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Identifying parts of
Eight Parts of Speech
The Noun: A word that names
• A Person
• A Place
• A Thing
• An Idea
• Singular Possessive noun
• Plural Possessive noun
Pick out the nouns:
• Mother is the sweetest name in any
• Great women have been honored
throughout the centuries: Gaia,
Maria, Helena, and Elizabeth.
• Love is a concept that is difficult to
describe, Lorenzo said.
A word
used in
place of
one or
I, me, mine
you, your, yours
she, her, hers,
it, its
we,us, our, ours
they, them, their,
Indefinite Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
The Adjective
Modifies or describes a
noun or pronoun.
Answers these questions:
What kind?
How many?
Did you lose your address
book? Which book?
Is that a wool sweater?
What kind?
Just give me five minutes.
How many?.
The Adverb
Modifies or describes a
verb, an adjective, or
another adverb
He ran quickly.
She left yesterday.
We went there.
To what degree or how much?
It was too hot!
Interrogative Adverbs
How did you break
your leg?
How often do you run?
Where did you put the
mouse trap?
The preposition introduces
a noun or pronoun or a
phrase or clause
functioning in a sentence
as a noun.
The word or word group that the
preposition introduces is its object.
Maria received a
postcard from Bobby
who went to Paris on a
The preposition
never stands alone!
object of
You can press the leaves under glass.
A preposition can have more than
one object
Her telegram to Nina and Ralph brought good news.
An object can have modifiers
It happened during the last examination.
Some Common Prepositions
The conjunction
is a word that joins words or
groups of words
The interjection
is an exclamatory word that expresses
Goodness! What a cute baby!
Wow! Look at that sunset!
• The good will receive their
rewards in heaven.
• He is good boy.
• He is as good as you are.
• Fruits will be good if stored
• He has returned home for
• Good! I’ll be there at eight!
• Books are made of ink, paper,
and glue.
• Deborah waits patiently while
Bridget books the tickets.
We walked down the street in a line.
The mail carrier stood on the walk.
The town decided to build a new jail.
The sheriff told us that if we did not
leave town immediately he would jail
• They heard high pitched cries in the
middle of the night.
• The baby cries all night long.
• prepositional phrase: on the table
• infinitive phrase: to go back to
• gerundial phrase: selling vegetables
• participial phrase: stealing the
• Independent clause – can
stand by itself
• Dependent clause – cannot
stand by itself; needs an
independent clause to be
Noun or
Adjective or
Adverb or
• Subject: who or what we are
speaking about
• Predicate: what is said about the
• Object/complement: who or
what receives the action
• Ex.: She returned the book
• Subject --- Verb sentence:
– Mely baked.
• Subject --- Verb --- Object sentence:
– Mely baked cakes.
• Subject --- Verb --- i. o. --- Object
– Mely baked everyone a cake.
• Subject --- Verb --- Object --Complement sentence:
– Everyone considers Mely a friend.
Physics is a difficult subject.
Geometry is a difficult subject.
Physics and geometry are difficult
Physics is difficult; geometry is
even more difficult.
• AND: to add together two or more sentence
• OR: to express alternative ideas that are
mutually exclusive, that is, one or the other
can be true
• BUT: to express a contrary idea
• YET: to express a contrary or contradictory
• SO: to express the result of the preceding idea
• FOR: to express the reason for the preceding
1. Rey did not finish high school but he
now owns a big business.
2. Joey arrived home so late; Tina, his
wife, was upset.
3. Maria sings and Tony plays the piano.
4. Although it rained hard, we still met
and had great fun.
5. I can’t leave the house because my
mother needs me.
My friend and my brother will accompany me
to the party.
Because Linda looked sick, her mother made
her stay at home and rest.
The book launching was a serious and
happy affair.
I will probably go to the movie or stay at
Letty accepted her fate and left everything to
the Lord because she is full of faith in Him.
The Manobo first man and woman were
magnificent. Davao was their first son. He
was good, strong, and handsome.
Dayhonagyon was their daughter. She was
beautiful and fair.
Matangnon was their second son. He was
handsome and strong, like Davao.
Makay was their third son. He was
handsome, but he became bad.
These four children were the ancestors of
the Manobos.
A word that expresses
action or otherwise
helps to make a
Who Moved
My Cheese?
