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Chapter 20: The
Cardiovascular System
Heart Anatomy
diaphragm, mediastinum, 2/3 left of midline
Apex- points anterior, inferior, left
Base- directed posterior, superior, right
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
Pulmonary trunk pulmonary arteries(lungs)
Pulmonary veins
Pericardium- figure 20.2
Membrane that surrounds & protects
Confines to position in mediastinum
2 main parts:
Fibrous pericardium- superficial, anchor
Tough, inelastic, dense irregular CT
Baglike, open end attached to vessels
Prevents overstretching of heart
Serous pericardium- thinner, delicate
Forms double layer (pericardial fluid in pericardial cavity reduces friction, allows movement):
 Parietal layer- fused to fibrous
 Visceral layer- inner = EPICARDIUM- adheres tightly to heart
Layers of the heart wall
Epicardium- thin, transparent, outer
Myocardium- middle
Visceral layer of serous pericardium
Smooth slippery outside of heart
Cardiac muscle- striated but involuntary
Bulk of heart
Pumping action
Endocardium- inner
Thin endothelium over CT
Smooth lining of chambers and valves
Continuous with b.v.
Heart Anatomy fig 20.3-6
Heart chambers = 4
2 Atria
Right- receives blood from vena cavae
Left- receives blood from pulmonary veins
2 Ventricles
Right- pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs
Left- pumps oxygenated blood to systemic circ
 Myocardium much thicker than right ventricle
Heart valves = 4
Atrioventricular valves = tricuspid & bicuspid
Semilunar valves = aortic and pulmonary
Valve function
When AV valve open:
Ventricle contracts, pressure  cusps up,  close
Cusps project into ventricle
Ventricle relaxed  papillary muscle relaxed  chordae
tendineae slack
Blood:  pressure atria   pressure ventricle
Papillary muscles contract  chordae tendineae tighten
SL valves open when pressure in ventricles
exceeds pressure in arteries
As ventricles relax blood moves back toward heart  SL
valves close
Auricles – on anterior surface of atria
Increases capacity of each atrium so each can
hold a greater volume of blood
Coronary sulcus – separation between
atria and ventricles
 Systole – contraction
 Diastole – relaxation
 Tachycardia – high heart rate, > 100bpm
 Bradycardia – low heart rate, 50 bpm
Pulmonary and systemic circuits
Coronary circulation (1)
Coronary circulation (2)
Coronary – “crown,” encircles heart
 contracts, little blood flows  coronary
artery but as  relaxes, aorta pushes blood
thru coronary arteries
Anastomoses – area where 2 or more
arteries supply the same region
Provide alternate routes for blood to reach a
particular organ or tissue
Myocardium contains
Provides detours if main route is obstructed
Myocardial ischemia – partial obstruction of blood
flow in coronary arteries
 blood flow to myocardium
hypoxia may weaken cells w/out killing them
Silent = episodes without pain, dangerous in that no
forewarning to  attack
Angina pectoris – “strangled chest”
Severe pain usually accompanies myocardial ischemia
Tightness or squeezing sensation
Can occur during exertion when  requires more O2
Pain referred to neck, chin, left arm
Myocardial infarction (MI)
Heart attack
Complete obstruction of blood flow to coronary
Infarction = death of tissue area due to
interrupted blood supply
Tissue distal to obstruction dies, replaced by noncontractile scar tissue  loses strength
May also disrupt conduction system and cause sudden
death – ventricular fibrillation – rapid uncoordinated
twitching that disrupts regular rhythm
treatment: injection of clot dissolver, plus
heparin, coronary angioplasty or coronary artery
Properties of cardiac muscle cells
Shorter than skeletal
 Branching
 Central nucleus, sometimes binucleate
 Intercalated discs- thickenings of
sarcolemma, contain:
Desmosomes- hold fibers together
Gap junctions- for AP conduction
Mitochondria large & numerous
 Like skeletal- arrangement of proteins
SR smaller  less intracellular Ca2+
T-tubules wider but less abundant
Functional syncytium
stimulation of individual muscle cell results
in contraction of all muscle cells due to
gap junctions in intercalated discs
