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Late Middle Ages
1000 – 1500 CE
World History I
Heritage High School
Mr. Swartz
Essential Questions:
• What events helped nation-states develop in
England, France, Spain, and Russia?
• What were key events and effects of the
• How did the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) alter
Europe economically and socially?
Essential Question:
What were the key
events and effects
of the Crusades?
The Crusades
• The Crusades were carried out by political and
religious leaders of Europe to take control of the
Holy Land from the Muslims
• The Byzantine emperor asked the pope to assist in
defending themselves against the Islamic Empire.
The Muslim Turks (aka the Ottoman Turks)
were trying to conquer Constantinople and
large parts of the Byzantine Empire.
Pope Urban II
Pope Urban II responded by calling for a “holy war”
or crusade to push back the Muslims and “reclaim”
the Holy Land
The Holy Land was parts of Middle East including
Israel, Syria, and particularly the city of Jerusalem
In his speech calling for the crusade, he said that
those who fought and died in the Crusades that all of
their sins would be forgiven and they would be
guaranteed a spot in heaven
thousands of people responded to the call
The Crusaders
There were also economic, societal, and religious
motives for the Crusades:
Kings and the Church: a way to get rid of knights
who needed a purpose so they would stop fighting
each other and threatening the peace in the
Younger Sons: a way to gain prestige, status, and
maybe even some wealth in society since in
medieval times since the oldest son inherited
Knights and Commoners - they were fired up by
their religious zeal (passion)
Video Clip
The Dark Ages Part 10 - The Crusades
The First and Second Crusades
• Began in 1096
• No strategy and mostly
unprepared troops
• Successful in retaking Jerusalem on July
15, 1099
• Most of the warriors went home
• Left city vulnerable to recapture which
happened in the Second Crusade (1147)
– 1187: Jerusalem falls to Muslims
under Saladin
The Third Crusade
• Began in 1189
• Produced two highly respected military leaders
–Saladin (1138 – 1193)
–Richard the Lionheart (1157 – 1199)
from England
• After series of battles, the two agreed to a
– Jerusalem remained in Muslim control
– Christian pilgrims would have safe passage
The Fourth Crusade
Began in 1204
Greedy Christian warriors
entered Constantinople
Looted the city
Set fire to most of the city
Another cause of the Great
Schism between the Roman
Catholic Church and the
Orthodox Church
The Other Crusades
There were about nine crusades between
1096 and 1272
The later ones were not blessed by the pope
Most of the Crusades ended in Muslim victory
especially the later ones
Children’s Crusade - 1212
stories about groups of children or the
“wandering poor” that wanted to go to
many died along the way or were sold into
Effects of the Crusades
• Weakened the Pope and nobles
–Strengthened monarchs
• Left a legacy of bitterness among Christians, Jews, and
• Weakened the Byzantine Empire
• Increased demand for Middle Eastern products
• Stimulated production of goods to trade in Middle Eastern
• Encouraged use of credit and banking
• Brought Greco-Roman studies and Muslim innovations
back to Europe which helped revive learning and creativity
The Crusades
Review Question:
Name 2 effects of the
The Emergence of Nation-States
• A nation-state is a large group of people who
– Are ruled by one central government
– Share a common
– Feel a sense of loyalty to the group
• The rise of nation-states is one of the most important developments
in Europe in the late Middle Ages
• Result of European monarchs consolidating (or merging) power
• Marked end of feudalism and the decline of the political power of
the Church
Nation-States (con’t.)
