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Nomen___________________________________________Manus______Dies________ Unit III: Latin and the Romans Lesson XV: “Colōnī Rōmānī” p. 109 Vocabulary animus, (gen)__________________________, m. ____________________________________ colōnus, (gen)__________________________, m. ___________________________________ habitō, (II)______________, (III)____________, (IV)______________, to ________________ migrō, (II)______________, (III)____________, (IV)______________, to ________________ sum, (II)______________, (III)____________, (IV)______________, to __________________ in [+_______], _________________________________________________________________ Grammar The verb SUM – Present Tense Singular Plural 1st person I am: We are: 2nd person you are: Y’all are: 3rd person he/she/it is: They are: Now analyze: This verb has TWO DIFFERENT STEMS. What are its stems? o ______________ o ______________ Are the personal endings added to these stems any different from the present tense endings on regular verbs?______________________ Sum is a linking verb, therefore it cannot have a ______________ _________________. Instead, a noun after this verb will be nominative case, and is a Predicate Noun or Complement. Do not use a form of sum with another verb to say “I am verbing”! Just use present tense, so: LABORO, not SUM LABORO, means I AM WORKING.