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Simulating Initiation and
Termination of Reentry in
Cardiac Tissue
Ena Xiao
Mentor: David M. Chan
• To understand the dynamic of a ring of excitable media
that can be a cause of cardiac arrhythmia.
• Arrhythmias - abnormal heart rhythms
– Bradycardia - less than 60 beats per min.
– Tachycardia - pace of the heart is faster
than the regulatory signal from the sinus
node (over 100 beats per min).
• Rapid heart beating in the ventricles can be
life-threatening. (ex. Ventricular fibrillation heart can’t pump any blood)
Currently, over 2.2 million Americans are living with atrial
fibrillation. (Estimated by American Heart Association)
Heart Diagram
• Reentry: unidirectional recirculation of AP.
• UDC: unidirectional circulation
• Diastolic Interval (DI): recovering time
between AP.
• Conduction Time (CT): the time required for
an AP wave front to travel a specified
• Action Potential Duration (APD): defined
with respect to a threshold voltage.
• T1 / T2 / T3 / T4: Threshold
Ring-like Cardiac Tissue
• A schematic
of a ring of
cardiac tissue.
Adjacent cells’ Voltage
Restitution Curve
(a) APD Restitution Curve
(B) CT Restitution Curve
In order to initiate and maintain reentry, the
following thresholds must be satisfied.
– Each cell requires a minimum DI for recovery of
– The reentrant action potential must propagate around the
ring slow enough for cell one to recover excitability
– The reentrant action potential must propagate around the
ring fast enough to excite cell one before the SA node
What I have done.
• Generating data from the model with
different parameters, and looking at
• Studying different conditions that may
cause lethal arrhythmia.
UDC vs. Reentry
Thank You!
Dr. David Chan, Mentor
Dr. Allison Johnson, Coordinator of HHMI Summer Scholar Program
Hailan Liu