 an application of the all-or-none principle
If stimulus in cardiac muscle is great enough
to initiate contraction of a single cell, the
entire muscular syncytium will undergo
Contraction physiology
1% of cardiac fibers become autorhythmic
during embryonic development
Pacemaker function- set rhythm of electrical
Conduction system- network of specialized
fibers provide path for excitation to progress
thru heart
Ensuring coordinated contraction of chambers
 Both atria contract at same time
 Both ventricles contract at same time
Cardiac AP goes thru following sequence…
Contraction physiology (2)
Pathway of stimulation
1. Sinoatrial (SA) node- cells do not have a
stable resting membrane potential
depolarized spontaneously = pacemaker potential
2. Atrioventricular (AV) node
3. Bundle of His
4. Bundle branches
5. Purkinje fibers
6. Ventricular cells- contraction pushes blood
up to SL valves
Cardiac Action Potentials, 20.11
Depolarization: Na+ gates open= fast channels
Rapid depolarization because they open fast
Plateau: opening of slow Ca2+ channels in the
More Ca2+ outside cell   cytosol also causing Ca2+
to pour out of SR
 Ca2+  contraction
K+ channels opening but Ca2+ balances it  remains
depolarized for about 0.25 sec
(in skeletal muscle 0.001 sec, no plateau phase)
Repolarization: K+ outflow restores resting m.p.
Ca2+ channels also are closing
Cardiac Action Potentials (2)
Positive inotropic agents  contractility
(substances promote inflow of Ca2+ channels 
strength  contractions
NE and Epinephrine modify
strength of contraction
Do NOT establish a rhythm
 interstitial Ca2+
Negative inotropic agents  contractility
Ach released by Parasymp NS slows SA node pacing
from 100 to about 75 AP/minute
Also: anoxia, acidosis, some anesthetics,  K+, Ca2+
channel blockers
Long refractory pd- cardiac muscle
Refractory pd- time interval during which
second contraction cannot be triggered
 In cardiac- longer than contraction pd
Another contraction cannot happen until
relaxation is happening
Tetanus cannot occur
If tetanus occurred blood flow would cease
Irregular rhythm due to conduction defect
Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, other drugs, anxiety,
hyperthyroidism, K+ deficiency, & some heart disease
Heart block – AP slowed or blocked (3 types)
1st °= AP slow thru AV, 2nd °= some AP not thru AV node,
3rd ° = no AP thru AV node
Atrial flutter – rapid atrial contractions
Atrial fibrillation – asynchronous cont- atrial fibers
Ventricular fibrillation– async cont ventricular fibers*
Premature ventricular contraction – ectopic area of high
excitation  abnormal AP (before SA node intends)
Cardiac excitation and the ECG
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
P wave – atrial depolarization  atrial
contraction  ventricular filling
 QRS complex – ventricular depolarization
 ventricular contraction  SL valves
open  blood ejection
Rt ventriclepulmonary trunk pul arteries
Left ventricle  aorta  systemic circulation
T wave – ventricular repolarization
Heart sounds
A. Normal
First sound – lubb – closure of AV valves
Second sound – dupp – closure of SL valves
B. Abnormal sounds (murmurs)
1. stenosis – failure of valve to open
2. insufficiency – failure of valve to close
The Cardiac Cycle
Ventricular filling
 AV open, SL closed
 Isovolumetric contraction
 AV closed, SL closed
 Ventricular ejection
 AV closed, SL open
 Isovolumetric relaxation
 AV closed, SL closed
 Ventricular filling
Regulation of Cardiac Output
Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
CO = SV x HR
Stroke volume = ml/ beat
Heart rate = beats/ min
Cardiac output = L/ min
rest = 5.25 L/min (70 mL/beat x 75 bpm)
exercise = 19.5 L/min (130mL/beat x 150bpm)
Regulation of stroke volume
1. Effect of preload = Frank-Starling Law
of the Heart
> preload  > force of contraction
2. Effect of afterload
Pressure rqrd for ejection of blood
3. Effect of contractility-each individual
Positive inotropic agents- eg. norepinephrine
Negative inotropic agents - eg. propranolol
Regulation of Heart Rate
1. Normal rate = vagal tone
 2. Regulation
1. Autonomic Nervous system
2. Chemical
a. Hormones
b. Ions