, fusion
2. Develop digital network control, transmission, distribution and storage
3. Drive step change in achieving significant energy efficiency in the home, at
work and on the road.
Encourage technology and business model innovation
Create vehicles for novel government/university and industrial collaborations
and intellectual property models for development, commercialization and
deployment of efficient energy-using technologies and systems
Change behavior to “waste not, want not”.
Priority : Economic Prosperity
Create millions of green jobs and increase competitiveness
Reduce energy demand
Vehicles: Support improved mileage performance of internal
combustion engines and develop needed batteries for vehicle
Building efficiency: Weatherization, ventilation, controls, lighting
2. Deploy mature, low-carbon clean energy technologies
Support low-emission portfolios in power
Low carbon fuel standards in transport
Improve existing facilities through operations or upgrades
Build efficient, smart network
Smart meters/Smart grid
Advanced storage/transmission
Enable responsible domestic production of oil and natural gas
New pipelines
New clean sources
Create and educate a green workforce
Priority : National Security and Legacy
Maintain nuclear deterrent and prevent proliferation
1. Strengthen non-proliferation activity
Secure nuclear materials
Strengthen ability to stop illicit transfers of nuclear materials
Reduce nuclear stockpiles globally
Pursue innovative S&T for control and detection
Ensure a safe, secure, reliable U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without
Enhance surveillance of the existing stockpile
Use technical approaches to refurbish existing weapons at an appropriate
Support the quality workforce, facilities and capabilities required to maintain
confidence in the stockpile and technically support not-proliferation activities
3. Complete environmental legacy clean-up
Priority : Climate Change
Position U.S. to lead on climate change
1. Move into leadership position in global climate change negotiations and
Science and technology partnerships
Development/deployment pathways
2. Deploy technology solutions globally
Support developing world clean energy
Coordinate and share research globally
3. Advance climate science understanding