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The Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Conduction
a. The _____________ _______, or SA node, is the “pace maker of the
i. It is located in the superior aspect of the _________
b. It fires electrical signals to the _____________________ ______, or
the AV node.
i. This sends an electrical signal to the ____________ __
________ and eventually to the _____________ ________
c. EKG, or ________________, measures the electrical activity of the
i. The ____ wave measures atrial depolarization
ii. The _________ complex measures the ventricular
iii. The ____ wave measures ventricular repolarization
The Cardiac Cycle
a. The term used to describe when the chambers of the heart are relaxing
is called _____________
b. The term used to describe when the chambers of the heart are
contracting is called ______________
i. Blood pressure is measured using the _____________
ii. It is stated as _____________/__________
1. A generalized value to healthy blood pressure is
________/_______ mmHg
c. Generally speaking, as the atria are in _____________, the ventricles
are in ________________
1. A typical cardiac output is about ____________ mL per
minute, or the entire amount of blood in the body.