Every sentence must have
Kinds of Verbs
Action verbs
express mental
or physical
They rode their horses to
Linking verbs make a statement by
connecting the subject with a word
that describes or explains it.
He has been sick.
• A verb indicates the time of an
action, event or condition by
changing its form. Through the
use of a sequence of tenses in a
sentence or in a paragraph, it is
possible to indicate the complex
temporal relationship of actions,
events, and conditions
Verb Tense: Time
The four past tenses are
–the simple past ("I went")
–the past progressive ("I was going")
–the past perfect ("I had gone")
–the past perfect progressive ("I had
been going")
Present tenses
• The simple present ("I go")
• The present progressive ("I am
• The present perfect ("I have gone")
• The present perfect progressive ("I
have been going")
• Note that the present perfect and
present perfect progressive are
present (not past) tenses -- that
idea is that the speaker is
currently in the state of having
gone or having been going.
Future tenses
• the simple future ("I will go")
• the future progressive ("I will be
• the future perfect ("I will have
• the future perfect progressive ("I
will have been going")
Verb Tense: Aspect
• Verb tenses may also be
categorized according to aspect.
Aspect refers to the nature of the
action described by the verb. The
three aspects:
–indefinite (or simple)
–complete (or perfect)
–continuing (or progressive)
Indefinite tenses or
Simple tenses
• Describe an action but do not state
whether the action is finished:
–the simple past ("I went")
–the simple present ("I go")
–the simple future ("I will go")
• A verb in the indefinite aspect is
used when the beginning or
ending of an action, an event, or
condition is unknown or
unimportant to the meaning of the
sentence. The indefinite aspect is
also used to used to indicate an
habitual or repeated action, event,
or condition.
Perfect tenses or
Complete tenses
• Describe a finished action:
–the past perfect ("I had gone")
–the present perfect ("I have gone")
–the future perfect ("I will have
• A verb in the complete aspect
indicates that the end of the
action, event, or condition is
known and the is used to
emphasise the fact that the action
is complete. The action may,
however, be completed in the
present, in the past or in the
Incomplete or progressive
• Describe an unfinished action
–the past progressive ("I was going")
–the present progressive ("I am
–the future progressive ("I will be
• A verb in the continuing aspect
indicates that the action, event, or
condition is ongoing in the
present, the past or the future.
• It is also possible to combine the
complete tenses and the
incomplete tenses, to describe an
action which was in progress and
then finished
• the past perfect progressive
("I had been going")
• the present perfect progressive
("I have been going")
• the future perfect progressive
("I will have been going")
The Simple Present Tense
The simple present is used to describe
an action, an event, or condition that is
occurring in the present, at the moment
of speaking or writing. The simple
present is used when the precise
beginning or ending of a present action,
event, or condition is unknown or is
unimportant to the meaning of the
• Deborah waits patiently while Bridget books
the tickets.
• The shelf holds three books and a vase of
• The crowd moves across the field in an
attempt to see the rock star get into her
• The Stephens sisters are both very talented;
Virginia writes and Vanessa paints.
• Ross annoys Walter by turning pages too
The simple present is used to
express general truths such as
scientific fact or accepted events.
• Rectangles have four sides.
• Philippine Independence Day takes
place on June 12 each year.
• The moon circles the earth once every
28 days.
• Calcium is important to the formation
of strong bones.
The simple present is used to indicate
a habitual action, event, or condition
• Lea goes to church every Sunday.
• My grandmother sends me food once a
• In fairy tales, things happen in threes.
• We never finish jigsaw puzzles because
the cat always eats some of the pieces.
• Jessie polishes the silver once a month.
The simple present is used when writing
about works of art, films, novels, poems.
• Rizal is the protagonist of the novel Noli
Me Tangere.
• One of Picasso’s best known paintings is
the Peace Dove.
• Lt. Jamal kills everyone in Muslim
Magnum .357.
• Shakespeare’s sonnets are inspiring
• The film Mistah ends with an epilogue
spoken by Robin Padilla.
The simple present can also be used to
refer to a future event when used in
conjunction with an adverb or adverbial
phrase, as in the following sentences:
The doors open in 10 minutes.
The premier arrives on Tuesday.
