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Principles of Animal Diseases
Animal Science II
1. Infectious
Caused by microorganisms
2. Noninfectious
Faulty nutrition
Metabolic disorder
Toxic substance
Congenital defects
Birth defects
• Brucellosis
Abortions in last ½ of pregnancy
Afterbirth retention
Animal must be destroyed
• Shipping fever
Coughing, diarrhea, fever, discharge
Common in young animals
Shipping stress
Antibiotics and sulfa drugs
• Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE)
– Virus (highly contagious)
– 100% mortality in young pigs
– Vomiting, diarrhea
– White, yellow or green feces
– Drugs and vaccines not effective
• Pseudorabies
– Virus
– Fever, vomiting, convulsions, tremors
– Sudden death in young pigs 24hrs
after symptoms appear
– Drugs and vaccines not effective
• Brucellosis
• Cholera (eradicated in the US)
• Scours
– Drugs for drinking water
Mycoplasmal pneumonia
• Aortic rupture
– Male turkeys
– 8 to 20 weeks
– Bleed to death
– Control
• Lower-energy ration
• Low-level use of tranquilizers
• Newcastle
– Virus
– Gasping for air, sneezing, breathing
difficulty, tremors, paralysis
– No known cure
• Avian pox (Fowl pox)
Yellow cankers in mouth and eyes
Scabs around the head
No known cure
• Cocidiosis
– Controlled by coccidiostats
• Bluecomb
• Blackhead
• Fowl cholera
• Erysipelas
• Prevention is the best way to
control diseases
– Cleanliness
– Vaccinations
– Quarantine
– Exposure
– Isolation
• Objective
– Describe the internal and external
parasites of livestock and poultry
• External
– Ticks
• bloodsuckers
– Mites
• mange
– Lice
• Biting bloodsuckers
• External (continued)
– Blowfly
• Screwworm in larva stage
– Heel fly
• Cattle grub
– Horn fly
• Smallest, bloodsucking species
– Horsefly, housefly, stable fly
• Internal
– Roundworms
• Stomach worms
• Ascarids
• Pinworms
• Bloodworms
• Lungworms
• Internal (continued)
– Tapeworms
• Broad tapeworms
• Beef or pork tapeworm
– Flukes
Parasite Problems
• Weight loss and loss of gain
– Most costly excluding death
• Major external parasite of swine
– Lice and mites
• External parasites of poultry
– Lower production by sucking blood
Parasite Problems
• Heel Fly larva or Cattle grubs
– Greatest financial loss to cattle
– Lower rate of gain
– Damage hides and meat
Parasite Problems
• Major internal parasite of poultry
– Several types of worms
• Roundworm
– Most damage to hogs by internal
Controlling Parasites
• Prevention
– Most effective
• Chemicals for external parasites
– Systematic insecticides that spread
throughout the body is most effective
• Cattle grubs
Controlling Parasites
• Deworming pigs
– Sows and guilts one week before
– Protects piglets
Controlling Parasites
• Poultry Houses
– Mites, bedbugs, fowl ticks hide in
– Emerge at night
– Cracks and crevices must be sprayed
Controlling Parasites
• Poultry
– Little problems with worms
• Confinement housing offers protection
• Wire cage
Controlling Parasites
Chemical, mechanical, biological,
and cultural methods are used to
reduce loss in poultry and livestock