• Before the rise of nation-states, most people more
concerned with local rulers than who was king
– Might not have even shared same language as the king
• People went to war for local lords
• Thought of themselves as Christians, united by the
Christian Church
• By the year 1430, this attitude had completely changed
• Key Events:
William the Conqueror
• William – Duke of Normandy
• 1066 – crossed English Channel to add the rich
Anglo-Saxon lands to his personal property
• October 14, 1066 – fought the Saxons under
Harold Godwinson and won after Harold was
• United most of England and most of presentday France under his control
Video Clip
William the Conqueror - Justin Timberlake’s
Development of Common Law
• Under King Henry II (ruled 1154 – 1189), helped elevate the importance of common
– Strengthened royal courts of justice by sending royal judges to every part of
England at least once a year
• Collected taxes, settled lawsuits, punished crimes
– Introduced use of a jury in the courts
– Over time, the rulings by the royal judges formed a unified body of law
• Became basis for law in England and the United States
In the US, this led to “judicial power” or the power of the bench to
legislate as laid out in Article III of the Constitution
Magna Carta
• King John was a bad king who was mean to his
subjects and tried to squeeze money out of them to
finance his wars
• The nobles forced him to sign the Magna Carta on
June 15, 1215
– Main goal – limit the king’s power and protect rights
• The Magna Carta guaranteed certain basic political
– No taxation without representation
– Right to a jury trial
– Right to protection of the law
• In 1295, King Edward I needed funds for war
against the French
• Summoned two citizens of wealth and two
knights from every part of England to serve as a
parliament, or legislative body
• Brought together by the kings whenever a new
tax or funds were needed
• Eventually became more and more powerful
• Developed into two assemblies
– House of Commons
– House of Lords
Hundred Years’ War
(1337 – 1453)
• Fought between England
and France
• Started over claim to
French throne
• Important battles:
– Battle of Crecy (Aug.26,
1346): English archers
defeated French knights
– Battle of Poitiers (1356):
English victory
– Battle of Agincourt (1415):
English victory
– These battles end the
usefulness of knights
Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431)
• Convinced God sent her to rescue France
• Led French victory at Battle of Orleans
• Helped make Charles VII king of France
• Captured in 1430 and turned over to the
• Condemned as a witch and a heretic
• Burned at the stake on May 30, 1431
Impact of the Hundred
Years’ War
• Ends with French driving out the English
• Weakened the economies of both countries
• Gave birth to nationalism
–People now thought of kings as a national
–Now fought for the glory of the country, not a
local feudal ruler
• Strengthened the English Parliament
• Strengthened the French monarchy
• Hugh Capet – king of France
–Established French throne in Paris
–His dynasty gradually expanded their control
over most of France
• Hundred Years’ War helped define France as
• Joan of Arc was a unifying factor
• In 710, the Moors had conquered Spain
• King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella married and ruled
jointly under a Christian monarchy
• Reconquista – removed Muslims and Jews from Spain
The Spanish Inquisition: program to make sure
Jews that stayed had converted to Christianity
those who were caught practicing Jewish
traditions were burned at the stake
• Phillip II – expanded the Spanish Empire into the
Western Hemisphere
Video Clip
History of the World Part I - The Spanish
• Mongols conquered Russia in the early 1200s
– Gave local control to princes who paid tribute
• Ivan the Great refused to pay the tribute
– Threw off the rule of the Mongols
– Centralized power in Moscow
– Expanded territory as more Russians came under control of
single Russian government
– Became the first czar (Russian for caesar)
• Power became centralized in the hands of the czar
• The Orthodox Church influenced unification of Russia
Review Question:
What was an event that
helped establish England and
France as nation-states?
Impact of the Black Death
• During the 14th Century – the Black Death (Bubonic
Plague) decimated the populations of Asia and Europe
• Spread by fleas on black rats
• Caused drastic decline in population
– Killed at least 1/3 of Europe’s population
• Led to scarcity of labor
– Freed towns from feudal obligations
• Disruption of trade
• Decline in power and influence of the Roman Catholic
End of the Middle Ages
• The Mongols invaded Russia, China, and Muslim
states in Southwest Asia
• Destroyed cities and countryside
• Created an empire (The Ottoman Empire)
• Revival of learning ushered in the Renaissance
• Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453
–Ended the Byzantine Empire
–Became the capital of the Ottoman Empire
• Renamed Istanbul