Classes end next week.
The publisher distributes the galley proofs
next Wednesday.
• The lunar eclipses begins in exactly 43
While the simple present and
the present progressive are
sometimes used
interchangeably, the present
progressive emphasizes the
continuing nature of an act,
event, or condition.
• Nora is looking for the first paperback
editions of all of Raymond Chandler's books.
• Deirdre is dusting all the shelves on the
second floor of the shop.
• The union members are pacing up and down
in front of the factory.
• DZFE is broadcasting the hits of the 70s this
• The presses are printing the first edition of
tomorrow's paper.
The present progressive is occasionally
used to refer to a future event when used
in conjunction with an adverb or adverbial
The doors are opening in 10 minutes.
The premier is arriving on Tuesday.
Classes are ending next week.
The publisher is distributing the galley
proofs next Wednesday.
• The present perfect tense is used to
describe action that began in the past
and continues into the present or has
just been completed at the moment of
utterance. The present perfect is
often used to suggest that a past
action still has an effect upon
something happening in the present.
• They have not delivered the documents we
– This sentence suggests that the documents
were not delivered in the past and that they are
still undelivered.
• The health department has decided that all
high school students should be immunized
against meningitis.
– The use of the present perfect in this sentence
suggests that the decision made in the past is
still of importance in the present.
• The government has cut university budgets;
consequently, the dean has increased the
size of most classes.
– Here both actions took place sometime in the
past and continue to influence the present.
• The heat wave has lasted three weeks.
– The present perfect here indicates that a
condition (the heat wave) began in past and
continues to affect the present.
• Donna has dreamt about frogs sitting in trees
every night this week.
– Here the action of dreaming has begun in the
past and continues into the present.
• Like the present perfect, the
present perfect progressive is
used to describe an action, event,
or condition that has begun in the
past and continues into the
present. The present perfect
progressive, however, is used to
stress the on-going nature of that
action, condition, or event.
• That dog has been barking for three
hours; I wonder if someone will call the
• I have been relying on my Christmas
bonus to pay for the gifts I will buy for
my large family.
• They have been publishing this comic
book for ten years.
• We have been watching the students
dancing in the gym all afternoon.
The Simple Past Tense
• The simple past is used to describe an
action, an event, or condition that occurred
in the past, sometime before the moment
of speaking or writing.
• The simple past tense describes an action
that took place at some point in past.
• A flea jumped from the dog to the cat.
• Phoebe gripped the hammer tightly and
nailed the boards together.
• The gem-stones sparkled in a velvet
lined display case.
• Ferdinand Magellan probably died in
• The storyteller began every story by
saying "A long time ago when the earth
was green."
The Past Progressive Tense
• The past progressive tense is used to
described actions ongoing in the past. These
actions often take place within a specific time
frame. While actions referred to in the present
progressive have some connection to the
present, actions referred in the past progressive
have no immediate or obvious connection to the
present. The on-going actions took place and
were completed at some point well before the
time of speaking or writing.
• The cat was walking along the tree branch.
– This sentence describes an action that took
place over a period of continuous time in the
past. The cat's actions have no immediate
relationship to anything occurring now in the
• Lena was telling a story about the exploits of
a red cow when a tree branch broke the
parlor window.
– Here the action "was telling" took place in the
past and continued for some time in the past.
• When the recess bell rang, Jesse was writing
a long division problem on the blackboard.
– This sentence describes actions ("ran" and "was
writing") that took place sometime in the past,
and emphasises the continuing nature of one of
the actions ("was writing").
• The archivists were eagerly waiting for the
delivery of the former prime minister's private
– Here the ongoing action of "waiting" occurred at
some time unconnected to the present.
The Past Perfect Tense
• The past perfect tense is used to refer to
actions that took place and were
completed in the past. The past perfect is
often used to emphasis that one action,
event or condition ended before another
past action, event, or condition began.
• Miriam arrived at 5:00 p.m. but Mr. Whitaker
had closed the store.
– All the events in this sentence took place in the
past, but the act of closing the store takes place
before Miriam arrives at the store.
• After we located the restaurant that Christian
had raved about, we ate dinner there every
– Here the praise ("had raved") precedes the
finding ("located") of the restaurant. Both actions
took place sometime before the moment of
speaking or writing.
