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Veronika Morrison
Chapter 8 Notes ~ The Rise of Islam, 600-1200
The Origins of Islam
1. The Arabian peninsula on the edge of the desert was home to the Arabs (600
2. Arabs were often sought out for protection by other peoples.
 The Byzantines and Sasanids were two groups who used the Arabs for
 Some lands in which the Arabs were isolated were the birthplace of Islam.
The Arabian Peninsula Before Muhammad
1. The “Empty Quarter” desert was the desert that isolated hidden Arabian lands
from other peoples.
2. Mecca was a caravan city that became a pilgrimage site because of it’s prohibition
on killing and the fact that the Ka’ba (a shrine) was located there.
 The Ka’ba was associated with Jewish and Christian stories. (Abraham
built Ka’ba)
 Nomadic caravans that were abundant near Arab communities were able
to spread their culture and ideas to the Arabs that they cam in contact with
(not isolated ones where Islam became prominent)
Muhammad in Mecca
1. Muhammad was born, grew up, and was interested in trade in Mecca, and had
revelations (610) which he told to people that were close to him and eventually in
2. Muhammad’s revelations stated that people were to make “submission” (Islam)
and become Muslim; accepting that Muhammad was the last prophet of the one
true God.
 Arabs believed in many unseen spirits, while Muhammad’s revelations
declared that there is only one true God.
 Muslims believe Muhammad’s revelations are a more exact form of God’s
word because they believe that the Bible has been edited into a form that
changed what God’s word really was.
The Formation of the Umma
1. Muhammad’s followers were pressured and persecuted by Mecca’s rulers in order
to protect their own city’s wealth.
2. Muhammad and his followers fled Mecca and immigrated to Medina where they
unified into an umma, which is a community that functions based on the belief of
Islam and the “Messenger of God”.
 The Muslim attacks on the city of Mecca weakened them and allowed the
Muslims to return to Mecca and visit the Ka’ba without strife.
 Medina was unified and flourished due to a common monotheistic belief.
(instead of a loosely knit kinship)
Veronika Morrison
 Abu Bakr took over for Muhammad after he died and created the Five
Pillars of Islam, took over other areas, and many people became unwilling
to follow him, despite fighting to establish his rule (which spread into
Iraq). He also ordered the collection of the revelations into written form
which was called the Quaran.
 The once unified umma separated because of disputed over Abu Bakr
which led to many battles and struggles for control.
The Rise and Fall of the Caliphate, 632-1258
1. The Arab expansions which laid the foundation for the Islamic caliphate led to a
new society.
2. The umma’s Sunni belief emphasized and supported the caliphate idea.
 The Caliphs could not gain back their complete rule after power (militarily
and politically).
The Islamic Conquests, 634-711
1. Syria and Egypt were taken from the rule of the Byzantine Empire and into Arab
rule, as well as Tunisia and Spain; led by Umar (second caliph).
2. Islam spread through expansion/conquest as well as through trade, however it was
not prominent in the conquest period.
 Umar kept the Arabs from gaining any control over newly coquetted lands,
which led to ¾ of the population remaining in a constant state.
The Umayyad and Early Abbasid Caliphates, 661-850
1. The caliphs of Umayyad ruled mostly Muslim Arabs by ethnicity rather than
religion and used governing techniques derived from Byzantine and Sasanid
rulers. Muslim officials and standardization of Arabic of the ruled area’s language
was substantial to represent a distinct change/beginning of new peoples (as well
as a currency of coins).
2. Scholarly and governmental interests became a prominent part of Arab society
resulting in analytical activities having to do with the Quran.
 Distinct changes in government were prominent as well as a cosmopolitan
 Islam converts became more common in lands that had been conquered
and created a lose of interest in a kinship and ethnically defined society.
Political Fragmentation, 850-1050
1. The spread of Islam is connected to the decline of Abbasid, as well as the ruling
of such far-flung lands. (large territories = decline)
2. Many groups attacked Arabs and Muslims while the Turks controlled Samarra by
influencing of the selection of their rulers.
 Mamluks were used by caliphs as an army to replace generals from farflung lands that the caliphs did not trust. (well trained but pricey).
 Ghana was able to gain and prosper from the sub-Saharan’s improved
trading by trading their own gold via caravan.
Veronika Morrison
Assault from Within and Without, 1050-1258
1. The Turk were depicted as barbaric warriors because of the mamluks hand in the
decline in Abbasid influence and authority.
2. Turkish rule led to the deterioration of irrigation systems in the country, deflation
of cities, decline of agriculture, and decline in culture and religion.
 Sunni and Shi’ite led to large amounts of death while the government did
nothing to get involved in it (just like the prince fighting for the sultan
 Christians took part in crusades in which they took over Jerusalem (Jewish
Holy Land); crusades did not have a fundamental effect on Islam
dominated areas.
 The Mongols attacks were severe and destructive attacks which did not
alter the ethnicity or language of the areas they occurred in, however they
left the Islamic world bewildered.
Islamic Civilization
1. Islamic lands benefited from legal improvements, social structure reforms, and the
spread and celebration of their religion; despite political fragmentation, economic
decay, and the shocking results of war.
2. Islamic Civilization was inspired by the addition of urbanization and religious
 Many “small traditions” in the Muslim world were tolerated in addition to
the shared “great traditions” enforced by a common religious belief.
Law and Dogma
1. Islamic civilization is based on the Islamic law (the Shari’a) because the Islamic
civilization originally had no legal system and was governed by the revelations of
2. Muhammad’s exact words (hadith) had to be analyzed in order to establish the
 The Shari’s evolution aspired to have umma be unified under exact moral
values while politics and ethnicity would be less prominent.
 Much of the hadith was dismissed as being too edited and false.
 Muslim leaders were required to live as the law dictated as well as support
it in their governing.
Converts and Cities
1. Urbanization sprang forth from the spread of Islam.
2. Knowing how to act as Muslims and what it meant to follow Islam was an
obstacle that new converts to the religion had to overcome.
 The urban orientation of Islamic roots in Mecca was strengthened by
dense populations of Muslims in Islamic areas due to the migrations of
new converts.
 Science and Technology were prominent in the more urbanized Islamic
areas, as well as the improvement of trade.
Veronika Morrison
Islam, Women, and Slaves
1. Muslim social life emphasized the isolation of women who were infrequently
permitted to travel and covered themselves whenever they left the home.
2. Although women in Islamic societies were uneducated and had other
disadvantages, their status was higher that those in Christian and Jewish areas.
 Islamic women were allowed to inherit property and keep ownership even
after marriage; they were permitted to re-marry, and got benefits after a
marriage was ended by either party.
 Women could also use birth control, testify in court at a lower
significance than a man, and end a marriage if they had a specific and
approved reason.
The Recentering of Islam
1. Variants of Islam rose from the lack of communications of different Muslim
communities because there was no hierarchy that organized the conversion
process. (Only the caliphate was prominent).
2. The ulama became community leaders which created further political
fragmentation because of the further divisions of government and land.
 The ulama were established by Iranians because of the economy and
government’s decline.
 Sufi brotherhoods were spiritual groups that grew thanks to assistance of
the Iranians.
1. Islamic communities were based on the peoples being diverse in many areas,
however having an ultimate common value which unified them.
2. The belief in a one true god banded early Islamic civilizations together, no matter
the political organization. (disintegrating when rule over far-flung territories
 After political deterioration, Muslims relied on new religious foundations
(Sufi) that had the potential to make stable civilizations that could foster
the Islamic religion.