• The heat wave had lasted three weeks.
– While the sentence suggests that a condition began
in the past and continues into the present, this
sentence describes an action that began and ended
sometime in the past ("had lasted"). By using the
past perfect the writer indicates that the heat wave
has no connection to any events occurring in the
• After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more
– Here the learning took place and was completed at
a specific time in the past. By using the past perfect
rather than the simple past ("learned"), the writer
emphasises that the learning preceded the feeling
of independence.
The Past Perfect Progressive
• The past perfect progressive is
used to indicate that a continuing
action in the past began before
another past action began or
interrupted the first action
• The toddlers had been running around the
school yard for ten minutes before the
teachers shooed them back inside.
– Here the action of the toddlers ("had been
running") is ongoing in the past and precedes
the actions of the teachers ("shooed") which
also takes place in the past.
• We had been talking about repainting the
front room for three years and last night we
finally bought the paint.
– In this example, the ongoing action of "talking"
precedes another past action ("bought").
• Madeleine had been reading mystery novels
for several years before she discovered the
works of Agatha Christie.
– In this sentence the act of discovery
("discovered") occurred in the past but after the
ongoing and repeated action of reading ("had
been reading").
The Simple Future Tense
• They will meet us at the newest café
at the Fort.
• Will you walk the dog tonight?
• At the feast, we will eat heartily.
• Bobbie will call you tomorrow with
details about the agenda.
• The neighbors say that they will not
move their chicken coop.
The Future Progressive Tense
• The future progressive tense is
used to describe actions ongoing
in the future. The future
progressive is used to refer to
continuing action that will occur in
the future.
• The glee club will be performing at the
celebration of the school’s centenary.
• Ian will be working on the computer system
for the next two weeks.
• The selection committee will be meeting
every Wednesday morning.
• We will be writing an exam every afternoon
next week.
• They will be ringing the bells for St. Benedict
next month.
The Future Perfect Tense
• The future perfect is used to refer to an
action that will be completed sometime in
the future before another action takes
• The surgeon will have operated on 6 patients
before she attends a luncheon meeting.
– In this sentence, the act of operating ("will have
operated") takes place in the future sometime
before the act of attending ("attends").
• The plumber and his assistant will have
soldered all the new joins in pipes before
they leave for the next job.
– Here, the plumbers' act of soldering ("will have
soldered") will precede the act of leaving
• By the time you get back from the
corner store, we will have finished
writing the thank you letters.
– In this sentence, the act of returning from
the store ("get back") takes place after the
act of writing ("will have written").
• They will have written their first exam
by the time we get out of bed.
– Here, the act of getting out of bed occurs
sometime after the writing of the exam.
• If this year is like last year, I will have
finished my holiday shopping long
before my brother starts his.
– In this example, the act of finishing ("will
have finished") occurs well before the
act of starting ("starts").
The Future Perfect Progressive
• The future perfect progressive
tense is used to indicate a continuing
action that will be completed at some
specified time in the future. This tense
is rarely used.
• I will have been studying Greek for three
years by the end of this term.
– In this sentence, the future perfect progressive
is used to indicate the ongoing nature of the
future act of the studying. The act of studying
("will have been studying") will occur before the
upcoming end of term.
• When he returns, the wine will have been
fermenting for three months.
– Here the ongoing action of fermentation will
precede ("will have been fermenting") the act of
• Question:
– Beryl had wringed all of water out of the
clothes before she hung them on the line.
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "had wrung."
• Question:
– Last night the wind shooked the house so
much that I could not sleep.
• Answer:
– The answer This verb is not correctly formed.
is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "shook."
• Question:
– Once he had written a letter or two, he went
upstairs and listened to his short-wave radio.
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is correctly
formed. is correct.
• Question:
– The planes have flew over this neighborhood
for twenty years.
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "have flown."
• Question:
– The man who had been caught stealing bread
was hanged at noon.
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is correctly
formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "was hanged." The verb
"hang" has different forms depending on the
subject of the verb. If an inanimate object is the
subject of the verb, the past participle is
"hung". If a person is the subject of the verb,
the past participle is "hanged."
• Question:
– I betted my entire salary on a nag named
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "bet."
• Question:
– After Eve defied Adam, God cast her out of
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is correctly
formed. is correct.
• Question:
– The bells of the tower have rang for three
hours in honor of the passing a generous
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "have rung." Remember to
distinguish between the past part ("rang") and
the past participle ("rung").
• Question:
– The walls of the trenches that had been
digged yesterday collapsed in the torrential
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "had been dug."
• Question:
– Marilla has forbade us to play in the hayloft
while she is away.
• Answer:
– The answer This compound verb is not
correctly formed. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The correct form is "has forbidden."
Remember to distinguish between the past
part ("forbade") and the past participle
• Question:
– Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not
the monster.
• Answer:
– The answer Yes, this is a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– The verb "be" is usually used as a linking
verb. The noun phrase "the name of the
scientist not the monster" is a subject
complement that identifies the proper noun
• Question:
– The oenophile tasted several types of
• Answer:
– The answer No, this is not a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– The verb "tasted" is accompanied by a noun
phrase ("several types of Beaujolais") that
acts as a direct object.
• Question:
– Francine's uncle grows prize winning dahlias.
• Answer:
– The answer No, this is not a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– Here the verb "grows" is used as a transitive
verb and takes the noun phrase "prize winning
dahlias" as a direct object
• Question:
– The cheesecake tastes delicious.
• Answer:
– The answer Yes, this is a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– In this sentence, the verb "tastes" is used as a
linking verb. The adjective "delicious" is a
subject complement that identifies the subject
of the sentence, "the cheesecake."
• Question:
– After smoking three cigars, Flannery turned
• Answer:
– The answer Yes, this is a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– Here the verb "turned" is used as a linking
verb and the adjective "green" is a subject
complement that defines the subject
• Question:
– The cat fastidiously smelled the dish of
food placed before it.
• Answer:
– The answer No, this is not a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– In this sentence, the verb "smelled" is
used as a transitive verb and takes the
noun phrase "the dish of food" as a direct
• Question:
– The flowers always grow quickly during a
sunny summer.
• Answer:
– The answer No, this is not a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– Here the verb "grow" is used as an intransitive
verb and is accompanied by the phrase
"quickly during a sunny summer," which acts
as an adverb.
• Question:
– The stew that Gordon made smells too spicy to
• Answer:
– The answer Yes, this is a linking verb is correct.
• Explanation:
– In this sentence, the verb "smells" is used as a
linking verb and the phrase "too spicy" is a
subject complement that identifies the nature of
the stew. The dependent clause "that Gordon
made" functions as an adjective defining the
nature of the stew.
• Question:
– Walter was annoyed because Ross turned
pages too quickly.
• Answer:
– The answer No, this is not a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– Here the verb "turned" is used as a transitive
verb and takes the direct object "pages."
• Question:
– David Garrick was a very prominent
eighteenth-century actor.
• Answer:
– The answer Yes, this is a linking verb is
• Explanation:
– The verb "be" is usually used as a linking
verb. The noun phrase "a very prominent
eighteenth-century actor" is a subject
complement that identifies the proper noun
"David Garrick."
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
• Depending on the type of object they take,
verbs may be transitive, intransitive, or
• The meaning of a transitive verb is
incomplete without a direct object
• An intransitive verb cannot take a direct
The Indicative Mood
• The indicative mood is the most common
and is used to express facts and opinions
or to make inquiries. Most of the
statements you make or you read will be in
the indicative mood.
• Joe picks up the boxes.
• The german shepherd fetches the stick.
• Charles closes the window.
The Imperative Mood
• The imperative mood is also common
and is used to give orders or to make
requests. The imperative is identical in
form to the second person indicative.
• Pick up those boxes.
• Fetch.
• Close the window.
The Subjunctive Mood
• The subjunctive mood has almost
disappeared from the language and is thus
more difficult to use correctly than either
the indicative mood or the imperative
mood. The subjunctive mood rarely
appears in everyday conversation or
writing and is used in a set of specific
• It is urgent that Harraway attend Monday's
• The Member of Parliament demanded that
the Minister explain the effects of the bill on
the environment.
• The sergeant ordered that Calvin scrub the
walls of the mess hall.
• We suggest that Mr. Beatty move the car out
of the no parking zone.
• The committee recommended that the bill be
passed immediately.
• If Canada were a tropical country, we would
be able to grow pineapples in our backyards.
• If he were more generous, he would not have
chased the canvassers away from his door.
• I wish that this book were still in print.
• If the congress representatives were
interested in stopping corruption, they would
urge each other to be more transparent in their
dealings with suppliers.
• Question:
– If an elephant was to fly in this window, I'd eat
your toque.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct
mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– Since the sentence deals with an unreal
condition (flying elephants) the subjunctive
"were" should be used.
• Question:
– The chef insists that the wholesaler deliver
fresh salad greens every morning.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is in the correct mood.
is correct.
• Explanation:
– The subjunctive is appropriate here since it
follows a verb of demanding ("insists").
• Question:
– It is crucial that Wendell arrives on time.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct
mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The subjunctive form "arrive" should be used
here since it follows an expression of
necessity ("it is crucial").
• Question:
– If this apartment was any smaller, we
would suffocate.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct
mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– Since the clause expresses an unreal
condition, the subjunctive mood ("were")
should be used.
• Question:
– The committee recommends that all three
buildings are condemned.
• Answer:
– The answer The compound verb is not in
the correct mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The compound verb should be in the
subjunctive ("be condemned") since it
follows a verb of demanding.
• Question:
– If Mae West was alive, she might enjoy
Madonna's performances.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct
mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– Since the sentence expresses an unreal
condition (Mae West is dead), the subjunctive
("were") should be used.
• Question:
– Ms Watson requires that her baby sitter
provides receipts.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct
mood. is correct.
• Explanation:
– The subjunctive ("provide") should be used
following the verb of demanding ("requires").
• Question:
– If instantaneously reducing a room was an
Olympic sport, Lynn would win the gold medal.
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is not in the correct mood.
is correct.
• Explanation:
– The subjunctive ("were") should be used here
instead of "was," because the clause describes
an unreal condition. Messiness is not an
Olympic sport.
• Question:
– Bunbury wished that Oscar Wilde were still alive
to write a sequel to The Importance of Being
• Answer:
– The answer The verb is in the correct mood. is
• Explanation:
– The subjunctive ("were") is the correct mood, for
the clause expresses a wish that cannot come
true since Wilde is dead.
• Question:
– His terror of spiders kept him out of the dark
• Answer:
– "Terror" is the simple subject because it
answers the question "what?" before the verb
"kept." "Of spiders" and "his" are simply
modifying the simple subject "terror."
• Question:
– There will be three concerts in the arts centre
• Answer:
– "Concerts" is the simple subject because it
answers the question "what?" before the verb
"will be." Remember that "there" is merely
signaling that the true subject will follow.
• Question:
– Would you willingly exchange half your
intelligence for one million dollars?
• Answer:
– "You" is the simple subject because it
answers the question "who?" before the verb
"would exchange."
• Question:
– Despite the storm's destructiveness, the ship,
with its crew of amateurs, might have survived
in more experienced hands.
• Answer:
– "Ship" is the simple subject because it
answers the question "what?" before the verb
"might have survived." "With its crew of
amateurs" is modifying the simple subject
• Question:
– After the movie, Emma and her brother
bought a birthday present for their mother.
• Answer:
– "Emma, brother" is the simple subject
because it answers the question "who?"
before the verb "bought." This sentence has a
compound subject.
• a word formed from a verb but functions
as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. It
maintains some of the characteristics of a
verb such as tense and voice. Three
• Infinitive: functions as noun, adjective, or
adverb. Ex.: To stay in the hospital seemed
• Gerund: also called a verbal noun, functions
as a noun and ends in –ing. Ex.:
– Walking is a good exercise.
– Please continue eating.
• Participle: functions as an adjective. It
modifies a noun or a pronoun. Ex.:
– Lou, asking permission as she left, hurried
Avoid splitting infinitives
She hopes to soon change my
She hopes soon to change my
She hopes to change my views
Avoid dangling participles
 Walking down the street, the
accident occurred.
Walking down the street, the boy
saw the accident occur.
• I ate the boiled corn.
• Ryan sharpened the pencil.
• Severino Reyes wrote Walang
• The boiled corn was eaten by me.
• The pencil was sharpened by
• Walang Sugat was written by
Severino Reyes.